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  #531 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2010, 08:36 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by fishpony View Post
You obviously don't understand his whole stance on this if you can't understand what he's sayin here.

So you're saying that because my new phone has more ram, media keys, and a flash that my old phone didnt then my bill should be higher?
The point of his post was that the original argument is supported by.. well, a lie basically, or at the very least a halftruth.
  #532 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2010, 08:43 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

I never once that I can recall said it was illegal. If I did it was and error in typing and RARE and directly corrected in many many many of my posts.


I cited examples of a company doing something SIMILAR in the past and getting SPANKED for it (AOL)

as for the 8330vs8530

SERVICE WISE. wifi does not use sprint data. Ram? woopee everything goes on the internet card anway.

and my 8330 sure as hell had 3g.

same screen nearly the same hardware same os same capabilities same data usage save radio (cellular) same resolution etc.. etc.. etc.. etc..

there will be ZERO data usage difference between these phones because there is NOTHING the 8530 can do on sprints network that the 8330 can not also do equally as well and in fact using the exact same software.

name ONE THING the 8530 can do on sprints network that the 8330 can not?
  #533 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 02:32 AM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by nerys View Post
I never once that I can recall said it was illegal. If I did it was and error in typing and RARE and directly corrected in many many many of my posts.


I cited examples of a company doing something SIMILAR in the past and getting SPANKED for it (AOL)

as for the 8330vs8530

SERVICE WISE. wifi does not use sprint data. Ram? woopee everything goes on the internet card anway.

and my 8330 sure as hell had 3g.

same screen nearly the same hardware same os same capabilities same data usage save radio (cellular) same resolution etc.. etc.. etc.. etc..

there will be ZERO data usage difference between these phones because there is NOTHING the 8530 can do on sprints network that the 8330 can not also do equally as well and in fact using the exact same software.

name ONE THING the 8530 can do on sprints network that the 8330 can not?
You do realize you're just running around in circles, right?

"Show me where my contract says [blah]" -- Done. So rather than concede the point, you then run to:

"No, this is unreasonable, companies shouldn't be allowed to do this." -- Addressed because your definition of unreasonable is pointless: either get a court to agree with you or stop, because by now it's clear enough people here don't agree with you that your arguments are falling on deaf ears.

"Well it should be unreasonable, no one has addressed my gasoline argument" -- Which leads us right back to the contract issue.

Just stop, nerys. It's now getting to the point where you're just backpedaling and obsfuscating in an attempt to avoid admitting failure. Just let it go; you can't win them all. This is the Internet: once I finish posting, I will go and do things that matter. So will (probably) everyone else. It's not that important who won or lost on an internet forum.
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  #534 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 02:42 AM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

no back pedalling no obfuscating. Nothing I have said has changed. You just keep bringing up irrelevant things or quirks so YOU can obfuscate.

I make an argument someone says show it I show it and instead of saying OK your right they come up with the stupid "catch all" we can change contract anytime we want.

SO why ask in the first place?
  #535 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 02:55 AM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by nerys View Post
no back pedalling no obfuscating. Nothing I have said has changed. You just keep bringing up irrelevant things or quirks so YOU can obfuscate.

I make an argument someone says show it I show it and instead of saying OK your right they come up with the stupid "catch all" we can change contract anytime we want.

SO why ask in the first place?
The entire point is that your argument is irrelevant. You seem to keep missing this. It doesn't matter if your gasoline argument sways anyone: the contract, as it is worded, makes it incredibly clear that you do not have a leg to stand on. It's not just the catch-all: go read my posts again. Sprint included multiple provisions to ensure it could do exactly what it is doing now. You asked, and I quote, "show me in my contract where it says I can't activate any phone I want." And I did. I did just that, using a subscriber agreement from two-thousand-five: well before you ever got SERO.

You can rage and scream about how this is unfair and how it's unreasonable and how other companies were punished for it: all irrelevant. You asked for something specific, you were shown in very clear terms the very thing you kept demanding to see. And yet you never once conceded it; instead you immediately began calling the validity of the contract itself into question. No one here can make a summary judgment on the validity of that contract.

Would it be right for a gasoline provider to charge you more for gas in a lamborghini than a ford? In principle, no--but if you knowingly and willingly signed a contract that gave them the right to do it, hey, they have the ability to do so. You have no right within the confines of that contract to protest. Your only recourse is to get a higher power to invalidate the contract, and there is no one on this board with the power to do so.
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  #536 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 03:36 AM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

this thread is like a geto boys song..."still"...greater threads have been deleted..
  #537 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 07:38 AM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

I now agree that this thread needs to die, but i fear that by closing this thread we I'll release nerds out into the wild on ppcgeeks to infect other threads with his endless pointless posts that take up half a page each. We have him contained in this thread right now, so it might be a necessary evil.
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  #538 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 08:41 AM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Funny how some people wish threads closed due to not following their own opinions. For those people, stop saying "CLOSE THIS THREAD!". And move along, no ones forcing you to stay.
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  #539 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 09:53 AM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by nerys View Post
I never once that I can recall said it was illegal. If I did it was and error in typing and RARE and directly corrected in many many many of my posts.


aaaaaaaand nerys wiggles out of another one!!!

  #540 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2010, 11:59 AM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

no wiggling. I am one of the few NOT wiggling.

SO if I said it was illegal PLEASE by all means provide the quote?

and you STILL have no shone me anywhere in the contract where it says I can NOT change phones (not counting the catch all we can make any change we want clause)

I await your quote.

trolls keep making illogical quotes and illogical connections and then "proclaim" me as the one wiggling and back pedaling as I try to defend/explain how wrong they are.

Typical troll behavior

thats also why they keep posting. Trolls.
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