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  #931 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2010, 09:01 PM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Yes, I DO think it will be bigger than iTunes. Either that or iTunes will start price matching. Either way, it will be something that hasn't been done yet that everyone else will have to react to. That IS revolutionizing the mobile market.

And don't try to put this on me. You were the one saying how Android had all these features that WinMo won't get for a year. I'm asking you to list them. And you were the one saying Mobile Shell isn't integrated into the OS. I'm asking you to give me an example of how it isn't.

Things the average person does? How about types up a word doc, creates a spreadsheet, or watches a slingbox? Does android do any of those things better? lol, give me some examples man.
and if you think the biggest change coming out of winmo 7 is going to be the music features then you're so delusional. microsoft is chaning its whole os for a reason and you keep negating this fact.
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  #932 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 01:51 AM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
just like i thought, you named the 3 things the android can't do except document viewing is somewhat easier with the app then it is for viewing word and excel, but you must not understand the meaning of everything which is why don't dont want to say anything other then those 3 things. man EVERY SINGLE THING IS EASIER, WHETHER ITS WITH APPS OR NOT. webbrowsing with the browser is killing opera, skyfire, and of course ie. when you line up page to page browsing opera 9.7 and opera 10 aren't cutting it. If its webkits then its webkits i'm sorry its better on 8 out of 10 sites. a persons contact card and the way its integrated into the google phone is no joke, especially if you use google like me anyways. text messaging integration into the contact card. When you receive links the youtube integration. Like i said earlier if you receive a link to a certain youtube winmo 6.5 doesn't really know where to open it. The reason you say the youtube app on winmo is garbage is because youre right it doesn't give you full youtube access, the one on the android is full youtube where you can log in and everything. you have access to your full account. i don't even want to get into all the google products which make life easier as well plus ALL OF THE GOOGLE APPS make life easier. I could keep on going but you get the point, like i said WHATEVER THE TOP 20 THINGS YOU DO WITH YOUR PHONE THAT YOU JUST DON'T WANT TO NAME, ITS EASIER ON ANDROID. all you have is slingbox man.
you listed a bunch of apps. You didn't list anything about the OS being better. So what i'm gathering is you like the web browser app better.

And you are WRONG, by the way. The mobile version of youtube does NOT give you all the same content as the full version. I'm not talking about any app that accesses youtube on a mobile, I'm talking about the site itself. Not all of the content is available for mobiles (which stream at a lower rate than the full version).

When you receive links, a winmo phone DOES know what to do with it- open it in skyfire. Maybe YOURS didn't, but if yours really didn't then you have no business claiming you had every tweak possible. make skyfire the default browser, every youtube link opens there without even asking. If it opens it without even asking, then clearly it DOES know what to do with it.

So all you said is you like the web browser, and you like the google apps. I am still waiting for an example of the OS being clearly better, and an example of Mobile Shell not being integrated into the OS. Once again, I am left to assume you don't have an example or you would have probably listed it.

You can bag about me listing 3 things that I can do on my phone that Android can't do, but you still haven't listed even 1 single thing an Android phone can do that a winmo phone can't. So your ridiculous claims must all just be a baseless rant with nothing to back them up. remember- YOU were the one who said when we finally get Winmo 7 we will finally get features that you have had for a year. And yet you didn't list a single one of those features. Instead you made light of the fact that I listed a few things I can do right now that your new phone can't.

Last edited by BlackDynamite; 02-04-2010 at 01:55 AM.
  #933 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 01:54 AM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
and if you think the biggest change coming out of winmo 7 is going to be the music features then you're so delusional. microsoft is chaning its whole os for a reason and you keep negating this fact.
Is that right? Well why don't you tell me what Microsoft is changing then, since you seem to know it all, lol.

I can tell you- it will have a finger friendly interface made in silverlight. Other than that, it will have xbox live gameplay, and it will have a zune player with the option to subscribe to the zune monthly unlimited pass.

Now if you think I am negating some facts here, enlighten me- what did I leave out?
  #934 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 03:57 AM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
if youre comparing your phone speeds to your home speeds then you have issues. Too bad i just erased my signature but at home i get 37 down and 7 up, my phone speeds are no where near that. Also you keep talking about 4g, according to sprints own website wimax's current top speeds is 10mbps with average between 3-6, so i hightly doubt youre getting 9 (proof). Also 4g isn't even that big of a deal, tmobile will have up to 21mbps with hspa+ this summer and you won't even need new devices, so 4g isnt looking so bright. proof and more proof

sucks for you.

you are behind, like someone stated this is the ppcgeeks forum we always want the latest and greatest, and that defintely isn't the touch pro 2.
funny, i've had dsl and cable modem and never seen 37 down advertised, but if you can get that, great for you.
please show me a phone that can handle 21 down and i'll be impressed. even wmexperts podcast guys don't think phones will be able to handle more than 10 because of hardware limitations.
oh, and for proof of my 4g stick speed, at work in a concrete hospital that both verizon and at&t lose signal:
  #935 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 04:01 AM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Surely you didn't just say Sony isn't doing well in the same post you said something positive about Sprint, lol.

And of course HTC will eventually have a Wimax phone on Sprint. The questions are, when will it be, what specs and features will it have, will I be able to get Wimax where I live at any point in the future (only 5 cities planned this year and mine isn't one of them), and will everyone else already have way better phones on LTE or HSPA+ networks before then?

Over a full year after Sprint launched Wimax, and we still don't have a single Wimax phone. But hey, it's all good, at least there is a rumor that HTC might be making a Wimax phone at some point- with no timeframe, and no features or specs...

Proof of Sprint only launching Wimax in 5 cities in 2010:

Proof that Sprint's financial situation is far worse than Sony's:

Another reason why it's hillarious that you would say Sony Ericsson is struggling while trying to be optimistic about Sprint:
you are the one quoting sony ericsson, not me. they are in trouble in the smartphone arena.
and some of us already have 4g, and great signal with sprint. so i'm not changing carriers to get a phone. never have, never will.
everyone should go with who has the best coverage in their area.
it's been pretty obvious you are disappointed with the sprint coverage where you are. i would fully expect you to jump ship.
  #936 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 04:06 AM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
also i didn't leave i still have my tp2 on my sero plan, i just don't use it. Also have you been listening to pandora, definitely not on the tp2, or if so below sub par audio and the screen positioning, lets not even go there.
i've read that pandora is supposedly horrible audio quality, but it doesn't sound any different to me than playing mp3's.
also, i wish pandora would give the tp2 an app, but i can live with what i have. except for the smaller touch controls, I don't know what the problem is. i use mine in landscape mode at work and have no problems.
  #937 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 04:11 AM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Saltydawg you are delusional for even comparing winmo to android, EVERYONE in the world knows winmo 6.5 needs a major overhaul. any comparison i make is nexus vs. hd2 which is why i keep ignoring the keyboard feature. When doing a comparison i don't even know whether to compare vs 6.5 or sense 2.5 thats the only thing even worth of comparison. to be honest the droid is a better everyday phone then the tp2. emails, web browsing, phone integration with everything like your, google voice, google maps, youtube (i don't even want to get into facebook or apps which simplify your life so much, which of course winmo 7 will be integrating), and so much more. someone sends me a youtube link through email or text, winmo won't know where to open that link, android will ask "open in youtube player or webbrowser" thats just a simple example but the phone makes everything easier. All the customizations you run on your phone are only to make your tp2 run as easily as a droid. Besides slingbox, you still havent given me 1 thing winmo has better. I promise if you had an hd2 and a supersonic, after 1 week you would use your supersonic more readily, i'm 100% positive.
when i open an email link, it always opens in skyfire. it plays youtube very well. guess i'm still missing the point.
  #938 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 04:14 AM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
On the youtube- it works just fine in Skyfire for me. Set Skyfire as the default browser, and then anytime you click a youtube link you get it in Skyfire. Screw the mobile player. The mobile youtube doesn't have all the same content as the full version, so I don't want to use the mobile version at all.

By the way- you can bag on WinMo for HTC skinning it with Sense, but HTC skinned Android with sense too.

All the customizations I do just to make my phone run like an Android? LOL, man listen to yourself here...

Let me explain- Sprint (and the other carriers) along with HTC designs the ROM. Thyey take the core OS that Microsoft gives them, and they load it up with their junkware, and try to cripple things they don't want, and so on. All the customizations you speak of are just removing all that crap. The fact that I can tweak my ROM to get it how I want it just means Microsoft actually got it right. Sprint screwed it up.

Lets see- aside from Slingbox some of the things I use are Word and Excel, Skyfire, iCalendar (automatically puts all the games from your teams in your calendar), Netflix Mobile, Remote Desktop, and Microsoft MyPhone. I'm sure you can do some of these (or even all of them) on Android, but none of them will be as smooth as on Windows Mobile.
so salty, before android, when you tweaked your phone, what where you trying to make it run like?
  #939 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 04:37 AM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
you listed a bunch of apps. You didn't list anything about the OS being better. So what i'm gathering is you like the web browser app better.

And you are WRONG, by the way. The mobile version of youtube does NOT give you all the same content as the full version. I'm not talking about any app that accesses youtube on a mobile, I'm talking about the site itself. Not all of the content is available for mobiles (which stream at a lower rate than the full version).

When you receive links, a winmo phone DOES know what to do with it- open it in skyfire. Maybe YOURS didn't, but if yours really didn't then you have no business claiming you had every tweak possible. make skyfire the default browser, every youtube link opens there without even asking. If it opens it without even asking, then clearly it DOES know what to do with it.

So all you said is you like the web browser, and you like the google apps. I am still waiting for an example of the OS being clearly better, and an example of Mobile Shell not being integrated into the OS. Once again, I am left to assume you don't have an example or you would have probably listed it.

You can bag about me listing 3 things that I can do on my phone that Android can't do, but you still haven't listed even 1 single thing an Android phone can do that a winmo phone can't. So your ridiculous claims must all just be a baseless rant with nothing to back them up. remember- YOU were the one who said when we finally get Winmo 7 we will finally get features that you have had for a year. And yet you didn't list a single one of those features. Instead you made light of the fact that I listed a few things I can do right now that your new phone can't.
i think he is just in love with his newest toy.
everything he said he can do in the contacts i can too, so i don't see the point. call, text, email, even get directions to their house is at the touch of a button.
how is this better on android?
and skyfire plays youtube much better than any mobile app i have tried.
  #940 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 04:39 AM
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Re: Who plans to go HD2?

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg View Post
Is that right? Well why don't you tell me what Microsoft is changing then, since you seem to know it all, lol.

I can tell you- it will have a finger friendly interface made in silverlight. Other than that, it will have xbox live gameplay, and it will have a zune player with the option to subscribe to the zune monthly unlimited pass.

Now if you think I am negating some facts here, enlighten me- what did I leave out?
and since winmo has always been criticized of not being as entertainment friendly as other the other os's (even though it's recognized as one of the top professional devices), what else would it need to fix?
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