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  #1161 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 01:46 PM
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Re: [KITCHEN][ROM]->>Nov 9<<6.5 NK-23506-RZ Baseline TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Originally Posted by jdm627 View Post
Kitchen 11-09 Rom 23506 I selected Manila option only but are cooking together manila and titanium.
I just tested this, and it worked fine. manila did not include any titanium elements.. try with the official 3.3 kitchen in the OP.
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  #1162 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 01:49 PM
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Re: [KITCHEN][ROM]->>Nov 9<<6.5 NK-23506-RZ Baseline TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Which is the newest build, 23088 or 23506?
23506 was released later than 23088. plus 23088 just never worked right for me. I'd go with 23506. I tried dumping 23088 myself, I tried two other peoples versions of it and same issue each time: no start menu. I mixed up a bunch of stuff and got a start menu but no autorun.. I decided to leave 23088 behind and come back to it later. com5 branch (235xx) is just so fast it seems..

oh yeah 23088 there are no 0409 or DPI_192 released. so you would be getting a few 23088 stuff but most would just have been taken from older builds.

5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   ADC
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   ADC_Lang_0409
 5.2.23503 aku 5500   |   AdobeFlash
 5.2.23503 aku 5500   |   AdobeFlashCodecs
 5.2.23503 aku 5500   |   AdobeFlash_LANG_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   AlarmSounds
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   AUTOUPDATE
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Autoupdate_Lang_0409
No DSM Found!   |   Base
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   BaseApps
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   BaseAppsFiles
 5.2.23503 aku 5500   |   Base_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   base_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   Base_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Base_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Base_Lang_0409_DPI_192_RESH_480_RESV_640
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Bluetooth
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Bluetooth_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   bronze
 5.2.23505 aku 5500   |   BronzeNonEA
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Bronze_DPI_192
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   BROWSING
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   BROWSINGCORE
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   browsingie
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   browsingie_LANG_0409
 5.2.23503 aku 5500   |   Browsing_DPI_192
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   Browsing_Lang_0409
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   BTDUN
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Bth_A2DP
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Bth_A2DP_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Bth_HID
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Bth_HID_Lang_0409
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   CHome
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   CHome_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   CHome_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   CommonNonEA
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   ConfettiCore
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   DRM
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Enterprise
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Enterprise_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Enterprise_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Enterprise_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Entertainment
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Entertainment_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Entertainment_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Entertainment_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   FWUPDATE
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Fwupdate_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   GPSID
 5.2.23503 aku 5500   |   INTERNETSHARING
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   IPSECVPN
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   IPSECVPN_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   IPSECVPN_Lang_0409
 5.2.23505 aku 5500   |   Livesearch
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   Lockscreen
 5.2.23505 aku 5500   |   LockscreenNonEA
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Lockscreen_DPI_192
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   MediaOS
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   MediaOSFiles
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   MediaOS_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   MediaOS_Lang_0409
 0.0.0 aku 0   |   Metadata
 5.2.23501 aku 5500   |   MSTag
 5.2.23501 aku 5500   |   MSTag_Lang_0409
Error in version   |   NetCF
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   Office
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Office_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Office_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Office_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   OneNote
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   OneNote_lang_0409
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   OS
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   OSFiles
Error in version   |   Perfbox
 5.2.23505 aku 5500   |   Phone
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   PhoneRedist
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   PhoneRedist_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   PhoneRedist_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   PhoneRedist_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Phone_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Phone_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Phone_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Phone_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   ppgprov
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   Redist
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Redist_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Redist_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
 5.2.23503 aku 5500   |   Redist_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Redist_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   RemoteDesktopMobile
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   RemoteDesktopMobile_Lang_0409
 5.2.23503 aku 5500   |   Riched20
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   RingsAndAlerts
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   RUNTIMES
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   SampleMusic
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   Shell
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   SIM_TKit
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Skybox
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Skybox_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Skymarket
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Skymarket_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   SMIME
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   SMS_Providers
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   SQLCE
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   SqlCeMobile
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   SqlCeMobile_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   SQM
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   SYSTEM_DEFAULT_FONTS
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Themes
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Themes_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Themes_Lang_0409_DPI_192_RESH_480_RESV_640
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Transcriber
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Transcriber_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   Transcriber_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   VoiceCommand
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   VoiceCommand_Lang_0409
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   Webview
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   WelcomeCenter
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   WelcomeCenter_Lang_0409
 5.2.23503 aku 5500   |   WindowsLive
 5.2.23503 aku 5500   |   WindowsLiveIM
 5.2.23503 aku 5500   |   WindowsLive_DPI_192
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   WindowsLive_Lang_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   WMMoneyWidget
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   WMWeatherWidget
 5.2.23506 aku 5500   |   WMWidgets
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   WMWidgets_LANG_0409
 5.2.23500 aku 5500   |   WWAN
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   ADC_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   AdobeFlash
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   AdobeFlashCodecs
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   AdobeFlash_LANG_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   AlarmSounds
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   AUTOUPDATE
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Autoupdate_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   BaseApps
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   BaseAppsFiles
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Base_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Bluetooth
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Bluetooth_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   bronze
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   BronzeEA
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   BROWSING
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   BROWSINGCORE
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   browsingie
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   browsingie_LANG_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Browsing_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   BTDUN
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Bth_A2DP
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Bth_A2DP_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Bth_HID
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Bth_HID_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Bth_Watch_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   CHome
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   CHome_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   CommonEA
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   ConfettiCore
No DSM Found!   |   DPI_96
No DSM Found!   |   dpi_96_resh_240_resv_320
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   DRM
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Enterprise
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Enterprise_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Entertainment
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Entertainment_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   FWUPDATE
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Fwupdate_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   GPSID
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   INTERNETSHARING
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   IPSECVPN
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   IPSECVPN_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   IRDA
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   IRDA_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Lockscreen
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   LockscreenEA
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   MediaOS
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   MediaOSFiles
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   MediaOS_Lang_0409
 0.0.0 aku 0   |   Metadata
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   MSTag_Lang_0409
Error in version   |   NetCF
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Office
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Office_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   OneNote
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   OneNote_lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   OS
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   OSFiles
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Phone
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   PhoneRedist
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   PhoneRedist_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Phone_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   ppgprov
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Redist
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Redist_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   RemoteDesktopMobile
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   RemoteDesktopMobile_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Riched20
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   RUNTIMES
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   SampleMusic
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Shell
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   SIM_TKit
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Skybox
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Skybox_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Skymarket
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Skymarket_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   SMIME
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   SMS_Providers
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   SQLCE
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   SqlCeMobile
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   SqlCeMobile_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   SQM
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   SYSTEM_DEFAULT_FONTS
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Themes
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Transcriber_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   VoiceCommand_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   Webview
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   WelcomeCenter
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   WelcomeCenter_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   WindowsLive
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   WindowsLiveIM
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   WindowsLive_Lang_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   WMMoneyWidget
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   WMWeatherWidget
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   WMWidgets
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   WMWidgets_LANG_0409
 5.2.23088 aku 5300   |   WWAN
I am seriously starting to doubt the validity of 23088. ms never has ALL new stuff in a SYS. this does not even look real to me

Last edited by raidzero; 11-09-2009 at 01:52 PM.
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  #1163 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 01:58 PM
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Re: [KITCHEN][ROM]->>Nov 9<<6.5 NK-23506-RZ Baseline TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Originally Posted by raidzero View Post
I just tested this, and it worked fine. manila did not include any titanium elements.. try with the official 3.3 kitchen in the OP.
I follow all the steps like always recomend me and star cooking with manila but at the end the titanium and manila was cook together but my TP it's working perfect with both
bonheur au revoir
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  #1164 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 02:03 PM
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Re: [KITCHEN][ROM]->>Nov 9<<6.5 NK-23506-RZ Baseline TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Originally Posted by jdm627 View Post
I follow all the steps like always recomend me and star cooking with manila but at the end the titanium and manila was cook together but my TP it's working perfect with both
I just cooked one and said manila and got just manila, no titanium at all. I suggest you use this kitchen:


the nightly one last night works but some things are broken still, I fixed them this morning and decided it was time for an official kitchen release.

and yeah it works well with both, I am running both on my phone (titanium active) just so I can better support the users!

Last edited by raidzero; 11-09-2009 at 02:07 PM.
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  #1165 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 02:57 PM
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Re: [KITCHEN][ROM]->>Nov 9<<6.5 NK-23506-RZ Baseline TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

anyone else still see the "BETA 12/01/2009" message when they use 23506? mine says it was patched when making the rom.
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  #1166 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 03:01 PM
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Re: [KITCHEN][ROM]->>Nov 9<<6.5 NK-23506-RZ Baseline TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Originally Posted by z0mbiexx View Post
anyone else still see the "BETA 12/01/2009" message when they use 23506? mine says it was patched when making the rom.
it is patched, does your autorun execute my mxip_beta.mscr script (it removes the text from the today screen - the timebomb and that text are two different things - the text is just a regedit)

Last edited by raidzero; 11-09-2009 at 03:09 PM.
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  #1167 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 03:03 PM
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Re: [KITCHEN][ROM]->>Nov 9<<6.5 NK-23506-RZ Baseline TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Originally Posted by raidzero View Post
it is patched, does your autorun execute my mxip_beta.mscr script (it removes the text from the today screen)
oh i didn't run autorun so i just was freaking out i seen the text

is there any Autorun command to disable the radio so i don't get texts, etc when trying to run customizations?

Last edited by z0mbiexx; 11-09-2009 at 03:08 PM.
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  #1168 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 03:07 PM
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Re: [KITCHEN][ROM]->>Nov 9<<6.5 NK-23506-RZ Baseline TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Originally Posted by z0mbiexx View Post
oh i didn't run autorun so i just was freaking out i seen the text
nah no prob, as long as you don't get the formal reminder about it you're good.
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  #1169 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 03:10 PM
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Re: [KITCHEN][ROM]->>Nov 9<<6.5 NK-23506-RZ Baseline TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Originally Posted by z0mbiexx View Post
oh i didn't run autorun so i just was freaking out i seen the text

is there any Autorun command to disable the radio so i don't get texts, etc when trying to run customizations?
no but there is a way to do it. you can find a program that controls the radio and execute it at the first part of autorun and then again at the end...
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  #1170 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 03:21 PM
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Re: [KITCHEN][ROM]->>Nov 9<<6.5 NK-23506-RZ Baseline TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

on a unimportant small issue your power icon didn't overwrite the default one in settings. but i did get the GPS folder skinned
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