Re: Sprints matches Big reds TP2 price!
Short answer no, unless your friend is willing to take it back and return it and get it again for you. you got it from your friend that sale is completely unrelated to sprint.
If I helped you feel free to buy me a beer https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...=H82G7AW4ZWC5Q
Re: Sprints matches Big reds TP2 price!
i just used online chat twice today. the first woman said she didn't have any information at the time about a price drop and the second said that there isn't one coming. hopefully the guy told u right about the first Mayonesa cause i want the tp2 so damn bad man. what do you guys know about best buy getting the touch pro 2 for sprint?
Re: Sprints matches Big reds TP2 price!
i was told the other day by the mobile sales manager that best buy might not even get the touch pro 2 for sprint but he was 100% on that. He said since they are doing an exclusive on the instinct hd thats sprints main focus for best buy......true or not? i dunno....
Re: Sprints matches Big reds TP2 price!
Re: Sprints matches Big reds TP2 price!
Just got mine credited $163.31 through online chat
09/27/2009 06:53:30PM Session Started with Agent (Cynthia G) 09/27/2009 06:53:30PM System: "Thank you for contacting Sprint. My name is Cynthia G. In order to better assist you; may I please have your first and last name?" 09/27/2009 06:53:30PM Asha Singh: "About a price drop on a phone I just purchased [ still under the ********** day return policy ]" 09/27/2009 06:53:41PM Asha Singh: "Asha Singh" 09/27/2009 06:53:58PM Agent (Cynthia G): "For account security and verification, may I please have the **********-********** digit PIN number on your account?" 09/27/2009 06:54:06PM Asha Singh: "******" 09/27/2009 06:54:53PM Agent (Cynthia G): "Thank you Asha. One moment while I access the account." 09/27/2009 06:55:48PM Agent (Cynthia G): "Asha how may I assist you with this issue?" 09/27/2009 06:56:18PM Asha Singh: "This is about a price drop on the phone HTC Touch Pro ********** which I just upgraded to on the line **********-**********-********** . The phone will be dropping to $********** from what I was told at a Local Sprint Store. Sprint is now matching Verizon's price for the phone. I would not" mind canceling my phone just to switch to verizon for this offer. I paid full price for the item, and I am still in the ********** day return window. I was willing to send the phone back, and then re-order the phone so I can get my price drop to $**********, but that p rocess is pretty long and a hardship for both Sprint and myself. This will cost me shipping money. Is it possible to bring the price down to $********** from what I paid? After my mail in rebate the total price for the item drops to $**********, thats a $********** difference from what I paid for the phone. I am willing to send the phone back, or get credited $********** to my Sprint account. If the process is not avaliable to me, then I will be willing to switch to verizon. So please let me know how this can work. Thanks. 09/27/2009 06:58:35PM Agent (Cynthia G): "What you can do is contact Order Support at **********-******************* to request permission to take the phone to a retails Sprint store for return and the lower price. You may have to pay a **********.********** restocking fee for the new device." 09/27/2009 06:59:13PM Asha Singh: "I tried that, and they told me they would not be able to do that for me. I would have to mail it out myself" 09/27/2009 06:59:42PM Agent (Cynthia G): "Should you decide the cancel the line, that line has a contract date of **********/**********/********** with an early termination fee of **********.**********." 09/27/2009 06:59:56PM Agent (Cynthia G): "You contacted order support or the retail Sprint store/" 09/27/2009 07:00:17PM Asha Singh: "the retail sprint store, and when I went there, they called up order support for me." 09/27/2009 07:00:23PM Asha Singh: "and thats the details they had given me" 09/27/2009 07:00:40PM Asha Singh: "a friend of mine actually just did this, and the first CSR that spoke to him, instantly gave him the credit to his account." 09/27/2009 07:01:01PM Asha Singh: "I also heard about the Sprint matching Verizon's price all over the net" 09/27/2009 07:02:18PM Agent (Cynthia G): "One moment while I speak with my supervisor." 09/27/2009 07:02:32PM Asha Singh: "No problem, thank you." 09/27/2009 07:04:38PM Agent (Cynthia G): "Thank you for your continued patience." 09/27/2009 07:04:49PM Asha Singh: "no problem" 09/27/2009 07:05:02PM Agent (Cynthia G): "What I can do is issue a credit to your account for **********.**********." 09/27/2009 07:05:30PM Asha Singh: "That would be great, because it is very aggrivating seeing others getting this phone for this lowered price and I paid so much for it." 09/27/2009 07:08:13PM Agent (Cynthia G): "I have issued the credit in total amount of **********.********** to the billing and your balance ins now **********.**********" 09/27/2009 07:08:28PM Asha Singh: "Thank you" 09/27/2009 07:08:37PM Agent (Cynthia G): "You are a valued Sprint customer and your satisfaction is important to me. Have I resolved all of the issues that prompted you to chat with me today?" 09/27/2009 07:09:07PM Asha Singh: "Yes all issues have been resolved. Thanks again." 09/27/2009 07:09:13PM Agent (Cynthia G): "It was my pleasure chatting with you, and I???m glad I was able to resolve your issue. You???ll receive a very short survey as we close this session. If you don???t mind, please take a moment to complete it and let my supervisor know how I did! I???m evaluated" on my efforts to completely resolve issues such as yours, and I???d appreciate your feedback. If you have additional feedback you would like to provide, you may email sprint.customerappreciation@connextions.com - Thanks Again! 09/27/2009 07:09:14PM Agent (Cynthia G): "I hope you have a great day." 09/27/2009 07:09:23PM Session Ended |
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Re: Sprints matches Big reds TP2 price!
the 1st thing they guy said was " oh yeah we just got an email about this today" they got the email... remember it all depends on who you get i guess. dont know if they get commission on the amount of the phone, so want you to pay full price... i dont know try calling the number i posted EDIT..... well you dont have the phone yet so yeah dont call them at that number, just wait till the 1st then.... from what that guy told me thats when the new price will show up.
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Re: Sprints matches Big reds TP2 price!
Still can't order until tomorrow since they messed up my eligibility and only her manager can reset it. I calmly stated thank you and I'd be more than happy to call back. lol... if this works out... I owe you~~~ If not, I was close... and will wait! ![]() |
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