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  #421 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 05:04 PM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

My issues so far:

1. I am also having the problem with the clock being behind -- even the clock on SPB MS has to catch up after the phone has been asleep.
3. Weather not updating when I had it on Touch Flo. Running SBP MS now so not an issue (although I do like the new weather animation when it works)
2. Since yesterday I've had to do a soft reset several times as the messaging or email would lock up and respond (either won't open or not responding to hitting "reply").
3. Links in emails not really working...the browser opens up but just spins it wheels and nothing happens.
4. Had major battery drain issue the first day. Not sure if it was Opera or not, but I have since made Skyfire my default since I don't care for Opera anyway.
5. Issue with phone charging while plugged into USB. Actually drains the batter rather than charging it. I think something is pulling it--possibly windows media on my laptop. Still need to resolve.
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  #422 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 06:00 PM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Originally Posted by 688sea View Post
Spike's taskbar runs fine, not using the 1% battery so don't know about that.
Yes, they both work. You will lose the WM6.5 spinning orbs though as those get replaced in one of the dll's. I'm thinking of putting them back at some point but I'm thinking of doing a lot of things that are falling by the way side.
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  #423 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 06:04 PM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Originally Posted by akavalerie View Post
My issues so far:
4. Had major battery drain issue the first day. Not sure if it was Opera or not, but I have since made Skyfire my default since I don't care for Opera anyway.
5. Issue with phone charging while plugged into USB. Actually drains the batter rather than charging it. I think something is pulling it--possibly windows media on my laptop. Still need to resolve.
I finally let my battery just drain all the way completely down and then charged it back up. Since then I haven't had the poor battery performance. I was initially having the "draw faster than it charged from the laptop" problem as well but now I seem to be good.

As far as Opera and IE go, check to make sure the registry change stuck. I've seen posts that indicate some registry changes aren't sticking. It's well within the realm of possibility that the key got put back and Opera isn't closing anymore.
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  #424 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 07:09 PM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Originally Posted by drewcam888 View Post
No you can't uninstall rom software but just install skyfire and make it the default browser and you dont have to worry about opera.
I like Skyfire less than resetting my phone.

I might be ok using Opera 10 as a default (if it gets out of beta anytime soon). But I'm not sure how to get the phone to recognize a different browser as the default. Especially Manilla.
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  #425 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 11:20 PM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Installed it yesterday. All is working except for TTS in iGo 8. No matter how much memory I free up, it doesn't work. Even disabling TouchFlo didn't do anything. I wouldn't have updated if I had known this.
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  #426 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 08:09 AM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Okay, so after running it for a week, here are my findings.

1) Battery life
Excellent, a bit better than the stock 6.1 was with the cleanup cab

2) Bluetooth
Much improved over the stock 6.1!
I still have a couple of issues with the connection with my Kenwood DNX8120 in my car:
a) Takes forever to download the contacts and call history, and slows the phone down to a crawl while it does it - but my old XV6800 had the same issue, so it very well may be an issue with the bluetooth software in the Kenwood
b) Won't automatically connect to the A2DP on my Kenwood, only auto connects to the standard headset/handsfree. I can go in and manually connect it via the head unit or the phone, but it's a pain. I did *not* have this issue with my old XV6800.

Now, on to the positives with the bluetooth.
a) No more slowdowns and stuttery videos when playing over A2DP.
EDIT: Just noticed one thing with the Youtube app. It plays smooth with the keyboard closed, but plays stuttery with the keyboard open. This *only* happens through bluetooth, not when playing via the speaker or a wired headset.
EDIT2: With the keyboard open in Youtube, along with the stutter, the bluetooth will randomly disconnect. The only way to get it back at that point is to turn the bluetooth on and off on the phone. This does *not* happen with the keyboard closed. I have no idea what is going on here, as there shouldn't be anything different with the keyboard open or closed as far as Youtube is concerned. Not to mention this doesn't happen while playing music or any other audio over bluetooth. Not a huge deal, but very weird...
b) I just got a Jabra BT530 today (only mono earpiece I could find that supported A2DP) and it was the *easiest* pairing and setup I've ever had with bluetooth. It just works - nuff said...

3) Radio
I only had the 1x stuck problem a few times with the old radio, so I can't say whether this fixed it, but nonetheless, I've had no issues with it. Also reception seems a smidge better.

4) Speed
Overall seems to be snappier and more responsive. I also notice less weird slowdowns when using TF3D

5) Messaging
I have one issue with the built-in WM text messaging (*not* the TF3D app). If I go into a thread with a lot of messages then hit OK to get out of it, the app will freeze for awhile. It goes back to the previous screen, but is unresponsive for anywhere from 10 seconds to 1 minute, depending on how many text messages are in that thread. That never happened with the 6.1 ROM. It is annoying as heck, but isn't a deal breaker.

On that last note, does anyone know of a good way to prune old text messages and call logs? I need to keep recent ones, while discarding the old. Windows Mobile doesn't seem to have anything aside from deleting them all. Thanks!

Last edited by BeefJerky; 01-14-2010 at 08:57 AM.
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  #427 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 09:36 AM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Originally Posted by FierceDeityLink1 View Post
Installed it yesterday. All is working except for TTS in iGo 8. No matter how much memory I free up, it doesn't work. Even disabling TouchFlo didn't do anything. I wouldn't have updated if I had known this.

I could not get my TTS to work either after the update to 6.5, but another person (sorry I can't recall who) suggested to disable sense from the settings, then do soft reset and try. After doing that I was able to load Igo8 and the TTS worked...hope this helps!
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  #428 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 12:32 PM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Originally Posted by akavalerie View Post
My issues so far:
5. Issue with phone charging while plugged into USB. Actually drains the batter rather than charging it. I think something is pulling it--possibly windows media on my laptop. Still need to resolve.
I haven't loaded the official ROM yet (don't have time to reload everything before vacation tomorrow), but I've had this problem a couple times now since I went to 6.5/2.1 about a month ago. It usually seems to happen only when the battery is already pretty drained (20-30% remaining or less). I think it's only happened when I had ICS running though, it would charge fine if I disconnected and closed ICS.

That makes me ask, after installing the ICS/Wmodem fix on this, is there an option in the USB-to-PC setting to start ICS when the USB cable is connected to a PC?

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  #429 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 02:26 PM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

Installed it and looks good. Better memory usage for sure and better radio and more responsve.
Added the following tweaks/addins

>Enable All Camera Modes
>Enable In Call Recording
>RHO09076 (HTC's handwriting recognition add on to Transcriber - which BTW is not available in input settings anymore, but can be run manually from the Windows Directory)
>Juggalo_Xs Notification Enhancements (so I could control the light flashing for message notifications)
>manilaclockflipfix21cab (after seeing the clock flip every time I went back to the home screen for the 14th time I ceased to need to be impressed by the functionality. As long as it flips each minute as it should that was fine for me, thank you)
>QM_TP2_Battery_Update_Verizon (for 1% battery read out)
>Spike's_MicNeo_TaskBar_Variend_3_v2 (with the pretty new slider icons it seemed kind of dull to have the taskbar icons be so plain)
>windowsmobile-kb973553 (the daylight savings fix, reinstalled to the PC, if I don't do this my calender entries start at 11PM the night before after I ActiveSync)

All work fine

Just one little problem....

Telenav gets a pop up "Cradle Was Not Found" when trying to access QuickGPS.
If I close the popup, TeleNav works fine.
If I run QuickGPS manually, it works fine.
Other GPS programs run fine.
I've disabled Auto Download When Connected Via Active Sync (which it actually isn't)

I know - this is probably TeleNavs problem. But since it came up after I installed the 6.5 update, I thought maybe someone here had some ideas.

Thanks to all
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  #430 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2010, 03:27 PM
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Re: Verizon Win6.5 out!

What exactly does it mean when you are on 1x during calls?
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