Originally Posted by Boushh
I'm all down with pushing people to look for their own answers and all, especially since I've read every single post in this thread and been in it since day one. I'm sick of seeing every other post be a "why my MMS no workie" "why just a .nbh" etc, but seriously, you guys are filling up this thread with nothing but BS by taking 2 pages to harass this guy. Yes, he should search. Am I in any disagreement, absolutely not! You to however are just filling up this thread with more worthless crap and $hit talking which doesn't help the size or ease of searching or trying to catch up on this thread. Had one of you just posted a link to the previous page (with the solution) or maybe the search button this thread would be cleaner and not have so much worthless information in it. So.... yeah.
Im a very helpful person but seriously there comes a point when some people need a little "push" to help themselves. Yes, I posted a few times referencing his question but he posted the same question just as much. Im not trying to say "he started it" because I dont think I need to defend myself but I am saying that whats filling up this thread isnt a couple posts from 2 or 3 people joking about something its the people that post 5 times each about the exact same topic thats been answered already. Trust me I understand the difficulty of reading through these threads. I got my TP2 around the end of December so I had to read through hundreds of pages before I was caught up too however I did it! I also did it when I had my TP1 and so can other people. Its tedious and a PITA but if you want to learn about your device and what youre doing to it its what you have to do. BTW, for anyone that complains about the size of this thread. Due to the redundant posts this thread is actually about half the size it looks. When you add in all the filler (like this post and lots of others ive posted

) its probably down to 1/3. So its not like youre reading War and Peace.