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  #28061 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2010, 08:47 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 8| 21916|21684 * Sense 201

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
8th glass of rum... I'd be riding in the clouds also!
(that's what my eyes saw the first time I glanced over the post..!)
That better be some Captain Morgans!!!!!!!

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  #28062 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2010, 11:13 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 8| 21916|21684 * Sense 201

Originally Posted by jonlee83 View Post
Thank Kiowa. the link lead me nowhere. PAGE NOT FOUND. The battery fix link
sorry didn't know that the link was broke, here's a link to the new max134 battery cab: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment..._regedits3.cab

also here is the cab that i use which is called the hypnotic battery cab: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment...ery_tweaks.cab

Originally Posted by fishdood12 View Post
Having a problem with the Nov 08 roms when I load them and goto reply to a text message and slide out the keyboard it wont let me touch in the reply box so I can start typing. It just wants to press the bottom buttons no matter where I touch on the screen. Anyone else having this problem??? I have tried aligning the screen and hard and soft resets and its not helping.
sounds like a bad install or flash as those things shouldn't be happening, i would suggest pulling the sd card out of the phone and either reformat it if you have a copy of all your files stored on your computer <i keep a copy on my card and a back-up copy on my computer for safe keeping> redownload the rom and then flash the phone and then reinstall the sd card, let us know if that works or not.

Originally Posted by wd4sgu View Post
Having a weird problem with my Verizon TP2:

Flashed with "Energy.RHODCDMA.21916.Sense2.5.Cookie.2.0.Nov.08" . Everything works well, but CHT 2.0beta keep losing the freelinks on the home tab, so I decided instead to flash a rom without it.

Flashed "Energy.RHODCDMA.21916.Sense2.5.Nov.08", phone boots to the black screen with the "TOUCHpro2" logo and hangs there. I've waited up to 15 minutes for some response, but nothing else happens; no buttons work, so I have to soft-reset or pull the battery to go on.

Flashed "Energy.RHODCDMA.21684.Sense2.5.Nov.08", which works properly. I installed CHT 1.8.5, which also works well, but I just don't care for the bottom taskbar in 6.5.x.

I'd really like to go back to 6.5 (21916) in an Energy ROM, but as I mentioned, my phone just hangs at the first logo screen when I flash with it.

Anybody have any ideas?


to me it sounds like an sd card issue, try flashing the phone with the sd card out and see if things work better, sometimes these cards go back or just have files on them that makes things act weird, in all the flashing that i have done i have actually only had to pull my card once and reformat it, but give that a try, last suggestion would be to flash to stock rom and then hard reset and then flash to the NRG rom you want then hard reset again and then start setting things up, it's usually a good practice to flash to the rom you want then hard reset again and then start setting things up.

Originally Posted by Exit24 View Post
I use GTX and I have had the same problem is every updated version of the ROM too. Not a big deal anyway since I know how to fix it.
well at least you are helping to make NRG aware that it's an issue and hopefully he'll see it and fix the issue with the next round of GTX roms, also glad to hear you know how to fix it.
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  #28063 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 12:11 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 2| 21916|21683 * Sense 201

Originally Posted by jonlee83 View Post
Hey guys,
using swype and it works great for everything except one. When i load the kb in any search field, online, calender, i can type right away but when using the texting for sense, i tap the text box and keyboard pops up... Then when i type it take 30 15-30 seconds for the words to show up... This only happens this texting with sense. everything else is qiuck and responsive.
Anyone have any ideas? I was also reading people using SLIDE IT. Is that only for droid or can we use it too. If so, can someone link me the app?
Thank you!
-Hello, I installed 21684 Cookie 1.8.5 GTX. All the speed is back to the phone, for some reason it didn't like the 2.0 at all, none of the ones I tried over the last 40 or so days.

-Swype 3.9 works better than in 2.0 but still buggy. Not as smooth as the version NRG used to cook in. Many times it lags, sometimes can 't reach the options. And before it gave me the option to switch to spanish, now it offers me 4 blank alternatives to us-english (I do have the language files installed by default). The directory search is fixed, but I don't know how long can I live without the language option, since typing á, ¿, ¡, ñ and the like are a pain on both the virtual and the physical keyboard.

-I ran into a problem, Opera runs out of memory really fast (just checking yahoo mail, no other tabs open). This is very strange because it is the same version of opera as before. After reboot I had the same issue. I don't know if I am the only one with this issue, but if I am not, probably NRG would like to know.

-I run into a weird problem 10 days ago, I was going to flash 21681 plain cookie 2.0, I ran Task29 fine; and then at 58%, the ROM flash failed. Restarted (x3), rebooted computer (x2), Task29 again (x5), stock ROM (x1), nothing worked. I was getting very worried, even pulled out my Tréo 800w and was about to drive to town and go to the sprint store to reactivate since I had to work all next day and could not do it without a working phone. I did a last attempt, I tried flashing from my little cheap netbook I take to work in the worst environments I can't break, and it flashed perfectly (well, the ROM was a little buggy, but for the most part it worked, especially what I needed most, the phone and email!).
1st lesson of the day, when all else fails, try another computer.
2nd lesson: I could have done the activation on line (but sometimes not with my slow internet) or on the phone (assuming I had another working one, I didn't) and save the world from global warming.
Today, I flashed 21684 from the computer that refused to flash 21681, no problem! Even more confusing...
Y'all have a great night!!!

Last edited by alalor; 11-12-2010 at 12:19 AM.
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  #28064 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 01:19 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 8| 21916|21684 * Sense 201

Originally Posted by KIOWA69 View Post
well at least you are helping to make NRG aware that it's an issue and hopefully he'll see it and fix the issue with the next round of GTX roms, also glad to hear you know how to fix it.
Yea, that's what I figured. I didn't wanna make a big fuss over it since its not a big deal and I'm sure he has much more important things to do.
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  #28065 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 03:12 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 8| 21916|21684 * Sense 201

does anyone happen to have nrgz aug 25 2009 warhawk rom? or know where i can get it?
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  #28066 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 04:41 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 8| 21916|21684 * Sense 201

Originally Posted by ruthless1337 View Post
Hey Guys,

I'm not sure why I'm having trouble installing the Nov 8 release of Energy ROM. Usually the process works pretty straight forward and I have never experienced this issue.

I have downloaded both Energy.RHODCDMA.21684.Sense2.5.Cookie.2.0.sencity. Nov.08 as well as Energy.RHODCDMA.21684.Sense2.5.Cookie.sencity.Nov. 08 versions of the ROM. I connect my phone and then launch RhodCDMA_SoftwareUpgrade.exe as always but with these ROMS they install utility just wont launch for me. I'm on Windows 7 and tried another machine as well. I even tried to download the ROMS again and still the same results. Please let me know if you have any ideas..

Never Mind I think I found the missing files that are usually zipped up with the ROMS. It should install fine with these missing files.
I had the same problem install the Nov 8 rom also. The nov 8 rom only has 2 files in the zipped file. One file is the softwareupgrade file and the other is the RHODIMG.nbh file. Some of the other files are missing. To get it to work, make a copy of the previous Nov 3 rom's folder that you unzipped. Copy and paste the RHODIMG.nbh file from the nov 8 folder that you unzipped into the nov 3 folder that you just made a copy of and overwrite the RHODIMG.nbh file. Now open the nov 3 copied folder and run the softwareupgrade file as you normally would and it will install the nov 8 update.
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  #28067 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 09:31 AM
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Surprise: new roms!!

Surprise: new roms uploaded!!
With a new build for Wm6.5.X: 28244 is faster...and probably less freeze with NRGZ's Hammer
See here for more details
HTC Rhodium CDMA (Sprint)
EnergyROM Sense 2.5.2021 29020 15may2011 CHT2.0 GTX
Leo Dialer for wm6.5.X
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  #28068 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 10:58 AM
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Re: Surprise: new roms!!

Originally Posted by Monfro View Post
Surprise: new roms uploaded!!
With a new build for Wm6.5.X: 28244 is faster...and probably less freeze with NRGZ's Hammer
See here for more details
And I thought I was going to try to be productive at work today !

Please remember to THANK me if I helped you!
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  #28069 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 11:02 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Nov 8| 21916|21684 * Sense 201

well there goes my day!!!!!!!!
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  #28070 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 11:26 AM
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28244 is blazing fast!!

I have just flashed...and i have to say that 28244 is blazing fast!!
28244 is fast as 21684 overclocked!!!

NRGZ is great!!!
He cooked for us this delice, even if the last release was of 3 days ago!!!
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