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Old 02-15-2010, 07:40 PM
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Re: *ROM* *2/14* *S3-ROM r8.5* *WM6.5(21892.5.0.89)* *Rhodium Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by Scoob View Post
Here is something that worked for me and would be great if others can confirm.
I use Elephants fix and his version of arcsoft which worked fine until 8.5.

I did a hard reset and install Elephant's fix but with Arcsoft which can be found here:

So far, I can send a picture to myself without problems from the Manila Picture tab. As usual- I still have to bypass HTC's messaging system to actaully view the pictures but that has always been the case.
I will test MMS to my wife's Treo Pro tonight.

Can someone else replicate- especially if they are having MMS problems on SPRINT?
i just did the same thing you had done just now and sent a picture to myself from htc album and viewed it thru windows sms just fine. also, i have notifications set to pop up on screen, and if i view the picture right as it comes in that works too.