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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 12:04 PM
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Re: SPRINT Touch Pro 2 -Official price drop information

But we have another thread and another thread that are the same thing the op needs to merg them then at least this junk will all be in the same thread.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 12:12 PM
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Re: SPRINT Touch Pro 2 -Official price drop information

Originally Posted by SolApathy View Post

Websites finally state the obvious... Now to start calling in force to get our price drops!

...Though other sources state this will not happen for retail customers.


I'm guessing even after October 1st it will be hit & miss.

Personally I am contemplating returning both of mine in protest if they only offer the price drop for certain customers. I've been with them way too long (10 years) to be overlooked for a deal that should be available to everyone. Especially with VZ offering it at $199
This is ridiculous on so many levels! First of all the i4u article that you posted references BGR as its source who got their information from the other PPCGEEKS thread that mayonesa started... Not the most accurate of information.

Next, why would you complain about VZW selling it for $150 less when your going to pay more than that just for the service difference over the course of the year. Yay! Save $150 now and pay more in the long run! Good logic there. This in one reason Sprint doesn't take too many of the "Well I'll go to Verizon then" threats seriously... Because it would be pretty stupid to switch to a provider that is going to charge you so much more for service just to save $150 on a phone.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 12:18 PM
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Re: SPRINT Touch Pro 2 -Official price drop information

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
This is ridiculous on so many levels! First of all the i4u article that you posted references BGR as its source who got their information from the other PPCGEEKS thread that mayonesa started... Not the most accurate of information.

Next, why would you complain about VZW selling it for $150 less when your going to pay more than that just for the service difference over the course of the year. Yay! Save $150 now and pay more in the long run! Good logic there. This in one reason Sprint doesn't take too many of the "Well I'll go to Verizon then" threats seriously... Because it would be pretty stupid to switch to a provider that is going to charge you so much more for service just to save $150 on a phone.
....not sure about anyone else trying to get the credit but I want my damn cake and I want to eat it too.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 12:22 PM
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Re: SPRINT Touch Pro 2 -Official price drop information

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
This is ridiculous on so many levels! First of all the i4u article that you posted references BGR as its source who got their information from the other PPCGEEKS thread that mayonesa started... Not the most accurate of information.

Next, why would you complain about VZW selling it for $150 less when your going to pay more than that just for the service difference over the course of the year. Yay! Save $150 now and pay more in the long run! Good logic there. This in one reason Sprint doesn't take too many of the "Well I'll go to Verizon then" threats seriously... Because it would be pretty stupid to switch to a provider that is going to charge you so much more for service just to save $150 on a phone.
On the phone with Sprint...

$199 after mail-in rebate....
I never post on here... and I am not a liar... I hit *2 on my Touch Pro, talked to the lady about ordering the phone. She said that after the rebat and such, $199 would be the final cost out of my pocket. Money will probably come off of one of my bills... I don't really care. I paid $250.00 for the Pro back in October of last year. I still love it, and will try to get my wife to use it (she hates the touch screen though).

I am still on the phone, looks like they are forwarding me Referrals..
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 12:27 PM
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Re: SPRINT Touch Pro 2 -Official price drop information

Here is a screen clipping from the sprint site, it is official. I found this on the Small business customer section (1 -99).
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Pricing.pdf (66.6 KB, 73 views) Click for barcode!
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 12:28 PM
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Re: SPRINT Touch Pro 2 -Official price drop information

After being hung up on and told that I did not know what I was talking about, I finally spoke to someone in Customer care who confirmed that Sprint is price matching Verizons TP2 cost of 199.99. I was then told that I would have to speak to someone in Telesales, I then asked that they makes notes of our conversation pointing out the cost. Once tranfered and 15 minutes later, I was charged 249.99 after tax and expedited shipping (Next day air) for my TP2.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 12:42 PM
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Re: SPRINT Touch Pro 2 -Official price drop information

Originally Posted by wphend00 View Post
On the phone with Sprint...

$199 after mail-in rebate....
I never post on here... and I am not a liar... I hit *2 on my Touch Pro, talked to the lady about ordering the phone. She said that after the rebat and such, $199 would be the final cost out of my pocket. Money will probably come off of one of my bills... I don't really care. I paid $250.00 for the Pro back in October of last year. I still love it, and will try to get my wife to use it (she hates the touch screen though).

I am still on the phone, looks like they are forwarding me Referrals..

Just placed my TP2 order at $199 after rebate also. Telesales would not budge, but retentions supervisor knew of the problem and adjusted my account to reflect that price. They are getting tons of complaints about price matching today -according to Retentions.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 12:42 PM
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Re: SPRINT Touch Pro 2 -Official price drop information

Originally Posted by mlin View Post

Next, why would you complain about VZW selling it for $150 less when your going to pay more than that just for the service difference over the course of the year.
that is why i will not cry if i dont get a discount, but i am going to at least ask for one. $350 seems out of line with other sprint phones (instinct hd aside). the hero is coming in at $179. the pre is at $150 at sprint and $100 at amazon.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 12:43 PM
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Re: SPRINT Touch Pro 2 -Official price drop information

I called yesterday and talked to a supervisor. She told me she had heard about the price change but there was nothing official and to call back...

Today I called back and it was confirmed there will be no price change.
I asked to leave a message for a supervisor again... we'll see
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 10-01-2009, 12:48 PM
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Re: SPRINT Touch Pro 2 -Official price drop information

Originally Posted by wphend00 View Post
On the phone with Sprint...

$199 after mail-in rebate....
I never post on here... and I am not a liar... I hit *2 on my Touch Pro, talked to the lady about ordering the phone. She said that after the rebat and such, $199 would be the final cost out of my pocket. Money will probably come off of one of my bills... I don't really care. I paid $250.00 for the Pro back in October of last year. I still love it, and will try to get my wife to use it (she hates the touch screen though).

I am still on the phone, looks like they are forwarding me Referrals..
OK, I spoke too soon... and I am convinced that Sprint is retarded...

So the telesales lady forwarded me to a SERO lady... they then told me, $349.99... and that someone was deciminating false information to the rest of the company and that the price was $599.99... I have a $150.00 credit + the $100.00 MIR... which makes it $349.99...

I spoke to soon... I might take a nother crack or two at it...

I called the telesales back again. This different lady tells me $449.00 minues my $100.00 rebate which makes it $100.00... She, like everyone else, sounded clueless...

Its like, I got to the point, on my first call, where they were getting ready to add it to my bill, but then they had refer me to telesales and then on through to SERO....
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