So, Sprint Rep Says TP2 is NOT a Smartphone!
OK, so I got a used EVO the other day and decided to activate it via the sprint website - knowing that it probably wouldn't work..which it didn't. I'm on the Family talk 700 with the unlimited data pack addon.
I called sprint and asked why not and was told that I couldn't do it with my current plan and had to upgrade to a plan that was designed for a smartphone. I told her that I have a Touchpro 2 and it is a smartphone so I should be able to. Se responded with "Sir, the Touchpro 2 is not a smartphone". Of course, I told her that it most certainly was and that it was listed on their website as well as HTC's anf hundreds of others as such but she told me that "The Android phones were considered smartphones." So, of course I asked then if I got a WM7 phone, could I continue on my same plan and she responded with "No, they are smartphones too." So, now I'm confused (joking) only androids are smartphones... no wait, WM7 is too, but wait, WM6.5 makes it a smartphone only on certain phones... Anyway, I tried to plead my case unsuccessfully and knew that she was more than likely going from a script, so I'll just call back later and try my luck with retentions and gripe a whole bunch. Just had to rant a bit... David
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