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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2008, 11:51 AM
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Re: Sprint Diamond New plan or original plan

Originally Posted by klive View Post
I'm wondering what plan are you guys going to go with for your diamond. I currently have a touch, and my plan is pretty sick. 1500 minutes, unlimited text messaging, mobile to mobile, nights starting at 7 p.m A. and unlimited incoming calls and unlimited data for $47 plus tax.

I call to order my diamond, the Sprint rep told me that I cannot keep that plan with the diamond that I had to get a new plan, that cost $100. I asked why, he told me that the diamond is more advanced than the touch.
I don't know a lot about phones, but that just doesn't sound right to me.
I thought the touch and the diamond had comparable features one is just faster than the other with more storage. that's like upgrading your computer and your Internet provider telling you that you have to buy a more extensive Internet package.

I really want the diamond, but I can't see myself spending over $50 a month more if I have to change my plan. is anyone else going through this with Sprint or are they letting you keep your original plan

Originally Posted by halcyoncmdr View Post
The only requirement ont he Diamond that I have ever heard of is to have the $25 data plan, or a plan including data... to get the mail in rebates. Otherwise however there are no retrictions any different from getting a Palm/Mogul/Touch/Blackberry/Ace/etc.
Think about it- these are not mutually exclusive.
I think that the first part of halcyoncmdr's statement is true- you have to have a $25 data plan or one of the new plans which includes data. The closest current plan that includes data is about $100/month. You might be able to get a cheaper plan and then add on the required data services, but it won't be that much cheaper. Your other option, as halcyoncmdr mentioned, is to not take the rebates which require the newer & more expensive plans. Over a few months, you've made your money back.

These phone's ain't gonna be cheap to keep.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2008, 01:15 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond New plan or original plan

The only option is EBAY(paypal) (alway do a esn check) and that if they are asking you to upgrade to the diamond you have to upgrade your plan. and if you cant wait and these are the requirement your stuck! When you buy it from ebay its like your buying the phone outright and you call and and do a ESN swap and your good!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2008, 03:28 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond New plan or original plan

I ordered mine and added it as a 4th line for $19.95 extra a month. And the lady verified that it will be sharing minutes, data and text with all four lines.

no extra plan here other the the $19.95 a month

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2008, 03:47 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond New plan or original plan

Originally Posted by klive View Post
I'm wondering what plan are you guys going to go with for your diamond. I currently have a touch, and my plan is pretty sick. 1500 minutes, unlimited text messaging, mobile to mobile, nights starting at 7 p.m A. and unlimited incoming calls and unlimited data for $47 plus tax.

I call to order my diamond, the Sprint rep told me that I cannot keep that plan with the diamond that I had to get a new plan, that cost $100. I asked why, he told me that the diamond is more advanced than the touch.
I don't know a lot about phones, but that just doesn't sound right to me.
I thought the touch and the diamond had comparable features one is just faster than the other with more storage. that's like upgrading your computer and your Internet provider telling you that you have to buy a more extensive Internet package.

I really want the diamond, but I can't see myself spending over $50 a month more if I have to change my plan. is anyone else going through this with Sprint or are they letting you keep your original plan


The rep was outright lying to you. (Either through their own incompetence/ignorance or worse they were doing it on purpose to try and get you off of your plan)

You do *NOT* have to change plans to get the Diamond. Too many people have ordered it without having to change. (Try ordering yours online...you can upgrade phones online. or just call back and get a better rep.)

The only requirement that the phone could possibly have is they could tell you that it requires data...but you already have that.

Next time you get told something this outrageous, you should immediately demand to speak to that person's supervisor or the cancellations department. Either one should be a lot more knowledgeable and less likely to screw you.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2008, 04:07 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond New plan or original plan

Originally Posted by Trident View Post
Think about it- these are not mutually exclusive.
I think that the first part of halcyoncmdr's statement is true- you have to have a $25 data plan or one of the new plans which includes data. The closest current plan that includes data is about $100/month. You might be able to get a cheaper plan and then add on the required data services, but it won't be that much cheaper. Your other option, as halcyoncmdr mentioned, is to not take the rebates which require the newer & more expensive plans. Over a few months, you've made your money back.

These phone's ain't gonna be cheap to keep.
Essentially to be eligible for the mail in rebates you have to either have the 450 Everything ($70), 900 Everything ($90), Simply Everything ($100), 1500 Talk/Message/Data Share ($130 starting), 3000 Talk/Message/Data Share ($170 starting), a minimum $25 power vision add-on, or a Data premier add-on (Sprint data pack at $15 and the premier add-on for additional $10; $25 total). Ther SERO plans aren't kisted, but there have never been any issues stemming from that in thepast, it will not start happening now over one phone.

Most plans, including the SERO plans will work with the Diamond, no need to change the plan.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2008, 10:45 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond New plan or original plan

Even if the MIR requires a plan other than SERO, I would mail it. They may deny the rebate, but at least you tired. If you don't get it, you are still saving so much more with SERO than any other plan.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2008, 10:57 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond New plan or original plan

Originally Posted by aznmode View Post
I don't see why getting the Daimond should affect your plan. It still uses Rev A. Capabilities is still the same as Touch or Mogul.
Nah They told me the same thing because i wanted the touch pro,& i had to up grade to a everything plan & no employee discount WTF!!!! Man for all that i will roll otu with the mogul for one more year!
Dolla DP

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2008, 11:33 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond New plan or original plan

I called sprint retention department today, to try out some of the things that you guys have said in this post. I told her that I was thinking of getting a diamond, and that the previous rep told me that I had to change my plan, she said, I can see that he noted in your account. unfortunately he is correct....etc. etc. to make a long story short. She said, I cannot get that phone without a new plan. so I call back to see if I can get a good rep this rep told me the same thing. each rep tried to explain to me the differences between the touch and the diamond. but it just doesn't make sense.

I'm not getting this phone until someone on this form can verify that they got to keep there original plan

I'm glad touchflo 2D is out. I'll try that all my touch maybe it will breathe new life my touch, until we figure this out

thanks a lot for the advice
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2008, 11:43 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond New plan or original plan

The Sprint Diamond requires the user to have the unlimited plan....which is $100. The Instint requires the same unlimited plan.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2008, 11:59 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond New plan or original plan

No the unlimited plan is definitely NOT needed. Someone posted earlier that you only need the proper data plan. I have a plan that comes to about $70 a month ($40 plan, $15 unlimited texts, $25 data plan, taxes, etc - employee discount), and I did not have to change my plan at all. Although, Sprint did this to me about 3 years ago when I used to have $5 unlimited texts. When I got my new phone then, I had to change my texting option, which is BS.

When you call, just mention that you are thinking about switching to AT&T to get the fruit phone since you can't keep your plan, and see what they say. I hate doing that, but it unfortunately works (so long as you don't have a history of this)
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