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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2008, 01:06 AM
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Re: sprint customer service

Originally Posted by violent31601 View Post
I think the Customer service is great, switch to T-Mobile and see how "great" their service is

It might take a while and persistency, but they will definatley go the extra mile to keep you as a customer. Verizon on the other hand... they rather see you out of the "NETWORK"... everybody I know is making the change for they won't do nothing for you.

Check this out... when I started with sprint, I paid $60 dollars for my touch vogue at the time when it was $250 in their website. + I got $72 dollars credit in account, so I never had to pay for the phone and still had $12 in credit. I have no idea why did this happen.

I got to know about the sero plan 34 days later, and they I they were very nice to change my plan to the sero plan and still keep my old phone number.

After that, when I had only 4 months of service with sprint on a $30 sero plan, the diamond came out and they let me get the diamond at $349 minus $100 credit on account minus $100 mail in rebate which I have already received!

I am sorry, but I really cannot complain about sprint. I have never been so satisfied with a comm company.

Way to go sprint... after many years of people bashing them as the worst customer service in america, they definately did something about it!
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2008, 01:23 AM
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Re: sprint customer service

Originally Posted by a2k View Post
Worst CS, best prices!
only when partner employee discount, but cs sucks
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2008, 10:17 AM
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Re: sprint customer service

ive called customer service twice about the damn picturemail problem on my diamond... and both times they screwed up my diamond to the point im now on my third one... Idiots i swear, one guy even argued with me on weather or not i had a diamond.. He kept telling me "you have touch, you have touch phone"

But im not sure if they are worse then some of the idiots they have out there in the stores, last time i got my diamond replaced the guy at the store was more worried about trying to save me $3 a month by changeing my plan.. I had to tell him 4-5 times "i dont want to change my plan i want my phone fixed" then the POS didnt even order my replacement phone... Ive had such bad experences with this diamond and sprint im really thinking about changeing carriers..
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2008, 12:19 PM
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Re: sprint customer service

They're the most generous even if they aren't the most knowledgable of the providers.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2008, 12:54 PM
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Re: sprint customer service

I just got a shock:

Submitted a rebate for my Diamond a while ago, just checked the rebate website - it says 'approved, check in 30 days'.

This is the first time EVER that happened - prior 3 times, it always got rejected and I had to go through contortions to get my check.

They're still not perfect (f***ed up a port for me earlier this year), but much better than in the past.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2008, 05:41 PM
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Re: sprint customer service

Originally Posted by willysp View Post
Sprint is much better than 2 or 3 years ago. My last 4 or 5 interactions have been fine.

I agree
They have gotten a lot better...
3 years ago they were horrible
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2008, 09:27 PM
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Re: sprint customer service

Sprint has the worst customer service EVER.
I can't complain at all though, because they gave me the diamond for only $100
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 01:09 PM
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Re: sprint customer service

For sprint user, a news just go out:
If you were to review Sprints latest earnings you would have garnered that they lost another 1.3 million customers. Yes that's million; people are fleeing Sprint like the plague.

How did get Sprint get to this point? You would think that it may be based on poor coverage, slow data, or bad customer service. It's clearly not coverage or data speeds as they consistently rank high for those two marks. The truth is, is that Sprint dug itself into a whole so deep that customers exploited the system.

Anyone who is or was a customer learned quickly that if you call up and say you're going to drop your service that you could essentially get away with cell phone murder. As a pervious user I was able to snag data for at 50% off its retail price while adding an extra 100 minutes to my plan. Does that make me a bad person, I didn't think so but then again it is how you get there is the problem.

Sprint is known to have horrendous customer service. Despite the few that have no problems, anyone having to deal with billing knew you couldn't count on anything. Reports of overbilling, wrong plans, outrageous overages that should have been covered by their plan and the list goes on and on. It's no secret that customer service is disastrous.

The entire problem started when sprint opened its retention department. A quick surf of the web will tell you that if you call a customer service rep and you don't get the services you want for free, simply, hang up and try again. It's this simple hang up and try again factor that really screwed the Sprint pooch. Due to poor training the results you got from Sprint ranged from freebies to nothing at all, it depended on the customer service rep.

As Sprint has tried to slow the bleeding they are essentially running away the customers who stayed for the freebies. Sprint has been cracking down on its free add-ons which are a direct result of the massive declines in Sprint's user base. Why stay with a shoddy company when Verizon and AT&T have much better customer service and reputation.

Sprint has a long and tough road to earn back the public's reputation. They are attempting to flood the airways to help increase a user base but until the fundamentals are fixed they won't see any change. You can't make the declaration either that its Sprints phone selection that's driving customers to the other providers. For a long part of the early 2000's Sprint and Verizon had very similar phone lineups and in terms of RIM, they are the same. This was impart due to them both being on CDMA technology where the markets were not that large for cell phone manufactures. Regardless of phone choice Verizon has been growing by leaps over Sprint.

How can Sprint help themselves? Firstly a revamp of customer service rep training is required. If all of your service reps can't give the same answer then your training is failing. One customer should be able to get a response to any question consistently from any rep. Start with that basic idea and don't make your company looks desperate by bending at the knees and giving away service for free.

Last edited by nodiaque; 11-08-2008 at 11:48 PM.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2008, 10:16 PM
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Re: sprint customer service

I used to not like Sprint CS, but I've been very happy with them over the past few years. ESPECIALLY eCare. If I'm having an issue that doesn't need immediate resolution, I'll fire off an email to them, get a reply in a few hours, and typically its everything I could hope for (gave me free pic mail when I was just asking if it was on my account, $100 credit since I don't have a plan which qualified for the Diamond $100 rebate, etc.). I even had a call from eCare earlier this week following up just to let me know I could go back to a Diamond (originally from a Diamond, to the Touch Pro, then back again now).

Granted sometimes the language barrier can be a bit rough, but I've been pretty pleased as of late.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2008, 01:16 AM
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Re: sprint customer service

I think a lot of the time our dealings with customer service, and the outcome, is fair and just. However working with them, like anything else in life, is all about perception. If we don't get exactly what we want, when and how we want it, our perception is that the other party sucks.

For me I can say that I see a 180 degree turn around for Sprint customer service from 2-3 years ago. They may not always be able to help, and they may not always be the most informed, but for the most part (on a whole) I think that they are trying much harder to improve. And since no one is perfect, I think as long as they are trying to improve, they are doing a good job.
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