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Old 06-06-2010, 09:22 PM
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Re: Anyone NOT getting insurance for their new Evo?

im also a gardget freak at heart and i take really good care of my stuff i had my doubts before too and decided to cut off my insurance cuz i didnt think id ever use it, but i forgot to do it. so im climbing on my 4X4 while on the phone with my touch pro snug between my chin and shoulder and i climb on my trucks step and i jerk just a bit but enough to dislodge my tp from my grip and i watched it fall in about 9 feet slow mo, no lie, i just stared at it fall for what seemed to be an eternity and land flat on its screen. i remember saying out loud "it might survive that" but it didn't..the screen was completely shattered. i called asurion and paid a 50 dollar deductible and i had a brand new in box tp with all accessories in about 15 hours. never thought twice about it again especially since my keyboard kept going out and ended up having asurion swap my tp for a pro 2 for a 50 dollar deductible of course. sooner or later we all need it
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