Originally Posted by stellar19
Barring finding someone who did something special to get data to work, is there an error log or a way to turn on logging for the data connection so we can see why its failing? The data is clearly trying to do something (blinking) but what, is unknown.
The new packages have working adb, which means you can get debugging info in windows. Make sure you have the phone connected to your computer via usb when you start haret (and make sure 'enable advanced network functionality' is turned off in settings -> connections -> usb to pc.
Download the
Android SDK download tool. you don't need any of the big files from it, just get the adb interface.
Then go into your android sdk -> tools folder from a cmd shell (assuming you're in windows), and type 'adb logcat -b radio'. That'll give you all sorts of log files for the radio. I'm not sure it'll actually tell you anything useful, but it's the first place to look.
Originally Posted by phatok
I was try a lot of Android's builds on my raph800 with Sprint 1.12.34F radio, but none of them can make of recieve call. SMS works, but phone everytime busy, and if I making call, call never ends(hangup on "calling" screen). If I try to start call in winmo first - having same problem. Rest of it works fine.
Can anybody help me?
PS I am from Ukraine, and in our country ponenumbers has following format 0XXX-XXXXXXX. Maybe problem in format?
Sorry for my English.
Could be a phone number issue. But I'd think then SMS would fail, too. I don't have much of an idea on this one. Occasionally my phone will end up in a state where it seems to be connected, but can't make or receive calls (haven't tried to see if SMS works, though). But that's usually after running for a while.