Originally Posted by mlin
This is ridiculous on so many levels! First of all the i4u article that you posted references BGR as its source who got their information from the other PPCGEEKS thread that mayonesa started... Not the most accurate of information.
Next, why would you complain about VZW selling it for $150 less when your going to pay more than that just for the service difference over the course of the year. Yay! Save $150 now and pay more in the long run! Good logic there. This in one reason Sprint doesn't take too many of the "Well I'll go to Verizon then" threats seriously... Because it would be pretty stupid to switch to a provider that is going to charge you so much more for service just to save $150 on a phone.
....not sure about anyone else trying to get the credit but I want my damn cake and I want to eat it too.