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View Poll Results: Did you or will you insure your Evo?
Hell yeah, insurance is a must. 44 75.86%
Nah, I don't think I need it. 14 24.14%
Voters: 58. You may not vote on this poll

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 08:36 PM
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Re: Anyone NOT getting insurance for their new Evo?

A good question would be why people don't want insurance on high end phones
besides the fact to be cheap & not pay an extra $7 on ur bill
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 08:37 PM
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Re: Anyone NOT getting insurance for their new Evo?

Originally Posted by themuffinman View Post
Obviously getting sick will cost a lot more but its the principle of what I said. Maybe you can afford 450 at the drop of a dime but other people cant do that and could easily afford an extra 7 per month.
True that, but I would rather pay $450 at the drop of a dime than thousands over my life time on insurance I dont use. Dont get me wrong for some people the insurance is great, if your hard on phones or have a physical job or whatever.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 08:38 PM
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Re: Anyone NOT getting insurance for their new Evo?

Originally Posted by tj.iscool View Post
A good question would be why people don't want insurance on high end phones
besides the fact to be cheap & not pay an extra $7 on ur bill
I have explained my reasoning in this post already, and its not about being too cheap.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 08:42 PM
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Re: Anyone NOT getting insurance for their new Evo?

Originally Posted by Dr. Evo View Post
A little off topic ... I've been debating on whether or not I should keep this Best Buy insurance for $9.99/mo or switch to Sprints insurance for $7.99/mo. I think if the phone breaks, BB gives you a brand new one ... while Sprint will probably only give you a refurbished one. The plus side with the Sprint plan, is that they cover lost or stolen phones. The BB plan doesn't. Anyone have any suggestions? I didn't want to create a whole new thread for this question.
Bestbuy will send it out and it will take 30days from the time they recieve your phone at the service center to give you another NEW phone if they cant repair it. My hero broke on 4/22 and i finally got the ok for a new phone on 5/31 at this point i am going to upgrade to the EVO 4g they credit what i paid for the HERO and going to give the EVO at upgrade price. Had to pre order mine for second wave due 6/11. so i have been with out phone for almost 2 months by the time i get the phone. I would have paid the 100 copay to have my phone. Go with Spring and save 2 dollars
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 08:51 PM
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Re: Anyone NOT getting insurance for their new Evo?

Originally Posted by rodneym13 View Post
Bestbuy will send it out and it will take 30days from the time they recieve your phone at the service center to give you another NEW phone if they cant repair it. My hero broke on 4/22 and i finally got the ok for a new phone on 5/31 at this point i am going to upgrade to the EVO 4g they credit what i paid for the HERO and going to give the EVO at upgrade price. Had to pre order mine for second wave due 6/11. so i have been with out phone for almost 2 months by the time i get the phone. I would have paid the 100 copay to have my phone. Go with Spring and save 2 dollars
Thanks for being the first and only response lol. Sounds like a good idea. I've had a TP2 and BB Curve with Sprint over the last two years, and only needed a replacement phone ONCE, and it turns out I didn't even need the replacement BB at all. So I'll just cancel the Best Buy and go with Sprint.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 08:52 PM
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Re: Anyone NOT getting insurance for their new Evo?

add the insurance my friends
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 09:17 PM
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Re: Anyone NOT getting insurance for their new Evo?

I'm keeping my insurance. Man, you never know what might happen. Last summer for example I was pushed into the swimming pool by some jackass and my phone was in my pocket. Fried that one. Had one in my car once and someone busted out the wndow and stole it. Got drunk one time and left it outside for it to get rained on.....Shit happens! Insurance has sure come in handy all those other times. Not gonna get cheap and stupid at this point in time.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 09:19 PM
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Re: Anyone NOT getting insurance for their new Evo?

For those of you that don't want the Sprint TEP insurance, you might have gotten it without even asking for it.

Personally, I wanted it, so I told the employee helping me to make sure and add the $7 TEP insurance, and he told me that it was required for the EVO, and that he couldn't even activate the phone without having the insurance on the plan.

Since I wanted the insurance anyway, I don't know (or really care) if what the store employee told me was correct or not, but it might be worth checking on for those of you that don't particularly want it.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 09:22 PM
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Re: Anyone NOT getting insurance for their new Evo?

im also a gardget freak at heart and i take really good care of my stuff i had my doubts before too and decided to cut off my insurance cuz i didnt think id ever use it, but i forgot to do it. so im climbing on my 4X4 while on the phone with my touch pro snug between my chin and shoulder and i climb on my trucks step and i jerk just a bit but enough to dislodge my tp from my grip and i watched it fall in about 9 feet slow mo, no lie, i just stared at it fall for what seemed to be an eternity and land flat on its screen. i remember saying out loud "it might survive that" but it didn't..the screen was completely shattered. i called asurion and paid a 50 dollar deductible and i had a brand new in box tp with all accessories in about 15 hours. never thought twice about it again especially since my keyboard kept going out and ended up having asurion swap my tp for a pro 2 for a 50 dollar deductible of course. sooner or later we all need it
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 09:41 PM
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Re: Anyone NOT getting insurance for their new Evo?

Originally Posted by Dr. Evo View Post
A little off topic ... I've been debating on whether or not I should keep this Best Buy insurance for $9.99/mo or switch to Sprints insurance for $7.99/mo. I think if the phone breaks, BB gives you a brand new one ... while Sprint will probably only give you a refurbished one. The plus side with the Sprint plan, is that they cover lost or stolen phones. The BB plan doesn't. Anyone have any suggestions? I didn't want to create a whole new thread for this question.
Originally Posted by rodneym13 View Post
Bestbuy will send it out and it will take 30days from the time they recieve your phone at the service center to give you another NEW phone if they cant repair it. My hero broke on 4/22 and i finally got the ok for a new phone on 5/31 at this point i am going to upgrade to the EVO 4g they credit what i paid for the HERO and going to give the EVO at upgrade price. Had to pre order mine for second wave due 6/11. so i have been with out phone for almost 2 months by the time i get the phone. I would have paid the 100 copay to have my phone. Go with Spring and save 2 dollars
I have the BB "insurance" and I have had two phones break, took them in and they gave me a new one on the spot. It was exactly what they told me when I got the protection plan. They said if anything happens bring it in and we will replace it at no cost, that day. (I did laugh at the no cost thing seeing how it is 9.99 a month) Sounds to me Rodney that they did you dirty in your case.

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