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  #471 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 05:39 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-28 << lunacieROM v28011-28 >> wm 28011 - Sense 2.5 << **NEW 'LITE' BETA**

Originally Posted by rdwing View Post
Oh, also, would it be too much to ask to include PPCPimBackup in your ROM?
I used to put it in, but found it can screwed up a few things when restoring to 6.5.4, so I don't cook it anymore. I have Sprite backup in there instead. It's not free, but it's a very powerful backup tool. You can always install PimBackup as a cab if it's working for you in 6.5.x - download here.

Regarding battery life, it's the same old thing - Lumos (a backlight manager included in 'Tools') is probably the no. 1 saver, activesync exchange set to 5 or 10 minute intervals instead of as e-mail arrives makes a big difference.

Sounds like your battery charging circuit may need to be reset - run the battery down past 20%, turn off the phone, charge until full with phone off. That should re-calibrate the circuit. It doesn't change anything regarding battery life itself, but it will monitor the battery more accurately (lithium batteries are know to go out of calibration) so you & your phone will know how much you really have. Also, lithium batteries only last @ 1 year, so if you're seeing worse performance and the battery is over 1 year old it's probably time for a new one.

I get really good battery life from v28011-28, single charge will last all day with moderate use and the settings listed above. My battery is 6 months old, I re-calibrated the battery @ 4 months ago.
thanks for hitting the thanks button!
Sprint Touch Pro on Verizon
lunacieROM - feat. WM & Manila 2.5.1921
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  #472 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 05:44 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-28 << lunacieROM v28011-28 >> wm 28011 - Sense 2.5 << **NEW 'LITE' BETA**

Originally Posted by livinxtreme2114 View Post
I tried lastnight flashing the vzw 28014-27L with no boot so about to try the new 28011-28L now. Will let ya know my thoughts on it soon. Hey we verizon guys appreciate you including us in on these newer roms with manila 2.5 and modifications for our "gimped" ram. Seems the other VZW cooks have all abandoned us for the TP2. Me personally, I think I'll wait a little longer before I upgrade. With the exception of just having more ram, (which is still only comparable to the Sprint TP1 with 288MB ) I just dont see anything at all worth upgrading for just yet. So until then, I appreciate the work for the VZW TP bro.
Yup, 27L wasn't working for VZW TPs, but 28L seems promising.

I'm waiting on upgrade, too, for now. The TP2 is great - love the screen & keyboard, but not willing to spend.

I'm also having too much fun cooking for the TP. But I'm sure I'll cave eventually, maybe when the HD2/Leo comes stateside.
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  #473 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 05:48 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-28 << lunacieROM v28011-28 >> wm 28011 - Sense 2.5 << **NEW 'LITE' BETA**

Originally Posted by lunacie View Post
I used to put it in, but found it can screwed up a few things when restoring to 6.5.4, so I don't cook it anymore. I have Sprite backup in there instead. It's not free, but it's a very powerful backup tool. You can always install PimBackup as a cab if it's working for you in 6.5.x - download here.

Regarding battery life, it's the same old thing - Lumos (a backlight manager included in 'Tools') is probably the no. 1 saver, activesync exchange set to 5 or 10 minute intervals instead of as e-mail arrives makes a big difference.

Sounds like your battery charging circuit may need to be reset - run the battery down past 20%, turn off the phone, charge until full with phone off. That should re-calibrate the circuit. It doesn't change anything regarding battery life itself, but it will monitor the battery more accurately (lithium batteries are know to go out of calibration) so you & your phone will know how much you really have. Also, lithium batteries only last @ 1 year, so if you're seeing worse performance and the battery is over 1 year old it's probably time for a new one.

I get really good battery life from v28011-28, single charge will last all day with moderate use and the settings listed above. My battery is 6 months old, I re-calibrated the battery @ 4 months ago.
Great tips. I should point out that PPCPimBackup worked completely fine for me in your ROM. While sprite backup is indeed powerful, PPCPimBackup is freeware, and just simply does the job quickly and easily. Again, you might want to reconsider.

I was already using Lumos, and my email is on a 2 hour pull. Not through AS but IMAP polling. This already uses signifigantly less battery than AS push so I'm still at a lost here.

I calibrate my battery nearly everyday; with my use and most Sense 2.5 roms i get down into the single digits like clockwork.

I would like to say that with Li-Ion batteries a full discharge can be harmful to the cells, and contrary to popular belief, topping up a li-ion on the charger all the time (especially cell-phone batteries) won't decrease the lifespan by any noticeable amount.
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  #474 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 08:39 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-28 << lunacieROM v28011-28 >> wm 28011 - Sense 2.5 << **NEW 'LITE' BETA**

Hey lunacie - your 28L rom works awesome on a VZ TP!!! Great job!!!

Finally, a 2.5 ROM that doesn't keep crashing. It's very smooth and I can use all the functionality without any issues.

Did find a couple of issues that maybe you're already aware of:

- In HTC Settings -> Personalize -> Lock screen wallpaper doesn't work. I found this issue in the regular 28 ROM as well.
- When I go to the HTC Photos & Videos tab and click on a photo or video to load, it's usually a crap shoot if it works or not. Seems to not have enough memory sometimes to load Album. If I use cleanRAM right before, then it helps my chances. Would love to see this fixed as if I want to show someone a picture/video, I have to run cleanRAM.

That's all that I found so far, which is great!

Also, when I install apps like Total Commander and Youtube, it loads your icons. I found them as .PNG files in the Windows directory, but I can't delete them. If I change those .PNG files, will the icons change? I have my own icons that I'd like to use. Otherwise, do you know a way of removing those files so that the default icons show?

THANKS LUNACIE! As mentioned, we really appreciate you looking out for us gimped TPs! I'm also waiting for the Leo stateside .
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  #475 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 03:05 PM
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Re: |ROM|12-28 << lunacieROM v28011-28 >> wm 28011 - Sense 2.5 << **NEW 'LITE' BETA**

Originally Posted by rdwing View Post
Great tips. I should point out that PPCPimBackup worked completely fine for me in your ROM. While sprite backup is indeed powerful, PPCPimBackup is freeware, and just simply does the job quickly and easily. Again, you might want to reconsider.

I was already using Lumos, and my email is on a 2 hour pull. Not through AS but IMAP polling. This already uses signifigantly less battery than AS push so I'm still at a lost here.

I calibrate my battery nearly everyday; with my use and most Sense 2.5 roms i get down into the single digits like clockwork.

I would like to say that with Li-Ion batteries a full discharge can be harmful to the cells, and contrary to popular belief, topping up a li-ion on the charger all the time (especially cell-phone batteries) won't decrease the lifespan by any noticeable amount.
It is not possible to completely discharge a li-ion battery - they have protective circuits to prevent that from happening at all. The 'fuel gague' is based on the protective circuit's fake zero point.

During the re-calibration, when you get down to below 20% do you switch off the phone completely before charging? If that's the case, I have no idea. Like I said, I get quite excellent battery life from this ROM...
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  #476 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 03:13 PM
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Re: |ROM|12-28 << lunacieROM v28011-28 >> wm 28011 - Sense 2.5 << **NEW 'LITE' BETA**

Originally Posted by dlee83 View Post
Hey lunacie - your 28L rom works awesome on a VZ TP!!! Great job!!!

Finally, a 2.5 ROM that doesn't keep crashing. It's very smooth and I can use all the functionality without any issues.

Did find a couple of issues that maybe you're already aware of:

- In HTC Settings -> Personalize -> Lock screen wallpaper doesn't work. I found this issue in the regular 28 ROM as well.
- When I go to the HTC Photos & Videos tab and click on a photo or video to load, it's usually a crap shoot if it works or not. Seems to not have enough memory sometimes to load Album. If I use cleanRAM right before, then it helps my chances. Would love to see this fixed as if I want to show someone a picture/video, I have to run cleanRAM.

That's all that I found so far, which is great!

Also, when I install apps like Total Commander and Youtube, it loads your icons. I found them as .PNG files in the Windows directory, but I can't delete them. If I change those .PNG files, will the icons change? I have my own icons that I'd like to use. Otherwise, do you know a way of removing those files so that the default icons show?

THANKS LUNACIE! As mentioned, we really appreciate you looking out for us gimped TPs! I'm also waiting for the Leo stateside .
Glad it's working well. I'm aware of the album / wallpaper issue, it's common in Manila 2.5 ROMs, and I'm still working on getting rid of that bug.

Icons are a two-part process - you have to have the icon .png file plus a registry entry to associate it with the link file. I recommend you use ReStart (comes with my big ROM), you can download it here.

Just copy the icons you wish to use into the Program Files/ReStart/icons folder that the installation creates, then they'll be accessible from ReStart for you to easily associate with the links in the start menu.
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  #477 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 04:44 PM
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Re: |ROM|12-28 << lunacieROM v28011-28 >> wm 28011 - Sense 2.5 << **NEW 'LITE' BETA**

Originally Posted by lunacie View Post
Glad it's working well. I'm aware of the album / wallpaper issue, it's common in Manila 2.5 ROMs, and I'm still working on getting rid of that bug.

Icons are a two-part process - you have to have the icon .png file plus a registry entry to associate it with the link file. I recommend you use ReStart (comes with my big ROM), you can download it here.

Just copy the icons you wish to use into the Program Files/ReStart/icons folder that the installation creates, then they'll be accessible from ReStart for you to easily associate with the links in the start menu.
Thanks Lunacie! One more issue, and this may be tied to the same thing you mentioned above: I switched to Animated Wallpaper, and now when I try to switch back to Weather Wallpaper, nothing happens. Is it related to the Lockscreen wallpaper issue?

Otherwise, haven't had any other issues. This ROM's definitely a keeper .
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  #478 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 05:30 PM
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Re: |ROM|12-28 << lunacieROM v28011-28 >> wm 28011 - Sense 2.5 << **NEW 'LITE' BETA**

Having a little difficulty figuring out the difference in the version.
is the 28L only for verizon or is it just lite, which helps verizon's gimped phones.
and whats the diff between 28011-28 and 28011-28a?
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  #479 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 05:43 PM
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Re: |ROM|12-28 << lunacieROM v28011-28 >> wm 28011 - Sense 2.5 << **NEW 'LITE' BETA**

Originally Posted by nickcapo View Post
Having a little difficulty figuring out the difference in the version.
is the 28L only for verizon or is it just lite, which helps verizon's gimped phones.
and whats the diff between 28011-28 and 28011-28a?
The L is just a Lite, for anyone who wants just 6.5 with manila/titanium especially the Verizon phones. All apps need to be installed by user rather then cooked in.

As for the A, I think he's just testing things.
Sprint Touch ProIf we helped in any way, be sure to let us know.
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  #480 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2009, 07:28 PM
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Re: |ROM|12-28 << lunacieROM v28011-28 >> wm 28011 - Sense 2.5 << **NEW 'LITE' BETA**

The A version has some very minor fixes, didn't warrant a whole digit upgrade

I forgot to mention I uploaded it as I ran out of the house for work today...

And yes, L version is just stripped down. It's the same base as the regular ROM, but all apps need to be installed by the end user. Helps with gimped TPs.
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