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  #31911 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2011, 06:08 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by jerryyyyy View Post

Can you help with a problem I am having with the screen lock. It looks, then seems to spontaneously unlock and I get off button pushes and dialing... I see in the ROm there are alternatives. What is the most reliable way to lock the screen?
Try settings, system, lock config, and enabled. save. phone should lock when backlight turns off. power button to bring up lockscreen to unlock.
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  #31912 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2011, 07:22 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Puck I just wanted to let ou know that you are not alone in your issue. I have had the same problem with all roms except Titanium. Flash the phone and run UC to setup my email accounts with a Makisu created xml file. All email accounts and I have 5 plus my exchange settings are setup perfect. Email flows in and calendar apts update both way. Anywhere from the next day to a few days later my exchange settings are gone and all my email accounts are toast. Sometimes the email icons still show up on the email tab but if I click on they they do nothing and if I goto inbox it just shows setup account. All my accounts are gone.

The latest rom I flashed "Energy 29020 Sense 2.5 Cookie 2.0 May 15" would not even let me run Makisu; I get an error message telling me "Please use a Mortscript version between and 4.2 to run Makisu"

I guess that means that I will need a new method to restore my email settings????

I usually just put the xml file that Makisu created into the UC folder and let XDA handle it but when the accounts all disappear I run Makisu to recreate the accounts. Now I can't even do that.

This time I tried emptying the UC folder of everything except the Makisu xml file and provisioning with the tools XDA_UC. Unfortunately that doesn't work anymore either. So I tried to manually setup my email accounts and now I get a message that I cannot use that name as it is already in use. Seems that although the accounts are not there they are still there hidden somewhere.


I guess I am going back to Titanium. I have to assume that because it works fine in Titanium it is a sense or cookie issue.

Any recommendations on a replacement to Makisu for handling email account and exchange settings????
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  #31913 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2011, 08:39 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

I'm using 21916.Sense2.5.Cookie.2.0.GTX.Jun.01 ROM.

I've tried installing a few taskbars, but everyone seems to mess up the volume bar in the music tab. Does anyone know where I can find (so I can backup) the default Volume Control driver built into the ROM? I want to try and install a custom taskbar, and then restore the Volume Control driver NRGZ built in and see if that works.
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  #31914 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2011, 08:43 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by frozenbutt View Post
Puck I just wanted to let ou know that you are not alone in your issue. I have had the same problem with all roms except Titanium. Flash the phone and run UC to setup my email accounts with a Makisu created xml file. All email accounts and I have 5 plus my exchange settings are setup perfect. Email flows in and calendar apts update both way. Anywhere from the next day to a few days later my exchange settings are gone and all my email accounts are toast. Sometimes the email icons still show up on the email tab but if I click on they they do nothing and if I goto inbox it just shows setup account. All my accounts are gone.

The latest rom I flashed "Energy 29020 Sense 2.5 Cookie 2.0 May 15" would not even let me run Makisu; I get an error message telling me "Please use a Mortscript version between and 4.2 to run Makisu"

I guess that means that I will need a new method to restore my email settings????

I usually just put the xml file that Makisu created into the UC folder and let XDA handle it but when the accounts all disappear I run Makisu to recreate the accounts. Now I can't even do that.

This time I tried emptying the UC folder of everything except the Makisu xml file and provisioning with the tools XDA_UC. Unfortunately that doesn't work anymore either. So I tried to manually setup my email accounts and now I get a message that I cannot use that name as it is already in use. Seems that although the accounts are not there they are still there hidden somewhere.


I guess I am going back to Titanium. I have to assume that because it works fine in Titanium it is a sense or cookie issue.

Any recommendations on a replacement to Makisu for handling email account and exchange settings????
If you have the xml files, you can somewhat easily build them into cabs.

Copy the file to _setup.xml
c: makecab.exe _setup.xml cabfilename.cab

copy cabfilename.cab over to your device and run to confirm that it works.

Best regards,
Mine has theft deterrent!
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  #31915 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2011, 11:25 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by PuckMercury View Post
Ok, I am throwing in the towel on figuring this issue out on my own. I have had this for a few months now but just keep managing it. Whenever I flash a new ROM these past months (21916 CHT2 Touch of Glass) and go through the UC, the email settings and data connection (VZW) are both fine initially. However, when I reboot the first time, the data connection is no longer set up (I have to manually enter or run carrier prov again) and my two (exchange and gmail) email settings are both borked. In both instances, they've lost the pwd and the download size/date ranges. In the case of Gmail it also ditches the incoming and outgoing server settings. This is using a provisioning XML that worked perfectly until some random point and still works perfectly until the first reboot.

I realize this may be due to any number of cabs I may or may not be installing, but I haven't been able to nail that down. I thought I'd throw my problem to the masses and see if it's something unfortunately obvious I've overlooked (and searches + wiki couldn't illuminate). I don't have CHT set to change any email account settings at any point, and the only settings being restored are by way of the settings import/export registry entires.

In any event I thought I'd ask and thanks to any suggestions.

EDIT: I have tried other flavors of 21916 CHT2 and all demonstrate this same quirk. I have not tried many 6.5.x builds as that introduces more variables than it would eliminate in such an issue. Those few I have tried, however, also demonstrate this.
I am on USCell and have had the data quit problem after first boot quite a lot, although it has never affected my email settings.

To cure the data issue here is what you do, go to:

start>settings>connections>connections>manage existing connections

When you get there just hit edit and run through each screen until you get to finish. You don't have to change anything. Don't ask me why this works but it does for me.

I change my connection name from sprint to USCC, and add my 10 digit phone number as a user-name and password because sometimes it seems to help with roaming, but its not necessary.

Hope this gets you a little closer to your solution.
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  #31916 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2011, 11:39 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by frozenbutt View Post
Puck I just wanted to let ou know that you are not alone in your issue. I have had the same problem with all roms except Titanium. Flash the phone and run UC to setup my email accounts with a Makisu created xml file. All email accounts and I have 5 plus my exchange settings are setup perfect. Email flows in and calendar apts update both way. Anywhere from the next day to a few days later my exchange settings are gone and all my email accounts are toast. Sometimes the email icons still show up on the email tab but if I click on they they do nothing and if I goto inbox it just shows setup account. All my accounts are gone.

The latest rom I flashed "Energy 29020 Sense 2.5 Cookie 2.0 May 15" would not even let me run Makisu; I get an error message telling me "Please use a Mortscript version between and 4.2 to run Makisu"

I guess that means that I will need a new method to restore my email settings????

I usually just put the xml file that Makisu created into the UC folder and let XDA handle it but when the accounts all disappear I run Makisu to recreate the accounts. Now I can't even do that.

This time I tried emptying the UC folder of everything except the Makisu xml file and provisioning with the tools XDA_UC. Unfortunately that doesn't work anymore either. So I tried to manually setup my email accounts and now I get a message that I cannot use that name as it is already in use. Seems that although the accounts are not there they are still there hidden somewhere.


I guess I am going back to Titanium. I have to assume that because it works fine in Titanium it is a sense or cookie issue.

Any recommendations on a replacement to Makisu for handling email account and exchange settings????
I am not quite sure if your problem was the same as I had a while back, but heres what happened to me and how I solved it.

My email quit updating (I have 4 accounts that I install with a cab). When I went to my Sense mail tab they showed up there, but when I hit the inbox soft key they were not there. When I attempted to reinstall I was told the accounts already existed.

I eventually solved the problem by going to: start>Internet>messinging and low and behold there they were. I deleted them from here, ran my email cab again and all was fine.

Again I don't know if this is your or Puck's problem, but it might point you in the right direction.
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  #31917 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2011, 03:31 AM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

start, tools, PIM backup & restore is all i ever use, never had an issue...
Energy questions? Read posts 1-6 and ENERGY FAQ WIKI cdma FIRST!! .. (GSM here)
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  #31918 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2011, 09:51 AM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by frozenbutt View Post

The latest rom I flashed "Energy 29020 Sense 2.5 Cookie 2.0 May 15" would not even let me run Makisu; I get an error message telling me "Please use a Mortscript version between and 4.2 to run Makisu"

I guess that means that I will need a new method to restore my email settings????

I usually just put the xml file that Makisu created into the UC folder and let XDA handle it but when the accounts all disappear I run Makisu to recreate the accounts. Now I can't even do that.
The wiki has various changelog and release notes of the ROMs that folks probably do not notice. One of the items a bunch of us requested is that NRGZ recently updated MortScript to version 4.3b15 - the last and final version to be found which has not been touched in ages. Previous ROMs had MortScript 4.2. Many newer scripts were busted without a 4.3+ and many script writers had to package in a newer MOrtscript in to their .cab installers (like I had to) for running on Energy ROMs. The side effect of this is some really old scripts that do blind version checks are now broken.

Older versions Makisu did a dumb version check that Mortscript had to be version 4.2 or younger. I believe the most recent version now just checks for or newer. If you used the .cab installer for Makisu it installs a localized version of Mortscript that bypasses all that. If you are using it in XDAUC, find a newer version of the script or just comment out the "Exit" call in his version check code.

As for XML generated by Makisu, I have my main personal unit with XML generated by it and a few I hand wrote that provision my email accounts just fine. But I use a combo of XDA_UC and S4X (which just does the same calls for XML provisioning as XDA_UC). That's with the June.01.2011.CHT185 release.
* Using: Energy.RHODCDMA|Leo.[6.5.3].Sense2.5+CHT185 (July.4.2011) | AmeriCanAndroid HD2 | MOAR GS3
+ Helping with: [XDA_UC][UC][SASHIMI][S4X] S4X_Auto (Updated: Jan.17.2011)
+ Energy ROM Script/XDA_UC Contributions: Auto Carrier Provisioning | Start Menu Layout
* Rhodium NRG Energy CDMA ROM Wiki - please read before posting a new question...
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  #31919 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2011, 02:10 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by boggsie View Post
Can you describe the scenarios where it appears to spontaneously unlock?

I ask, because there is an automatic unlock feature associated with opening the keyboard. The device comes to know that the keyboard has been opened, by virtue of a small magnetic device. Thus, many times folks will see their phone unlocked when they slide it in and out of their holster.

You might try to disable this feature on a temporary basis to see if that, in fact, is what is the root cause of this unplanned unlocking.


Best regards,
This may be it. I can reproduce it manually. I have this very nice but tight leather holster from Orvis. Will turn off and see.
Sprint: G1000, HTC-6600, 6800, TP2 now Optimus S with Stock Android 2.2.2.
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  #31920 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2011, 02:15 PM
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Re: |ROM|¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |May 14| 21916|29020 * Sense 2021 + flavors

Originally Posted by a1burgonio View Post
Try settings, system, lock config, and enabled. save. phone should lock when backlight turns off. power button to bring up lockscreen to unlock.
Will try this too.... Thx
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