Originally Posted by akavalerie
My issues so far:
5. Issue with phone charging while plugged into USB. Actually drains the batter rather than charging it. I think something is pulling it--possibly windows media on my laptop. Still need to resolve.
I haven't loaded the official ROM yet (don't have time to reload everything before vacation tomorrow), but I've had this problem a couple times now since I went to 6.5/2.1 about a month ago. It usually seems to happen only when the battery is already pretty drained (20-30% remaining or less). I think it's only happened when I had ICS running though, it would charge fine if I disconnected and closed ICS.
That makes me ask, after installing the ICS/Wmodem fix on this, is there an option in the USB-to-PC setting to start ICS when the USB cable is connected to a PC?