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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2009, 03:47 PM
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Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker

Originally Posted by pjsockett View Post
I have the same question. It seems like Verizon users will only benefit from unlocking in the ability to use radios from other phones.
I was wondering the same thing. I will be traveling to Thailand next month and want to be able to use my phone. Do I need this unlocker to do that?
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2009, 04:01 PM
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Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker

Originally Posted by isdnmatt View Post
This only says to me that you should've waited the two weeks until you got settled. And if you actually did download directly to your laptop while tethering, it would've worked normally. The way your accessed the internet is not the problem... rather that you purchased it using one computer (the phone) then tried to unlock using another (your mom's). So technically, you could've unlocked two phones if this licensing wasn't in place.
why the hell would i wait to be settled in to do something that is supposed to be simple/painless?? evenso, IF they had a disclaimer explaining you cant download one place then run it in another I would have. Reason i needed it now is because my wifes phone (tmobile) is broken and we are travelling soon again, so i was gonna activate an old sprint phone and let her use my phone (it just not smart to travel with a 2 month old baby without a phone).

but all of that is besides the point. they should have warned. sure there is nothing saying to do it like that. BUt there is NO warning not to, i had no idea otherwise, obviously, i wouldnt have done it.

and how could i have unlocked 2 phones if it was like that. Im pretty sure they ask for the IMEI for a reason. So unless 2 phones have the same IMEI then how would that even be possible?? thats how it shoulda been setup IMO. Only authorize you to unlock that one IMEI regardless of WHERE you unlock it from. kinda stupid
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2009, 04:12 PM
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Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker

Regardless, you're doing something that the phone was specifically designed not to do. (Sprint TP2 using US GSM towers). What would have you done if this unlocker came out two weeks later? Then you complain that something that was put together by a group of software developers, not a huge corporate company, like Sprint, doesn't work flawlessly.

I'll stop now, but why don't you PM cmonex on xda-developers about your situation? You're entitled to your unlock and I'm sure she'll do the right thing, but why come and complain when you used unorthodox methods. It is somewhat expected that when you start hacking your phone, you have SOME understanding about how the system works. If you had any questions, GSM users of the TP2 have been using the same licensing system for quite some time.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2009, 04:16 PM
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Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker

Hmm, I unlocked the sim, but cannot get Tmobile or any US GSM carrier to work. I am also using the patched radio. It tried to register on Tmobile and then fails. Anyone else have Tmobile and having problems?

Well I have solved my own issue. For anyone in the US using Sprint and are having problems, this is what I did to fix the problem.

After doing the Hard SPL, flashing the patched Spint 2.05.00WU radio, sim unlocking, and installing your sim, you then want to use go to phone settings and the network tab. Then to test to make sure you phone works change mode of operation to GSM and the important kicker here is to set the GSM Network selection to Manual and then select your GSM carrier. Now everything works. I hope is helpful to some.


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Last edited by mikee4fun; 11-01-2009 at 05:25 PM.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2009, 05:00 PM
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Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker

Originally Posted by isdnmatt View Post
It is somewhat expected that when you start hacking your phone, you have SOME understanding about how the system works.
yeah cuz they've sim unlocked plenty of sprint phones before......
thats not even a question anyone would ask. Unless ive payed for an unlocker in the past How would i even know to ask that??

If it didnt come out yet then obviously we wouldnt be having this convo, but it did, and i paid for it cause it happen to be out before i traveled again. Bottom line i really dont know why you keep defending it, im not attacking team elite (they are the best, without them, alot is not possible. just not the best licensing system). The ONLY reason im upset is they didnt fore warn people the usage limitations, im pretty sure im not the only person in America that had the desire to download the unlocker rar file elsewhere then take it home to install.

so let my situation be a warning to everyopne else. also do not tether to your laptop to download cause it needs to use internet AND access your device via activesync at the sametime so that doesnt work either.

and ive pm'ed cmonex on xda, thankyou. Im pretty sure they are overloaded right now so theyll get around to me when they have time hopefully
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2009, 05:07 PM
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Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker

ok...i'll post this again. myself, and as far as i can tell - at least one other person has the same question. so here it is:

2 questions, but first some background:

i called verizon and requested to have my sim unlocked on my device. the first rep transferred me to someone in a higher tier of tech support - and he gave me a 6 or 7 digit (or something like that) code. he directed me to the "sim security" setting. i typed in the code, and i now have a message that reads "your hone is SIM unlocked".

the rep told me verizon was now NOT responsible for any charges or quality issues that result from me using another sim card.

so -

1 - what exactly did i accomplish here?

2 - do i still need to go through this "sim unlocker" process that cmonex is offering?
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2009, 05:45 PM
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Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker

1-you are sim unlocked now. pop in a friends sim card to test it

2-no, as far as i know, if your unlocked you wouldnt need this
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2009, 05:55 PM
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Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker

Ok after reading all this post I’m still confused with what this is about and if this is what I’m looking for.

Here is what I’m looking for.
I want to be able to use my Sprint TP2 on ATT/Tmobile networks (US GSM carriers). After reading all the post here I get the feeling this is what I’m looking for, but still unclear if I have to prep my phone prior to going with this. It seems like I need to do something else before I can purchase this. I just want to make sure this will due what I’m looking for and that I will not have any problems ones the new sprint 6.5 upgrade comes out.

If you can answer this QUESTING CMONEX or anyone else that has knowledge regarding this matter.

1. Is this pretty straight forward to install and will it allow me to use US GSM Sim with no problem?

I don't anticipate installing any custom Rom as I use my phone for business, but on the other hand I do plan on upgrading my TP2 once sprint releases the update to 6.5 with that said here come question two

2. If I do purchase this and the answer to question 1 is yes, will it continue to work even after I upgrade to 6.5 (stock Sprint ROM)?

3. What happens in the event I lose/break my phone or my computer crash and I have to restore it, does this mean I would have to repurchase this unlocked every time? I don’t want to be in the same situation as Newone757 as I would be very pissed specially if I’m not warned upfront.

Sorry for he question that my sound stupid to some but I just want every clear and on the table. Im very sure there are many people in this form that would like to have this question answered in plain English with out all the HSPL/CID Unlock security unlock and all this things that leaves the average joe like me in lala land.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2009, 06:08 PM
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Wirelessly posted (HTC-P4600/1.2 Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en))

maybe this is a dumb question... I couldn't find the answer. If i sim unlock and put in my tmobile sim card, what can I expect?

Do I just have the ability to switch between the two networks? Or can I "magically" receive calls and data on both networks at the same time?
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2009, 06:13 PM
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Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker

Originally Posted by nootrak4 View Post
Ok after reading all this post I’m still confused with what this is about and if this is what I’m looking for.

Here is what I’m looking for.
I want to be able to use my Sprint TP2 on ATT/Tmobile networks (US GSM carriers). After reading all the post here I get the feeling this is what I’m looking for, but still unclear if I have to prep my phone prior to going with this. It seems like I need to do something else before I can purchase this. I just want to make sure this will due what I’m looking for and that I will not have any problems ones the new sprint 6.5 upgrade comes out.

If you can answer this QUESTING CMONEX or anyone else that has knowledge regarding this matter.

1. Is this pretty straight forward to install and will it allow me to use US GSM Sim with no problem?

I don't anticipate installing any custom Rom as I use my phone for business, but on the other hand I do plan on upgrading my TP2 once sprint releases the update to 6.5 with that said here come question two

2. If I do purchase this and the answer to question 1 is yes, will it continue to work even after I upgrade to 6.5 (stock Sprint ROM)?

3. What happens in the event I lose/break my phone or my computer crash and I have to restore it, does this mean I would have to repurchase this unlocked every time? I don’t want to be in the same situation as Newone757 as I would be very pissed specially if I’m not warned upfront.

Sorry for he question that my sound stupid to some but I just want every clear and on the table. Im very sure there are many people in this form that would like to have this question answered in plain English with out all the HSPL/CID Unlock security unlock and all this things that leaves the average joe like me in lala land.
Yes that is all you have to do to get a tmobile or att card working with your sprint tp2...If and when sprint updates their rom...if it includes a radio update, then it will stop working until there is a patch released for that radio. Im sure if you email them they will work with you if you lose or break your phone...i cant promise that...but they should...hope this helped
Sprint EVO 4G (6/4/10)

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