Originally Posted by livinxtreme2114
I tried lastnight flashing the vzw 28014-27L with no boot so about to try the new 28011-28L now. Will let ya know my thoughts on it soon. Hey we verizon guys appreciate you including us in on these newer roms with manila 2.5 and modifications for our "gimped" ram. Seems the other VZW cooks have all abandoned us for the TP2. Me personally, I think I'll wait a little longer before I upgrade. With the exception of just having more ram, (which is still only comparable to the Sprint TP1 with 288MB  ) I just dont see anything at all worth upgrading for just yet. So until then, I appreciate the work for the VZW TP bro.
Yup, 27L wasn't working for VZW TPs, but 28L seems promising.
I'm waiting on upgrade, too, for now. The TP2 is great - love the screen & keyboard, but not willing to spend.
I'm also having too much fun cooking for the TP. But I'm sure I'll cave eventually, maybe when the HD2/Leo comes stateside.