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  #3031 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 05:35 PM
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Re: 3-26-11★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Oh, I see. Yes, I can do that very easily. I'll do it either late tonight when I get off work or tomorrow morning/afternoon.

The previous cab made the "Notification Enhancement" buttons transparent. I thought that was an odd request from you because I thought you disabled that. It makes sense now. Sorry
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Last edited by Sharkie405; 04-09-2011 at 10:32 AM.
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  #3032 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 12:20 AM
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Re: 3-26-11★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Originally Posted by kozmo View Post
Now that you mention it, I had the same problem with file explorer, freezing while scrolling on SD card. I thought I maybe just needed to reformat SD card, but I didn't have this problem with other ROM's? Other than this, it has been a solid ROM... been on my phone for a week or so, forever for a flash junky.
I still use my TP2 everyday as a work device (don't need the actual phone calling option, just the wifi) and use file explorer everyday to my loaded up sdcard. I have never noticed and freeze or lagging issues. FYI I do format the card every couple months as well.
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  #3033 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 12:46 AM
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Re: 3-26-11★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Hey Sharkie, after trying several roms by several chefs, I'm not settling in on your most recent 5.0 version for Sprint. Well done sir! About the only thing missing for me is the Sprint Messenger application, which I use sometimes to keep in touch when travelling overseas when SMS is a bit of a pain. (Use Yahoo IM - talk to the homefront phone to pc.)

I've searched for a cab, but in my limited time haven't found one that works. (I found a few that don't work.)

Do you have a Sprint Messenger cab that works with your rom / provisioning?

Thanks again, your work is excellent... my TP2 still lives to fight another day.


*** FOLLOW UP ***

A friend pointed me to Parlingo... www.Parlingo.com as a solution to get Yahoo IM on windows mobile (along with several other IM services.) It seems to work quite well... so consider this one solved for me.

Again, thanks for the work on your ROM, I find it very fast and stable even with my addition software load.


Last edited by GheckoTribe; 04-09-2011 at 01:10 AM.
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  #3034 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 10:30 AM
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Re: 3-26-11★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Here you are ModMyPPC

Just a reminder to everyone, the downside to having CHT installed as a cab is that if you install this cab (or any other CHT Skin cab) and then remove it, you will get blank images. You will need to reinstall CHT to return the images to normal. So save your settings and what not.

Last edited by Sharkie405; 04-09-2011 at 11:27 AM.
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  #3035 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 10:35 AM
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Re: 3-26-11★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Originally Posted by GheckoTribe View Post
Hey Sharkie, after trying several roms by several chefs, I'm not settling in on your most recent 5.0 version for Sprint. Well done sir! About the only thing missing for me is the Sprint Messenger application, which I use sometimes to keep in touch when travelling overseas when SMS is a bit of a pain. (Use Yahoo IM - talk to the homefront phone to pc.)

I've searched for a cab, but in my limited time haven't found one that works. (I found a few that don't work.)

Do you have a Sprint Messenger cab that works with your rom / provisioning?

Thanks again, your work is excellent... my TP2 still lives to fight another day.


*** FOLLOW UP ***

A friend pointed me to Parlingo... www.Parlingo.com as a solution to get Yahoo IM on windows mobile (along with several other IM services.) It seems to work quite well... so consider this one solved for me.

Again, thanks for the work on your ROM, I find it very fast and stable even with my addition software load.

I'm glad you're considering your issue solved. I would however, like to try out this Sprint Messaging Cab. I'm not sure that I've ever used it. I can't remember using it. It is something that would have come on a stock Sprint ROM? Anyway, I'll look around and try and find it and have a look at it just for my own curiousity. Should I happen to get it to work, I'll let you know. Thanks a bunch for letting me know you're on my ROM I appreciate it a lot!
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  #3036 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 03:45 PM
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Re: 3-26-11★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
You mean like this?

I hadn't noticed any freezing with File Explorer on my end. Maxx134 had mentioned this a while back. I'll look around and see if I can find any info. on speeding up file explorer and such.

KJ, where's the screenies? Are they of the ones that you linked in that PM? I had forgotten to go back and check those out. I'll do that right now. Edit: So I think those are the same ones that nrg uses... can't do it. I am however, going to make my own in a similar style that I'm sure you'll like. I may nab a few of those images. Thanks for the link, those do look better than the current ones.
shit i knew i forgot sumthing, lol. looks like you seen the settings tab icons from before so i dont need to load those ss. but great news on your style for the main settings icons, which i would perfer over anything

uploaded is 3 images. the 1 wifi is when you find a network and are putting in the password. portrait has blue bars but landscape has the green

the other 2 are part of a requests, from any1 willing really. the 1, htc vol control is the 1 i like/replaced and the overlay i would like if i could get colored matched the same. thanks 2 any1 willing to help
Attached Images
File Type: jpg ScreenShot3.jpg (13.8 KB, 3 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg HTCVolumeControl.jpg (2.9 KB, 3 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: png HTCVolume2ndOverlay.png (7.8 KB, 3 views) Click for barcode!
It is, wat it is...nothing more, nothing less
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  #3037 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 03:48 PM
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Re: 3-26-11★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Here you are ModMyPPC

Just a reminder to everyone, the downside to having CHT installed as a cab is that if you install this cab (or any other CHT Skin cab) and then remove it, you will get blank images. You will need to reinstall CHT to return the images to normal. So save your settings and what not.
yea i noticed this too and these look great, i like these
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  #3038 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 03:58 PM
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Re: 3-26-11★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

I'll make those volume icons for you and find out which file that green is from. Thanks for pointing that out .
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  #3039 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 05:14 PM
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Re: 3-26-11★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Here's what I've come up with. It's about 4 or 5 of this guys original icons, mixed with the rest that are my own. I also changed the color of a couple of his. What do you think?

Original icons taken from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...50&postcount=4
Attached Files
File Type: cab Sharkie405's Settings Tab Icons.cab (124.9 KB, 13 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Sharkie405; 04-09-2011 at 05:18 PM.
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  #3040 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 05:21 PM
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Re: 3-26-11★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

hey thanks for the rom. im really tryning to keep it. i just cant seem to get my mms/wap to work. the error message im getting is " installation was unsuccessful. the program os setting cannot be installed because it does not have sufficient system permissions" please help. im on metro pcs network. i tried provisioning for metro pcs and i wont work. the phone im using a sprint touch pro 2 flashed to metro pcs. please help... thanks alot. ps. im gladly using this rom because i an able to charge my phone using the wall charger. thanks again
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