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  #1661 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 10:14 PM
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Re: [ROM] [02-18-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21887.5.0.86]

Thanks and does it restart itself after flash or do you have to restart it - if so how is that manual restart done? Sorry ofr the questions but have not done it this way and just want to be sure and thanks again.

What radio are you trying now - I am still on Sprint stock and getting 100% signal strength in my apartment here in NYC but might chek out another one just to see and thanks.

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  #1662 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 10:20 PM
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Re: [ROM] [02-18-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21887.5.0.86]

Originally Posted by huntnyc View Post
Thanks and does it restart itself after flash or do you have to restart it - if so how is that manual restart done? Sorry ofr the questions but have not done it this way and just want to be sure and thanks again.

What radio are you trying now - I am still on Sprint stock and getting 100% signal strength in my apartment here in NYC but might chek out another one just to see and thanks.

its just like rom flashing, when its done loading just put styli in resethole.
im using telus 1.92 now to test, herd the vzw radios suck. full signal and im at a drunkfest in a basement. lol
its so easy ill be trying each radio over time.
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  #1663 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 10:33 PM
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Re: [ROM] [02-18-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21887.5.0.86]

Originally Posted by phatal
I've been using this ROM for over a week without any issues to speak of. Great ROM!

However, today while receiving some MMS and SMS messages my message count will not go back to zero (stays at 1). I've tried reseting the counts in the registry but that only works until you soft-reset. I cleared out ALL of my MMS/SMS messages and it went back to zero. But when I got my first text (only received one so far) it set the count to 2 and after reading it the count went to 1.

I'm using the imnuts ArcSoft MMS cab. It's been working fine for SMS and MMS until today when the count issue popped up.

Anyone else experience this? Any permanent fixes?

Thanks in advance for any assistance!

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
Thanks for the reply fishingmedic, but your link brings me to a Search error page. I suspect you were trying to link to a specific thread?

I have searched on this myself but haven't found any solid fixes. I'll keep looking for things to try.

I think I fixed it!
Here's how I got it working again. I didn't find this in any thread I searched so I'm sharing here.
In the registry setting HKCU\System\State\Messages\sms\Unread\
There is a value called Text. Mine was set to "SMS / MMS (1)"
I removed the "(1)" portion of the text and proceeded to test SMS counting. It started working again. I sent an SMS to the phone and it counted it as 1. I read the SMS and the count was removed. I checked the registry setting and it now showed "SMS / MMS (0)". I think this is where the counting got stuck.

Hope this helps anyone else still working out this problem.

Last edited by phatal; 02-27-2010 at 11:40 PM.
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  #1664 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 12:02 AM
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Re: [ROM] [02-18-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21887.5.0.86]

Originally Posted by info[]box1 View Post
DC its Saturday Night... Could be...
No rom update this week

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  #1665 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 12:03 AM
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Re: [ROM] [02-18-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21887.5.0.86]

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
dl the radio(not a world radio) unrar the exe, put ruu on root of sdcard and rename like a rom(RHODIMG.nbh) goto manual boot. it does sit for atleast a minute after loading bar is full which scared the crap outa me. it will not
need a hardreset after and wont hardreset tp2 after radio flashes.
Darren, did you try the new tool/app that Wideawake came up with or just manually putting it at the root, etc? That tool he came up with looks nice, just updated it again yesterday or today, gonna give it a go tomorrow.

Originally Posted by phatal View Post
Thanks for the reply fishingmedic, but your link brings me to a Search error page. I suspect you were trying to link to a specific thread?

I have searched on this myself but haven't found any solid fixes. I'll keep looking for things to try.

I think I fixed it!
Here's how I got it working again. I didn't find this in any thread I searched so I'm sharing here.
In the registry setting HKCU\System\State\Messages\sms\Unread\
There is a value called Text. Mine was set to "SMS / MMS (1)"
I removed the "(1)" portion of the text and proceeded to test SMS counting. It started working again. I sent an SMS to the phone and it counted it as 1. I read the SMS and the count was removed. I checked the registry setting and it now showed "SMS / MMS (0)". I think this is where the counting got stuck.

Hope this helps anyone else still working out this problem.
Sorry about the link, I did a search and there were quite a few different fixes listed in them, so rather than send you into only one thread, I was trying to link to the main search. Glad you got it fixed, I know there was a cab floating around here also but I've never had the issue (knock on wood) so I don't have the cab, but as long as it's fixed and working, that's all that matters!
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  #1666 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 01:00 AM
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Re: [ROM] [02-18-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21887.5.0.86]

yes fishyman i use the app, i also just posted in mikes thread about my info. on sdflashing of radios. i wanna know if we can also use the app. for sdflashing radios since the file is also named RHODIMG.nbh.
btw, app is sweet for sdflashing roms, 4 roms now in one folder and it fetches them and goes into boitloader for ya. man were lazy. lol
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  #1667 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 01:13 AM
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Re: [ROM] [02-18-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21887.5.0.86]

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
yes fishyman i use the app, i also just posted in mikes thread about my info. on sdflashing of radios. i wanna know if we can also use the app. for sdflashing radios since the file is also named RHODIMG.nbh.
btw, app is sweet for sdflashing roms, 4 roms now in one folder and it fetches them and goes into boitloader for ya. man were lazy. lol
Wideawake's sdROMflasher tool might be the only way for me to try a energy rom. I cant unzipp his ROM to save my life, all I get is the RHODIMG.nbh...

I might ballzzeup tomorrow and try the new tool...
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  #1668 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 01:14 AM
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Re: [ROM] [02-18-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21887.5.0.86]

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
yes fishyman i use the app, i also just posted in mikes thread about my info. on sdflashing of radios. i wanna know if we can also use the app. for sdflashing radios since the file is also named RHODIMG.nbh.
btw, app is sweet for sdflashing roms, 4 roms now in one folder and it fetches them and goes into boitloader for ya. man were lazy. lol
i think it's just you darren...jk

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  #1669 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 01:17 AM
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Re: [ROM] [02-18-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21887.5.0.86]

Originally Posted by TweetyBear View Post
i think it's just you darren...jk
whats just me? i missed something from that quote i guess.
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  #1670 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 01:50 AM
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Re: [ROM] [02-18-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21887.5.0.86]

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
whats just me? i missed something from that quote i guess.
being lazy..ahh you ruined it
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