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  #17581 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 08:29 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

I searched the thread and the one for unlocking and flashing via SD card and cant find this answer. If I missed it, sorry. I just tried to flash from SD for the first time and it worked! Thanks cornelius. My question is this... Someone posted a few pages back ( it i could find it, i would have copied their quote) that they have multiple roms stored on the SD card so if they have issues, they can reflash and be up and running without their pc. If the nbh images have to have the same name, and the files have to be in the root of the SD card, how do you have more than one NBH file on the card and how would you choose which ngh to load?

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  #17582 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 08:52 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by RyanMayo View Post
I searched the thread and the one for unlocking and flashing via SD card and cant find this answer. If I missed it, sorry. I just tried to flash from SD for the first time and it worked! Thanks cornelius. My question is this... Someone posted a few pages back ( it i could find it, i would have copied their quote) that they have multiple roms stored on the SD card so if they have issues, they can reflash and be up and running without their pc. If the nbh images have to have the same name, and the files have to be in the root of the SD card, how do you have more than one NBH file on the card and how would you choose which ngh to load?

Just change the name of the file. bootloader will only recognize raphimg.nbh, so add some type of build # or date to the file name and it can hang out on your card all day
Example, my stock ROM is called stockraphimg.
When I'm ready to flash it I just erase "stock" from the title.
Always remember to name it back post flash.
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  #17583 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 09:03 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by RyanMayo View Post
I searched the thread and the one for unlocking and flashing via SD card and cant find this answer. If I missed it, sorry. I just tried to flash from SD for the first time and it worked! Thanks cornelius. My question is this... Someone posted a few pages back ( it i could find it, i would have copied their quote) that they have multiple roms stored on the SD card so if they have issues, they can reflash and be up and running without their pc. If the nbh images have to have the same name, and the files have to be in the root of the SD card, how do you have more than one NBH file on the card and how would you choose which ngh to load?


It may have been a little miss leading.. you can store multiple ROMs on your card but only one can have the RAPHIMG.nbh name (obviously). So maybe you have RAPHIMG.nbh and one named PRAPHIMG.nbh. If you run into big trouble say you flashed a GSM ROM and your phone wont boot there's really is no way to get back into the memory card and rename the other ROM file you have stored. The only thing you can do is use a memory card reader and rename the file through a PC. If you were really a nervous Nelly you could store a fail safe ROM on a card and just store it in your desk or somewhere then just change out the cards and flash. I've only run into trouble one time were a ROM wouldn't boot and I had to use a PC to rename the files.
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  #17584 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 09:23 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

@zone-thanks for the backup. A card reader is will def save your butt if things get hairy, should've mentioned that. I always have one on me. OK, probably SHOULDN'T have mentioned THAT.
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  #17585 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 09:47 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
@zone-thanks for the backup. A card reader is will def save your butt if things get hairy, should've mentioned that. I always have one on me. OK, probably SHOULDN'T have mentioned THAT.
Thanks for the help guys, knew it had to be simple. It would be great if the bootloader would give you the option of which ROM to load if it detected more than one NBH file. Kinda like multiple OS's on your PC...
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  #17586 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 09:56 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Question about Email Setup.

I go to mail, add new account. Type in all the normal stuff. Once the initial setup is complete, immediately go to account options (Inbox - Tools -Options -Edit Account Setup) so I can change send/receive schedule, download entire message, etc. Now when I get to Edit Account Setup and start advancing through the fields, I can see the password that I put in on the initial setup ( of course its all bullets hiding the password) but it is obviously more characters than my password has letters. Like the password was somehow automatically made longer, so I re-enter the password. I dont know if the longer password I see entered will get me into my mailbox or not, I just re-enter it. Anyone else with this issue? Ideas?? Thanks.
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  #17587 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 10:04 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

NRG... your 2.5 ROMS are the best out there period. Especially build 23504. It is nearly perfect. The one and only issue I am currently having with it is being able to set up hotmail through the email tab. I am able to get to the point where I input my email and password to login but from there it crashes and goes straight to the today page within manila. I tried redownloading Windows Live via Marketplace, however, when that was done and I soft resetted, I was stuck at the Touch Pro start screen. A simple reflash took care of that of course.

This is all I have had any issues with. This is the by far the highest quality build for the 2.5 Manila port. Thank you very much for all of the effort you are putting into this.
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  #17588 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 10:08 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by RyanMayo View Post
Question about Email Setup.

I go to mail, add new account. Type in all the normal stuff. Once the initial setup is complete, immediately go to account options (Inbox - Tools -Options -Edit Account Setup) so I can change send/receive schedule, download entire message, etc. Now when I get to Edit Account Setup and start advancing through the fields, I can see the password that I put in on the initial setup ( of course its all bullets hiding the password) but it is obviously more characters than my password has letters. Like the password was somehow automatically made longer, so I re-enter the password. I dont know if the longer password I see entered will get me into my mailbox or not, I just re-enter it. Anyone else with this issue? Ideas?? Thanks.
Yeah Bro-just let it go. Your password is "hidden" amongst the extra characters, no need to re-enter it.
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  #17589 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 10:11 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by CrossXcalibur View Post
NRG... your 2.5 ROMS are the best out there period. Especially build 23504. It is nearly perfect. The one and only issue I am currently having with it is being able to set up hotmail through the email tab. I am able to get to the point where I input my email and password to login but from there it crashes and goes straight to the today page within manila. I tried redownloading Windows Live via Marketplace, however, when that was done and I soft resetted, I was stuck at the Touch Pro start screen. A simple reflash took care of that of course.

This is all I have had any issues with. This is the by far the highest quality build for the 2.5 Manila port. Thank you very much for all of the effort you are putting into this.
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  #17590 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2009, 10:18 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23081/21864) |Nov5| Manila 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by japan704 View Post
This might help some of you guys out with your ringers....I went into the touchpro tweak app and disabled "Mute call" (1.4) and then i went to HTC Volume Control and set my phone to Single Control for System & Ring....My ringer has been working for the passed 30 minutes!
...testing. Still ringing.

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
Just about 100% sure the volume is the problem but it is caused by the dialer on these new builds.
Something in the dialer is changing the volume settings from what I can tell.
Switch to WM dialer and BOOM your ringer should be back.
This is why I never had a ringer fail issue until today.
I had been using WM dialer.
I'll post this workaround, Root...thanks!

Originally Posted by shred_head View Post
any possible way to put the known bugs and their fixes(if any) in some list for these non official releases?
could help in stopping with the repeated questions

i don't expect NRG to do it, but if there were some way possible that'd be great
I already do this...or maybe it's not comprehensive enough? If there's information that I'm not posting, please PM me. I have a PDF version and Thread here at PPCGEEKS for both 2.5 ROM releases and I'm working right now to update the information for the 2 2.1 ROM releases. I have step-by-step instructions for getting most features to work, cabs/mods/tweaks with direct links, links to threads with other info...and a "bugs" section with most of the stuff that comes up on this thread.

...if there was a wiki or another website, poeple would still come here and ask for the same stuff.

Originally Posted by zachofalltrades View Post
It would be nice if the forum were coupled with a wiki. XDA has wiki (but it does not get a lot of use unfortunately). A forum is great format for ongoing discussion/exploration/debate. A wiki is a much better format for a repository of information that is static.
Or a Thread that houses all of the cabs and fixes we're referencing.

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
A few posts and a PM have me confused.
Can people on 21864 not find Touch Pro Tweaks?
Could someone on that build confirm the exact path?
It apparently isn't linked in teh START menu, but it's in the ROM. Open Total Commander and do a search for "tweaks", it will pop up...mov ethe exe or copy the "lnk" to the appropriate folder - WINDOWS/STARTMENU/TOOLS/TWEAKS...and you'll have it for quick reference...fyi, no need ot install it again.

Originally Posted by tpeazy View Post
Can someone tell me which 2.5 ROM they feel is the most complete. 21864 or 23504. I know this is a very subjective question, but I am looking to see which is the most complete. The one that would require less searching to get it to run decent (even though all of these 2.5 ROM's have issues.

So if you can give me your opinion, thanks. If not, no worries.

I'm using 21864...I like it best of the two 2.5 ROMs. I also feel that folks looking for the MOST stability should not be using a 2.5 ROM. I think the 2.1 ROMs are great and live up to most users' expectations. 2.5 is AWESOME, but requires some work arounds that most users most likely wouldn't want to hassle with on the daily.

Originally Posted by chuque View Post

I send and receive sms and mms as expected, but when I tap a sms in sense it still loads the sense sms app not the wm sms app I thought that is what the zeeyee cab did?
THe HTC Disabler cab, I believe, sets "All Messages" to the old texting application. Clicking on the SMS in the Tab will still bring up Sense. ...this is similar to how it worked in 2.1 I think. So, you need to use "All Messages".

Originally Posted by M3shuggah View Post
So I am experiencing my first real bug that is annoying the **** out of me. I've deleted all of my SMS/MMS messages but, HTC Sense is still saying there is an unread message. If you select all messages, nothing is there. Clearing it in the Windows Messaging app still won't get rid of this.

Soft reset doesn't fix this either. Any ideas guys? Never had an issue like this in the past.
Is it in Messaging or Texts? I've found, if you don't use an Outlook Email Account, and configure other Email Accounts or set up ActiveSync, there's a "Welcome Email" that sits in your Outlook inbox as unread, even though you're not using Outlook. IF you go to the Messages "picker" page and view all folders for all messaging, you should see the Outlook inbox showing the +1.

Originally Posted by imzack View Post
Where do you find build 10-22??? and my biggest problem is that i have alot of text messages, and it takes forever to load when i wanna text.. what build would be the best for me, any suggestions? Thanks
Reduce the number of stored messages on your device and your texting app will run better.

Originally Posted by GernerPSU View Post
First off, obviously love the manila 2.5 and appreciate all the work. I hope to return the favor post graduation when I have some more time

Since manila 2.1 I've had a problem with MMS. I'm not sure I ever even tried the arcsoft stuff. So I installed the newest ROM and tried the suggested Remove->Soft->Install from the first couple replies. After some searching I was trying to check out threeface's guide but the pdf broke.

Whenever I receive a MMS, it comes up with either the subject text they sent or the filename on the sms tab with a paper clip icon noting an attachment. I click on it and it disappears like it never existed. Until the pdf starts to work, I've got no idea where to go.
...how did the PDF "break"? Bad link? I also have aThread here at PPCGeeks with all fo the same information for both 2.5 builds, and another Thread for 2.1 Builds.

Originally Posted by leighton86 View Post
anyone have any good ideas on how to get my location working with this ROM? i've tried everything i can think of...but to no avail.

also, the twitter tab doesn't have twitter....

i'm running the 21864 build from nov. 5.
Upgrade to the newer release of the same build [oct 10th] and Twitter should work.

Originally Posted by sfhub View Post
If by "getting stuck in the boot screen" you mean it flashes gray very briefly then dumps you in the tri-color screen, the bootloader is not recognizing the RAPHIMG.nbh file. It actually says "No image file!" or something like that if you can read quickly.

Could be a naming problem, could be SD card problem, could be filesystem fat vs fat32 problem, or other problems. Bottom line, the bootloader can't find the file and it doesn't really tell you why.

Personally I would just do the USB method. I used to do SD all the time from mogul days and never had a problem. For Touch Pro some of my RAPHIMG.nbh will get recognized and some won't. I tried a new SD card freshly formatted to fat32 and various renaming strategies. Didn't work so I didn't feel like playing with it longer when USB method worked fine.
...when it does that it's either the formatting issue or encryption. I had the hardest time with SD Card flashing until I realized that was the problem.

Originally Posted by RyanMayo View Post
I searched the thread and the one for unlocking and flashing via SD card and cant find this answer. If I missed it, sorry. I just tried to flash from SD for the first time and it worked! Thanks cornelius. My question is this... Someone posted a few pages back ( it i could find it, i would have copied their quote) that they have multiple roms stored on the SD card so if they have issues, they can reflash and be up and running without their pc. If the nbh images have to have the same name, and the files have to be in the root of the SD card, how do you have more than one NBH file on the card and how would you choose which ngh to load?

That was me...after my USB port died, I got nervous and now keep loaded SD Cards for different stuff. 1 for stock flashing, 1 for unlocking and custom roms, and 1 that I keep my cabs and sashimi set up on. ...and how does the man do it if all files have the same name.....[drum roll] FOLDERS! <---how else would you knwo what's what?!

You don't need this many cards...but I def recommend having a card reader and keeping some of this stuff handy on your SD card, especially relocking and stock stuff, in the event of an emergency flashing situation.
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