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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2008, 05:41 PM
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Re: Sprint Diamond New plan or original plan

It all depends on how you treat them, what rep you get, how smart/nice/willing/experienced they are, and a few other factors.

I called Customer Service (*2). Talked with a really nice lady asking her a couple questions about the Touch Pro. I asked her what the best price was I could get on the Diamond. She quotes me the standard price after the standard discounts of $250 + activation + shipping + tax after rebates (instant+mail-in). I mentioned, in a friendly way, that I was a long-term customer of 9 years, never paid late, had an EVP discount because of working for a company that has a negotiated discount with Sprint and I asked her if any of this might help earn any sort of additional discount.

That is all I asked. I did not ask for anything specific.

She came back on the phone after putting me on hold and offered me:
$200 after instant rebates
-$100 mail in
-$75 service credit

I asked her if they could ship them to me. She said she would have to transfer me. I asked her to add detailed notes to the account about the price she was offering including all the discounts. She did.

Every rep I talked to after her (starting with telesales) was convinced that one of the "additional discounts" didn't really mean "additional". ie: The other reps refused to honor what was in black and white in their own system.

I contacted the eCare rep that helped me with a previous issue a month ago. He checked the notes for me after I explained the situation to him. He agreed that the price that was offered to me after discounts was $25.

He let me get 2 phones (one for both of my lines that qualified for new devices) at this price, free shipping, free activation etc.

I didn't ask for this price. It was offered and then it took the dan@sprint.com ecare rep to help me make Sprint honor the price.

So blame me for "trying to screw sprint" if you want. I've brought them a number of customers including a business account so in the end they've made plenty off me. I'm glad that there are still a few people there that are willing to go the extra mile to do their best to impress a customer.
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