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  #831 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 08:09 AM
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Re: [ROMs][KITCHEN]->>Oct 23<<6.5 NK-RZ Baseline 23069/71/75 TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Originally Posted by raidzero View Post
lol @ impervious. I will check it out, it will probably need to be cooked in
tried that too
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  #832 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 08:30 AM
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Re: [ROMs][KITCHEN]->>Oct 23<<6.5 NK-RZ Baseline 23069/71/75 TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

I got message enhancement working. add this EXT to baseline\manila_dependencies. remove the existing message enhancement. this will of course be in tonight's kitchen.

edit: wait thats message, sorry. I meant to do menu.. working on that now.

OK menu enhancement works now too but its green, must.. change... heh

heres a shot of coreplayer sporting the menu enhancement:

I am going to change the highlight color to blue but gimp.org is down! I just formatted my laptop so what am I to do.. I guess I'll try sourceforge

I have to say I kinda like the menu enhancement, it makes scrolling through long menus fun - might change it to be in titanium too

Last edited by raidzero; 10-29-2009 at 08:54 AM.
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  #833 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 08:47 AM
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Re: [ROMs][KITCHEN]->>Oct 23<<6.5 NK-RZ Baseline 23069/71/75 TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Originally Posted by raidzero View Post
I got message enhancement working. add this EXT to baseline\manila_dependencies. remove the existing message enhancement. this will of course be in tonight's kitchen.

edit: wait thats message, sorry. I meant to do menu.. working on that now.
You da man!
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  #834 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 09:05 AM
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Re: [ROMs][KITCHEN]->>Oct 23<<6.5 NK-RZ Baseline 23069/71/75 TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

heres a cab of htc menu enhancement that works on my rom/kitchen. tested on 23502

its green, which is ugly. I tried changing to blue but it wasnt that easy...
Attached Files
File Type: cab raidzero HTC Menu Enhancement.cab (881.6 KB, 6 views) Click for barcode!
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  #835 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 09:20 AM
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Re: [ROMs][KITCHEN]->>Oct 23<<6.5 NK-RZ Baseline 23069/71/75 TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Originally Posted by raidzero View Post
heres a cab of htc menu enhancement that works on my rom/kitchen. tested on 23502

its green, which is ugly. I tried changing to blue but it wasnt that easy...
I just tried the cab and no luck. Clearly I have done something to my phone.
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  #836 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 09:30 AM
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Re: [ROMs][KITCHEN]->>Oct 23<<6.5 NK-RZ Baseline 23069/71/75 TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
I just tried the cab and no luck. Clearly I have done something to my phone.
umm.. thats odd. this cab includes htcc scroll so even if you messed up htc scroll it should still work. maybe htc message enhancement was one of its dependencies, I did replace that too..
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  #837 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 09:33 AM
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Re: [ROMs][KITCHEN]->>Oct 23<<6.5 NK-RZ Baseline 23069/71/75 TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Cooking the menu enhancement in right now... we'll see how it goes...


It worked!!!! I used the tachi menu enhancement rar file and it worked like a charm! I was beginning to think it just wasn't possible! Thanks so much. Now everything is perfect!

Last edited by Sharkie405; 10-29-2009 at 09:57 AM.
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  #838 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 10:23 AM
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Re: [ROMs][KITCHEN]->>Oct 23<<6.5 NK-RZ Baseline 23069/71/75 TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

good stuff, I am working on changing the color... puke (HTC) green clashes with my blue heaven haha

much better:

edit 2: didnt mean to tease everyone and not include the cab... this is just the menu file so you will need to install menu enhancement or cook it in first
Attached Files
File Type: cab raidzero blue menu highlight.cab (624.9 KB, 7 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by raidzero; 10-29-2009 at 12:11 PM.
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  #839 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 11:50 AM
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Re: [ROMs][KITCHEN]->>Oct 23<<6.5 NK-RZ Baseline 23069/71/75 TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

hey rz,

i've tried cooking 23502 and 23081 in your kitchen, but i have two problems:
- after i've cooked, your autorun customizations don't run - your tweaks don't get applied, flamerise doesn't get set as the theme, etc...i don't know why. worked fine with your release version roms
- i've had problems getting my gps program (igo8 ) to work...can't seem to detect the gps on com4

dunno if it's just me, but i'd wonder if anybody else experiences this too.
HTC Touch Pro: raidzero 23569 kitchen custom rom [LatROM], sense 2.5.2016, 16mb pp

Replaced by an HTC Desire: DeFroST 5.x w/ HAVS kernel, 1113MHz ondemand
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  #840 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 12:06 PM
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Re: [ROMs][KITCHEN]->>Oct 23<<6.5 NK-RZ Baseline 23069/71/75 TF3d 2.1 & Titanium

Originally Posted by Lat View Post
hey rz,

i've tried cooking 23502 and 23081 in your kitchen, but i have two problems:
- after i've cooked, your autorun customizations don't run - your tweaks don't get applied, flamerise doesn't get set as the theme, etc...i don't know why. worked fine with your release version roms
- i've had problems getting my gps program (igo8 ) to work...can't seem to detect the gps on com4

dunno if it's just me, but i'd wonder if anybody else experiences this too.
Auto customizations run on mine and flamerise is set as the default theme in my 23502 cooked w/ the kitchen.

I don't use igo8 so I don't know about that. I don't have any gps issues though...
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