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  #10741 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 06:00 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21892 |Feb 16| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxMani

Originally Posted by Mazzakre View Post
Im not having any texting problems. I think the workaround cab basically has all the steps I use bundled into one cab. My battery is just fine. I set my backlight to auto, disable data after 1 minute, weather every 6 hours, email every 1-2 hours depending on if its "peak" times or not. I can go a day with light-medium use and over a day with very light use (low texting and web surfing)
The way I usually use my phone is medium talking, heavy texting, weather every hour, and push enabled ...

With the previous versions, I wasn't able to get through the day ...
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  #10742 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 06:07 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21892 |Feb 16| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxMani

Originally Posted by abednego View Post
The way I usually use my phone is medium talking, heavy texting, weather every hour, and push enabled ...

With the previous versions, I wasn't able to get through the day ...
Yeah thats gonna be a recipe for a dead battery. I would imagine that kind of usage would kill your battery pretty fast no matter what rom you use. Texting uses alot of battery because of the data use, backlight and processing. Weather every hour wouldnt kill the battery by itself but the fact that the data would probably be running nonstop even after the weather is done updating would kill it.
Running OMJ 2.3.3 with Sense 2.1 Rom for Evo.
What will YOU do with first?!
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  #10743 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 06:09 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21892 |Feb 16| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxMani

I am on 23529 2/16 cookie as well and love it. Haven't been this excited about my rom in a number of flashes. Cookie is very awesome: The extra events on home page and the 3 different pages of program shortcuts gives me the ability to lump work, social, call history, etc.

I flash around and it has been quite awhile since I tried this rom so here are a few comments.
1. Can't get autorotate to work on anything with gconfig. It works out of the box with opera, but nothing else. (I just mapped a button to rotate b/c I have had this issue on the last few people's roms). This also helps b/c manila gets stuck in landscape sometimes after closing keyboard.
2. Runs very smooth and fast considering all the memory it uses. Oftentimes opera fails to open due to low mem. I don't really have crashes or anything.
3. Can't get Barnes and Noble book store to work.
4. Sprint keyboard still isn't right (/ and : are switched)
5. Wouldn't mind some mms provisioning or settings
6. My location came up as pacific (I am central) just like it does on all energy roms (though it is correct on everyone else's roms) and I change it and it sticks usually. but today it randomly switched back to pacific. weird not really a big deal. but it might trick me sometime, if it does it again.

Overall, a very fun rom and one I can stick with for awhile! I know 23534 is brewing, but I tried that sys on medium hill and there is no noticable changes. no additional functions. Thanks for the great rom, truly a talented chef that has some tricks that nobody else has!
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  #10744 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 06:45 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21892 |Feb 16| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxMani

I don't know why you people find it so hard to believe clueless, I mean, it's not that hard to do, look, below is a screen shot of my memory usage, phear my leet phone RAM commanding tools of not usings!

As you can see, my phone is running with 100% free memory and it's fast as an auctioneers voice. What is causing your phones to use up all your memory are all those unnecessary "cabs" that you install. Here's what I do, just go into the registry and delete everything, that will free up tons of RAM for you. I would make a cab to do it for you, however, then the cab would take up memory, and then it would become some sort of crazy paradox and then dogbert would make money off of it somehow I'm sure...

This troll has been sponsored by your local blood bank: because we're all out of money for banks!

Seriously, all in good fun guys :P

Oh, and don't try this at home.
Energy.RHODCDMA.23673.Sense2.5.Cookie.DinikGlass.J ul.24

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  #10745 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 06:53 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21892 |Feb 16| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxMani

Is the contacts page still laggy?
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  #10746 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 07:08 PM
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Exclamation Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21892 |Feb 16| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxMani

Quick question - I am interested in one of the 6.5.x roms - been using the 21xxx series. How do you "x" out a program (ie Pocket outlook or text messaging) and have it COMPLETELY close like the HTC task manager does with one of the newer 6.5.x roms? This is the only thing that keeps me from trying them!

Thanks in advance for any help!!!
Please hit the "Thanks" button if I helped!
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  #10747 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 07:17 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21892 |Feb 16| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxMani

As you can see, my phone is running with 100% free memory and it's fast as an auctioneers voice. What is causing your phones to use up all your memory are all those unnecessary "cabs" that you install. Here's what I do, just go into the registry and delete everything, that will free up tons of RAM for you. I would make a cab to do it for you, however, then the cab would take up memory, and then it would become some sort of crazy paradox and then dogbert would make money off of it somehow I'm sure...
OMG I think I just crapped my pants! I like the everythings free most of all. Looks like a crappy commercial for ugly furniture for sale. Great job! Also, its l33t! Lastly, I would love to have all my memory free but first I need someone to show me how to install this rom first because when I download it all I get is a nbh file and my computer wont open it. After you help me with that can you tell me if picture mail works. Then when youre done with that Id like for you to tell me what exactly is a picture. I heard that when you take someone picture it steals their soul and Im not interested in stealing souls. TIA
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  #10748 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 07:19 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21892 |Feb 16| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxMani

I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong again. When I try to sign in to the ereader shop, i get an error : "EBOOK_HTTPERR_INVALID_HANDLE" Sorry for all the noob questions
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  #10749 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 07:24 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21892 |Feb 16| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxMani

Originally Posted by sexilexi View Post
I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong again. When I try to sign in to the ereader shop, i get an error : "EBOOK_HTTPERR_INVALID_HANDLE" Sorry for all the noob questions
I 2nd this... Plus I have ebooks in .PDF format how to i use them in the ereader tab??? Thanks a Million
So you know what ROM Im on everytime I slide my phone

11/25 28004 2.5
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  #10750 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 07:32 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.5|ROM|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23529/21892 |Feb 16| ★ Sense 2.5.2012 / MaxMani

Originally Posted by sexilexi View Post
I'm thinking I'm doing something wrong again. When I try to sign in to the ereader shop, i get an error : "EBOOK_HTTPERR_INVALID_HANDLE" Sorry for all the noob questions
Originally Posted by johnnydough646 View Post
I 2nd this... Plus I have ebooks in .PDF format how to i use them in the ereader tab??? Thanks a Million
The Barnes and Noble app isnt available yet for Windows Mobile even tho its installed. Doesnt work yet for us.

Read this post to find info on converting files to the necessary .epub format to use them with the ereader. The post says that you can have the ereader tab recognize the book but Ive read that its not working yet. You can still open and read the book by double clicking it in total commander.
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