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  #19651 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 07:42 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 11| 21905|23569 | MaxSense / Sense 201

NRGZ in this latest ROM you have yet to fix the Sense problem where you can't delete Yahoo IMAP E-Mail messages from the Sense UI using the Delete message from the menu. Any change you would have a chance to look at that?
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  #19652 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 07:44 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 11| 21905|23569 | MaxSense / Sense 201

Originally Posted by Agentz919 View Post
Using Energy.RHODCDMA.23569.Sense2.5.Cookie.Dinik.Glass. Jun.11.7z

Start --> Settings --> Sounds & Notifications --> Notifications (tab) --> Select Message: New Message and check the box next to Display Message On Screen

Is there any way to get a text message preview to show up under the notifications bar the same way missed calls and everything else shows up when they come in?
Originally Posted by cge10 View Post
Is there a place i can find 2015 HTC messaging app to go with this rom?
Here you go.

Originally Posted by eastside770 View Post
man can someone help me i just updated to the 21905 cookie dinik june 11
Did your physical location change? Is it actually saying 1X?
If you're just not seeing "3G" and instead are seeing "EV" it's the same thing.

Did you run a #229 option 1 to reprogram your phone?
Energy.RHODCDMA.23673.Sense2.5.Cookie.DinikGlass.J ul.24

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  #19653 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 07:48 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 11| 21905|23569 | MaxSense / Sense 201

Originally Posted by Scenemaker View Post
I've been running various releases of the cookie roms for the last 2 weeks or so. Mostly the dinik ones. I've stayed clear of NRG Roms for a while because although I really like the overall package, I always have had issues with RAM. So a couple weeks ago I came back to Energy and found most of the little annoyances fixed and decided to give it a whirl. No matter what I do I constantly run near 90% RAM usage at idle and frequently find it creeping over the 90 mark. The odd thing is that CleanRAM never seems to free up more than 1mbeven at level 3. So now when I want to open an app like Bing or Youtube, I have to soft reset first. I even reflashed today and installed NOTHING. I setup the myphone account and that is it. 2 hours later (and having not opened a single other app) I turn my screen on to check the RAM usage and I'm sitting at 84%!!!! I can't be the only one running into this with Energy ROMs. And yes, I have tried changing the cache size to a smaller amount. I don't think this is so much a pagepool issue. It just feels like the infamous memory leak people used to talk about. (Even though I know now that the memory leak people spoke of was typically just the pagepool)

So, any suggestions on what I can do to keep this ROM running more efficiently?
Well as it's been previously said NRG sets up the rom for eye candy and max use so that's just some of the things you have to deal with on his roms unless you start experimenting with things to cut down on stuff. do you have weather animation on? do you have have it checking for email often? do you have it updating the weather often? you have bluetooth or wifi on a lot? so are you getting an out of memory message or another type of error?
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  #19654 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 07:48 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 11| 21905|23569 | MaxSense / Sense 201

no im at home an when im at home i always have a strong 3g. yes its sayin 1x. and i know that ev and 3g are tha same thing and its not showin neither one of those
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  #19655 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 08:14 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 11| 21905|23569 | MaxSense / Sense 201

Originally Posted by Scenemaker View Post
I've been running various releases of the cookie roms for the last 2 weeks or so. Mostly the dinik ones. I've stayed clear of NRG Roms for a while because although I really like the overall package, I always have had issues with RAM. So a couple weeks ago I came back to Energy and found most of the little annoyances fixed and decided to give it a whirl. No matter what I do I constantly run near 90% RAM usage at idle and frequently find it creeping over the 90 mark. The odd thing is that CleanRAM never seems to free up more than 1mbeven at level 3. So now when I want to open an app like Bing or Youtube, I have to soft reset first. I even reflashed today and installed NOTHING. I setup the myphone account and that is it. 2 hours later (and having not opened a single other app) I turn my screen on to check the RAM usage and I'm sitting at 84%!!!! I can't be the only one running into this with Energy ROMs. And yes, I have tried changing the cache size to a smaller amount. I don't think this is so much a pagepool issue. It just feels like the infamous memory leak people used to talk about. (Even though I know now that the memory leak people spoke of was typically just the pagepool)

So, any suggestions on what I can do to keep this ROM running more efficiently?

EDIT: Should prolly have mentioned that I was on the 6.5 ROMs not the 6.5.x
do you use task29 when you flash? if not that should help

moreover, I'm running at about 10 or 15% less ram usage with weather animations on and lots of widgets using MaxSense! I've been running my phone hard: bing, google maps and nanogroove all open using taskfacade to switch between and i always sit under 85% ram usage
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  #19656 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 08:21 PM
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Question Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 11| 21905|23569 | MaxSense / Sense 201

Does anyone have the issue with wifi constantly enabling itself after each phone call? I've had this issue with the last few NRGs I've flashed and cannot figure out what's wrong. I tried to search for someone else with this issue to no avail.

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  #19657 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 08:41 PM
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Re: ?????

Originally Posted by Foster6787 View Post
Hi. First off. I love this ROM. Thank you. I am having a problem regarding the HomePage editor. I don't quite know how to word it, but I'll try my best.
When moving items (clock, appointments, to-do) I must have moved the appointment bar behind the quicklaunch menu (Home, Messaging, E-mail, Contacts, Settings, etc). I've tried removing all the quick launch links, removing and re-adding the appointments bar, changing the style of the appointments bar, with no luck of having it appear in an accessible portion of the screen.
I will clarify if anyone needs it.

***I am using the 21950 Cookie ROM
Hmm... Try hiding the tab slider (you can do that from the settings. Turn on the retract slider setting) and then see if you can't get it up. Hope that helps!
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  #19658 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 08:56 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 11| 21905|23569 | MaxSense / Sense 201

Originally Posted by eastside770 View Post
no im at home an when im at home i always have a strong 3g. yes its sayin 1x. and i know that ev and 3g are tha same thing and its not showin neither one of those
Did you do a #228 option 1 or 2 after your last flash?
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  #19659 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 09:18 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 11| 21905|23569 | MaxSense / Sense 201

i changed my PP to 18, autoupdate facebook, twitter, weather, email every hr, push calendar... cookie ROMs... after a restart i sit at around 60%, end of the day it is up to 84% or so... may lower it just a hair cause i run pocketplayer, gps viewer, and igo8 simultaneously..

Originally Posted by Scenemaker View Post
I've been running various releases of the cookie roms for the last 2 weeks or so. Mostly the dinik ones. I've stayed clear of NRG Roms for a while because although I really like the overall package, I always have had issues with RAM. So a couple weeks ago I came back to Energy and found most of the little annoyances fixed and decided to give it a whirl. No matter what I do I constantly run near 90% RAM usage at idle and frequently find it creeping over the 90 mark. The odd thing is that CleanRAM never seems to free up more than 1mbeven at level 3. So now when I want to open an app like Bing or Youtube, I have to soft reset first. I even reflashed today and installed NOTHING. I setup the myphone account and that is it. 2 hours later (and having not opened a single other app) I turn my screen on to check the RAM usage and I'm sitting at 84%!!!! I can't be the only one running into this with Energy ROMs. And yes, I have tried changing the cache size to a smaller amount. I don't think this is so much a pagepool issue. It just feels like the infamous memory leak people used to talk about. (Even though I know now that the memory leak people spoke of was typically just the pagepool)

So, any suggestions on what I can do to keep this ROM running more efficiently?

EDIT: Should prolly have mentioned that I was on the 6.5 ROMs not the 6.5.x
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  #19660 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 09:36 PM
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Re: |CDMA Rhodium|¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- 'Energy' |Jun 11| 21905|23569 | MaxSense / Sense 201

Originally Posted by willyjay View Post
Follow this thread Task29 and dl the .exe Ziggy made in post #9. It basically flashes task29 with the splash screen, so after it's done you'll have to go into bootloader mode to flash a new rom.
Thanks Willy!
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