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  #331 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 08:34 AM
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Re: My EVO review...hmmm

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
The Mogul had a lot of great features that have been missing since, like IR, a rim around the screen that helped protect it, and an abundance of buttons. Plus a keyboard, which is sadly missing on the Evo (hopefully there will be a Pro model soon). Using AE Button Plus, you could do dozens of things with just button presses. WiFi was on its own button. Look how many steps it takes on everything since then to turn on WiFi.

What I am saying is that for every step forward since the Mogul, there has been another step backwards. They should make a SuperPhone, with many buttons, IR, a keyboard, etc., like the Mogul had, and add in the improved keyboard of the TP2, a 4.3" screen, and everything else that actually was improved. This trying to be button-less, and keyboard-less, basically trying to be like an iPhone, stinks, IMO.
think about manufacturing too. its probably much cheaper to mass produce a phone with only 3 buttons on the outside as opposed to 15 to offset things like the hdmi out etc. plus look at the marketplace, most people dont want a million buttons on their phones anymore. cant fault htc for recognizing consumer trends. as far as the wifi, put a widget on your homescreen to toggle it, seems just as easy as a button!

Last edited by redd214; 05-26-2010 at 08:41 AM.
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  #332 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 08:36 AM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Review phonescoop kinda dogs it out!

Nothing wrong with being real, don't sugar coat it.

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  #333 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 08:57 AM
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Re: My EVO review...hmmm

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
think about manufacturing too. its probably much cheaper to mass produce a phone with only 3 buttons on the outside as opposed to 15 to offset things like the hdmi out etc. plus look at the marketplace, most people dont want a million buttons on their phones anymore. cant fault htc for recognizing consumer trends. as far as the wifi, put a widget on your homescreen to toggle it, seems just as easy as a button!
Still, if you are in another program, or on the phone, it's a pain to go to the homescreen and toggle it, compared to a button
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  #334 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 08:59 AM
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Re: Likes & Dislikes of the EVO...

You know it really doesn't look that much bigger than the TP2. What are your thoughts on the keyboard? One thing I am absolutely dreading is the on-screen keyboard. Not to say it's bad but the TP2 keyboard is the nuts. I told myself I would never part with a nice physical keyboard but the phone looks awesome. I can just type very fast on my TP2 and I have been practicing a little bit with my TP2 onscreen keyboard and I find myself always making mistakes. Granted when I first switched from TP1 to TP2 even that took a while to get used to.
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  #335 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 09:05 AM
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Re: My EVO review...hmmm

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
Still, if you are in another program, or on the phone, it's a pain to go to the homescreen and toggle it, compared to a button
While everyone is different, I don't miss any of the 20 buttons on the Mogul, now that I have my Hero.
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  #336 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 09:43 AM
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Re: Likes & Dislikes of the EVO...

One Word: Swype

I was a physical keyboard worshipper as well until I gave this a try, you can find the cab around here somewhere, most of the custom TP2 Roms have it built in. Once you give it a try the keyboard won't seem so necessary. My wife asked the other day, how come i don't use the keyboard, now she wants a TP2, but with my EVO coming, she may get her wish.
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  #337 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 09:51 AM
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Re: Likes & Dislikes of the EVO...

Originally Posted by tdubbs27 View Post
One Word: Swype

I was a physical keyboard worshipper as well until I gave this a try, you can find the cab around here somewhere, most of the custom TP2 Roms have it built in. Once you give it a try the keyboard won't seem so necessary. My wife asked the other day, how come i don't use the keyboard, now she wants a TP2, but with my EVO coming, she may get her wish.
Hell yes. Swype is so awesome. I refused to try it for a while because it seemed a little funky, but I actually think typing on Swype is faster than the hardware kb. The only thing that holds it back is how slow the TP2 is processing what you're typing. I assume the Evo will do it much quicker.

I also told myself after my Vogue that I'd never get another non-hardware-kb device again, but there is a huge difference between a kb on a 2.8" screen, and one on a 4.3" screen.
HTC EVO 4G - Fresh 0.3
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  #338 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 09:58 AM
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Re: My EVO review...hmmm

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
The Mogul had a lot of great features that have been missing since, like IR, a rim around the screen that helped protect it, and an abundance of buttons. Plus a keyboard, which is sadly missing on the Evo (hopefully there will be a Pro model soon). Using AE Button Plus, you could do dozens of things with just button presses. WiFi was on its own button. Look how many steps it takes on everything since then to turn on WiFi.

What I am saying is that for every step forward since the Mogul, there has been another step backwards. They should make a SuperPhone, with many buttons, IR, a keyboard, etc., like the Mogul had, and add in the improved keyboard of the TP2, a 4.3" screen, and everything else that actually was improved. This trying to be button-less, and keyboard-less, basically trying to be like an iPhone, stinks, IMO.
While part of me agrees, part of me is also welcoming of this change. Less buttons means less buttons I can hit in my pocket, lol. I was constantly hitting all sorts of buttons on my Mogul. It was a great device though. I personally LOVED my scroll wheel, the wi-fi switch, and the IR, but I think the replacements for these (smooth finger scrolling, wi-fi widget, bluetooth, respectively) are much better than their predecessors.

I even use my on screen keyboard on my TP2 more than I use the physical one because the screen is big enough that I can do so quickly with no errors, and I don't have to push my kb out. This was never an option for me on the TP1 or Mogul; always used the physical one.
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  #339 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 10:12 AM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Review phonescoop kinda dogs it out!

How is it hate if he's telling the cold hard facts? Lets not be fanboys here. I appreciate any no bias review. I want to know the goods and what some see as the bads.

Bad 4g speeds or reception is something users need to know about. why pay an extra $10 for what ever Sprint wants to say its for this week if the phone isn't operating the way its supposed to.

Good review in my opinion. I dont want to watch sugar coated reviews with people saying everything is working perfectly when it really isnt.

Evo on 3g

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  #340 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 10:42 AM
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Re: Likes & Dislikes of the EVO...

Originally Posted by jester95 View Post
I'm coming from the Touch Pro and it had a problem of overheating. Does anyone with a EVO or a HTC after the Touch Pro knows if it suffers from overheating?
I have a touch pro as well and am worried about this exact same thing. I don't really care how long the battery lasts, as long as I know that I can keep it plugged in and in use without worrying about the battery draining because the charge circuit won't engage because it's overheating.

Basically, can you keep it charging while using it as a wifi hot spot indefinitely... or does it start to discharge?
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