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Old 07-07-2010, 06:50 PM
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Re: So yeah now HTC admits the 30fps limit is software because of the HDMI port.

geez this thread got a little wild lol. but i think that HTC just got themselves into a little bind here. their fist claims of it not being fixable through software are now thrown out the door (i have a feeling that that rep who opened his mouth may be in a bit of trouble with his employer lol), so I'm interested in seeing what their next response to the situation will be.

I will say that in most of my daily use, the cap and the input lag go unnoticed, but i do know that it's there and i can tell when i'm trying to do certain things (air hockey games are completely unplayable). but the fact that something such as our phones has greater potential but it can't be unleashed due to a little bit of laziness is just plain full retard.

due to the minute amount of people that know and/or care about this issue, i wonder if HTC will even consider doing anything about it. on the other hand, if more people knew and questioned about it, HTC might be more inclined to step in. CNN News anyone??? lol
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