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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 05:16 PM
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Re: So yeah now HTC admits the 30fps limit is software because of the HDMI port.

Originally Posted by twilk View Post
I just want to take a moment to defend you. I have read a few post of yours and I dont find them all to be negitive. I also dont find true statements to be negative.

The Evo is awesome BUT.. one of the biggest things wrong with this phone is the short cut taken buy HTC with capping the frame rate. The hero runs at almost 60fps. You can say you dont notice it or dont really care and thats fine. Some of us do care and this is actually a big issue. Yes movies run at less then 30. But I find my movies to have choppy moments at times and my screen tends to lag alot when sliding back and forth or up and down. Not enough to anger me. They are still pretty snappy they are just a little choppy in there movement some times.

I know, I know I have my phone hacked and its overloaded and thats why its not smooth like your perfect GOD Evo. Wrong I probably have alot more free memory on my phone then you do. And I rarly ever see a force close. Everything is working perfectly. The only thing not working perfectly on my phone is that it isnt smooth when scrolling or moving screen to screen. This issue is frame related and it doesnt involve movies or games. 100% of the Evo users will scroll and switch between screens and 100% of the Evo users will notice this even if they dont know what causes it.

Yes its really ok this is just a phone and really no one should be complaining if there screen doesnt roll as smooth as it should. However when then phone can do more but a company decideds to cap it instead of takeing a few extra hours to make it what it should then yes we should rise up and demand better of them.

I try to look at things from both sides so on the other hand yes HTC was being rushed in getting a product out the door so sometimes you gotta get your priorities in line and decide whats inportant. So yeah they probably took short cuts to keep on schedual. Thats fine, and now that the phone they should be taking this time to fix the short cuts before they roll the evo dev's over to the next great HTC device.

Now stop being a sissy boy and stand up for your self. The phone is flawed and MrDSL needs support, not your argumentative coments. MrDSL is standing up for you and me and you slap him in the face. Your morals are flawed.
Well said. I agree. HTC needs to fix this. They may not even consider it a problem that is going to be fixed given the explaination.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 05:16 PM
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Re: So yeah now HTC admits the 30fps limit is software because of the HDMI port.

Originally Posted by gaudet41 View Post
The 30 FPS cap limit is an issue for the average person. I am an average user and not very techy at all.
Just by you participating on this site makes you more then an average user. Just knowing what root means make's you more then an average user. Just knowing what 30fps means makes you more then an average user.

So face it dude. You are part of the minority here. Just embrace it!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 05:17 PM
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Re: So yeah now HTC admits the 30fps limit is software because of the HDMI port.

Originally Posted by twilk View Post
Now stop being a sissy boy and stand up for your self. The phone is flawed and MrDSL needs support, not your argumentative coments. MrDSL is standing up for you and me and you slap him in the face. Your morals are flawed.
^^lol, morals and a 30fps cap on an otherwise tremendous phone have nothing to do with each other. and no offense to mrdsl but hes not standing up for us. its not that serious man. you act as if our rights are being infringed upon. all he did was post an article from another site, you act as if he is talking directly to htc fighting for our right to have no fps cap. relax man its a cell phone

seriously, questioning peoples morals because people dont see it as a big issue, a tad excessive dont you think champ

Last edited by redd214; 07-07-2010 at 05:37 PM.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 05:17 PM
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Re: So yeah now HTC admits the 30fps limit is software because of the HDMI port.

People still crying about phones not running like a gaming console or pc?
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 05:17 PM
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Re: So yeah now HTC admits the 30fps limit is software because of the HDMI port.

Originally Posted by MrDSL View Post
I agree! I can't believe some people expect their screen not to seperate from the phone or to have rays of light leaking up into the screen.

We should just accept the products we buy as is..
Wow. I'm flabbergasted here...

If there is a REAL problem with the phone due to manufacturing reasons or a defect, you return the phone for a new one! What a concept....why no one ever thought of that before is beyond me! And if a store can't or won't help because of those issues, retentions is always a good option.
Just Brilliant, Quietly....
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 05:18 PM
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Re: So yeah now HTC admits the 30fps limit is software because of the HDMI port.

Originally Posted by tj.iscool View Post
People still crying about phones not running like a gaming console or pc?
LOL, yeah!
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 05:37 PM
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Re: So yeah now HTC admits the 30fps limit is software because of the HDMI port.

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
^^lol, morals and a 30fps cap on an otherwise tremendous phone have nothing to do with each other. and no offense to mrdsl but hes not standing up for us. its not that serious man. you act as if our rights are being infringed upon. all he did was post an article from another site, you act as if he is talking directly to htc fighting for our right to have no fps cap. relax man its a cell phone
I was actually respecting his comment till the name calling ensued. I may be sarcastic at times but hey, someones got to to get things pumped up!

If mrDSL's header and comment read "HTC has now admitted that this is a software limitation" and let's all try and get HTC to fix this issue....I would have been all for it.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 06:40 PM
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Re: So yeah now HTC admits the 30fps limit is software because of the HDMI port.

The 30 fps to me isnt a big deal to me,i havent noticed anything slow,but i did contact htc support because i feel it should be fixed.I hope it is fixed(uncapped) but it isnt a big deal.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 06:50 PM
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Re: So yeah now HTC admits the 30fps limit is software because of the HDMI port.

geez this thread got a little wild lol. but i think that HTC just got themselves into a little bind here. their fist claims of it not being fixable through software are now thrown out the door (i have a feeling that that rep who opened his mouth may be in a bit of trouble with his employer lol), so I'm interested in seeing what their next response to the situation will be.

I will say that in most of my daily use, the cap and the input lag go unnoticed, but i do know that it's there and i can tell when i'm trying to do certain things (air hockey games are completely unplayable). but the fact that something such as our phones has greater potential but it can't be unleashed due to a little bit of laziness is just plain full retard.

due to the minute amount of people that know and/or care about this issue, i wonder if HTC will even consider doing anything about it. on the other hand, if more people knew and questioned about it, HTC might be more inclined to step in. CNN News anyone??? lol
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 08:40 PM
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Re: So yeah now HTC admits the 30fps limit is software because of the HDMI port.

I agree there Scotty_Two. Maybe if we got a petition going and send it to HTC, they will listen. Doubt it, but it might be worth a shot. I'm not doubting that the EVO can be better. I just hate when people buy something, then complain about it. Try to help fix the problem, not bash it.
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