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  #1311 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 06:28 PM
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Re: *ROM* *2/14* *S3-ROM r8.5* *WM6.5(21892.5.0.89)* *Rhodium Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by tgmuhammad View Post
I think the issue is that you are trying to attach your pic via htc messaging. It's not working that way. deck is still trying to fix it. But if you wanna send pics for now, you have to do it the way our friend says below. I've done it this way as well and it works...
Yeah, I'll give it a try...whats the max file size?

I think I found a new bug...can't turn the phone off lol. I hold the power button, the phone asks me if I'm sure I want to turn it off, I pick yes, and it does a soft reset (powers right back up)...no big deal, more than anything else it's kinda funny.
  #1312 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 07:02 PM
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Re: *ROM* *2/14* *S3-ROM r8.5* *WM6.5(21892.5.0.89)* *Rhodium Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by MikeOD View Post
Yeah, I'll give it a try...whats the max file size?

I think I found a new bug...can't turn the phone off lol. I hold the power button, the phone asks me if I'm sure I want to turn it off, I pick yes, and it does a soft reset (powers right back up)...no big deal, more than anything else it's kinda funny.
had the same problem. i thought i accidentally powered it back on when i put it on the charger, but it seems to be a bug. No biggie, as zoolander once said: "Turn off my phone?!?"
  #1313 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 07:13 PM
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Re: *ROM* *2/14* *S3-ROM r8.5* *WM6.5(21892.5.0.89)* *Rhodium Sense 2.5*

yeah...I mean...I can turn the ringer off...and I can use airplane mode
  #1314 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 07:14 PM
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Re: *ROM* *2/14* *S3-ROM r8.5* *WM6.5(21892.5.0.89)* *Rhodium Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by tgmuhammad View Post
I think the issue is that you are trying to attach your pic via htc messaging. It's not working that way. deck is still trying to fix it. But if you wanna send pics for now, you have to do it the way our friend says below. I've done it this way as well and it works...
Here is something that worked for me and would be great if others can confirm.
I use Elephants fix and his version of arcsoft which worked fine until 8.5.

I did a hard reset and install Elephant's fix but with Arcsoft which can be found here:http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=74326

So far, I can send a picture to myself without problems from the Manila Picture tab. As usual- I still have to bypass HTC's messaging system to actaully view the pictures but that has always been the case.
I will test MMS to my wife's Treo Pro tonight.

Can someone else replicate- especially if they are having MMS problems on SPRINT?
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  #1315 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 07:40 PM
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Re: *ROM* *2/14* *S3-ROM r8.5* *WM6.5(21892.5.0.89)* *Rhodium Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by Scoob View Post
Here is something that worked for me and would be great if others can confirm.
I use Elephants fix and his version of arcsoft which worked fine until 8.5.

I did a hard reset and install Elephant's fix but with Arcsoft which can be found here:http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=74326

So far, I can send a picture to myself without problems from the Manila Picture tab. As usual- I still have to bypass HTC's messaging system to actaully view the pictures but that has always been the case.
I will test MMS to my wife's Treo Pro tonight.

Can someone else replicate- especially if they are having MMS problems on SPRINT?
i just did the same thing you had done just now and sent a picture to myself from htc album and viewed it thru windows sms just fine. also, i have notifications set to pop up on screen, and if i view the picture right as it comes in that works too.
  #1316 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 07:45 PM
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Re: *ROM* *2/14* *S3-ROM r8.5* *WM6.5(21892.5.0.89)* *Rhodium Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by tgmuhammad View Post
That's strange, because I didn't experience the sleep of death with r7 at all. It seemed to run perfectly.
I never noticed my phone going into the sleep of death on the SsS R7 rom at all.not even once.but its happened to me 3 times in the last 3 hours with the S3 R8.5 rom tho.is that the only difference between the 2 roms bcuz if it is im probly gonna switch back to the R7 rom.i hate it when i push the power button and the phone doesnt wake up,and even when i slide the screen up the screen still doesnt always turn on.Decks roms have always ran great for me.The R5 rom,i thought couldve been a little better but the R7 rom was just about perfect,but S3 R8.5 seems to have a few more bugs in it than any of Decks other roms.Ill probly giv R8.5 another day but if it keeps on not turning on the screen when i push the power button down then im gonna flash back to R7,but well see.
  #1317 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 07:51 PM
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Re: *ROM* *2/14* *S3-ROM r8.5* *WM6.5(21892.5.0.89)* *Rhodium Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by lbcary View Post
I never noticed my phone going into the sleep of death on the SsS R7 rom at all.not even once.but its happened to me 3 times in the last 3 hours with the S3 R8.5 rom tho.is that the only difference between the 2 roms bcuz if it is im probly gonna switch back to the R7 rom.i hate it when i push the power button and the phone doesnt wake up,and even when i slide the screen up the screen still doesnt always turn on.Decks roms have always ran great for me.The R5 rom,i thought couldve been a little better but the R7 rom was just about perfect,but S3 R8.5 seems to have a few more bugs in it than any of Decks other roms.Ill probly giv R8.5 another day but if it keeps on not turning on the screen when i push the power button down then im gonna flash back to R7,but well see.
what do you have installed? you should not be exp. the sod anymore. i can confirm this on 3 different tp2s.

  #1318 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 07:55 PM
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Re: *ROM* *2/14* *S3-ROM r8.5* *WM6.5(21892.5.0.89)* *Rhodium Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by TP1085 View Post
i just did the same thing you had done just now and sent a picture to myself from htc album and viewed it thru windows sms just fine. also, i have notifications set to pop up on screen, and if i view the picture right as it comes in that works too.
hi - so you're saying you can send from htc album? i'm asking bc i thought our problem was always that we could not send in htc but could only receive in htc album (sprint users). it seems that you are now describing the reverse scenario?

what was your setup steps exactly? fresh flash, update server path to your cell#, install this arcsoft, then install elephant's fix?
  #1319 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 07:58 PM
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Re: *ROM* *2/14* *S3-ROM r8.5* *WM6.5(21892.5.0.89)* *Rhodium Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by deck View Post
what do you have installed? you should not be exp. the sod anymore. i can confirm this on 3 different tp2s.

i've experienced it slightly too on r8.5 (did on r7 a 2-3) but i was able to wake the phone after about 4 power button clicks but def sod kinda behavior ... is this due to battery optimization changes? bc r7 and 8.5 seem to have great battery life compared to r5 and earlier.

EDIT: i only experienced this once on r8.5 in about 24 hours so i'm hoping it was a fluke lol.

Last edited by anand525; 02-15-2010 at 08:02 PM.
  #1320 (permalink)  
Old 02-15-2010, 08:00 PM
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Re: *ROM* *2/14* *S3-ROM r8.5* *WM6.5(21892.5.0.89)* *Rhodium Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by deck View Post
what do you have installed? you should not be exp. the sod anymore. i can confirm this on 3 different tp2s.

Make it 4. I have ran r8.5 since it was upped and I have had no issues and I am a fairly heavy user. This thing is blazin..

For Sprint users and MMS......CMYLXGO has a thread and has posted in other threads his fix and it is verified working for many if you cant get or dont like the other ways. Search an ye shall find or Ill post a link in a few.
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