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  #13171 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 11:55 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 13th | Manila 2.


m not sure if anyone has asked this before but is it possible that on next update you can add phonepad as a input option. or can point me in right direction to where i can get it.. its easier to text while driving with phonepad. (i dot have to look at phone have it memorized)

transcriber would be nice too its one of the things that made touch pro diff from other competing phones.


keep up awsome work
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  #13172 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 11:58 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 13th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by WmDuchess View Post
i did.. the rep on phone tried to order me another one but systm wouldnt let her she said i needed to go into store and pick a brand new phone because i had been having so many issues with touch pros. it said in memos to give me a new phone. i went to store and they said they didnt have a phone to give me (after rep had called to verify). so i went home and talk to like 8 more reps. kept getting transfered around. the last rep told me same thing to go to store and get my replacement.. went to store they said they dont see any issues. im like you have this phone for 30min vs 24hrs that i deal with it. so o replacement went back home talk to like 7 more reps once again transfered around. went back to store. refused to honor memo...

ended up going home YET again talking to retention. they was like how about we give you 75 for upgrade im like r u F***G retarded you want to give me 75 dollars so that i can pay another 400 for a phone that you should be replacing anyways.. THIS CRACKHEAD said its not sprint problem we dont MAKE the phones....


kudos to sprint right lol

im usually a very nice person.. Im all skittles and rainbows. plus i had my little girl so i cant like flip out in front of her at the store.
haha sry liked the smilies.
Okay so the next question is.....are you still either under warranty or either have the insurance?? because the memo is for people who either are still under warranty or have the insurance and cant upgrade. They tried to play me like that too, but they gave me 125 credit towards my account and an early upgrade of 150, but I chose not to upgrade because I shouldnt have to upgrade and pay the difference if my phone is defective and needs to be replaced. They cant tell you that your phone isnt overheating and cutting off. I dont know why they are giving you the run around. They exchanged my phone no problem. I even almost had them about to order me a TP2 but then they had to get an approval and so then that is when they said okay they would credit my account 125 and so on. Im confused as to why they wouldnt replace your phone. Oh well. Off the subject..the blackberry tour is pretty nice. Im thinking about switching for about a week to see if I really like it. The movies on the screen look like blue ray!!! Very nice. Too bad I cant flash a BlackBerry with NRG'z ROM's.
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  #13173 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 11:58 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 13th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by WmDuchess View Post
download a small simple sms backup and before you go to bed back it up and then restore it in the morning. powersms works great (but only trial. havent found a serial yet but its only $4) and its really cool.

My post was re: NRGZ28 scrapping the 23071 beta.
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  #13174 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2009, 12:01 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 13th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by blockhead428 View Post
Everytime I've had to get a replacement, they've always had to replicate the problem. First the screen would randomly not work. That was the hardest problem to show them. Then the keyboard quit. On the last one, the hard keys weren't as responsive as they should be. They probably only got worse because I'd get pissed and keep hitting the talk key harder trying to bring up the dialer, then I'd get even more pissed that I hit it too many times and started calling someone else. But I wouldn't trade it for any other Sprint phone out there right now. Not even the Touch Pro's identical (almost) twin sister, the Touch Pro 2.
Yeah after doing some research Ive came to the conclusion that I would rather have the TP rather than the TP2. First off I have an exciting night life and the TP2 doesnt have a flash!!! BIG NO NO. I need the flash for my night outs. Other than that there is really no big difference. I mainly just wanted to get the phone so that could sell it on EBAY. lol. A quick 3 to 4 hundred.
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  #13175 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2009, 12:04 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 13th | Manila 2.

And where is this new 6.5.1 rom that is on his twitter. I want to test it out.
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  #13176 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2009, 12:05 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 13th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by youngpro83 View Post
Okay so the next question is.....are you still either under warranty or either have the insurance?? because the memo is for people who either are still under warranty or have the insurance and cant upgrade. They tried to play me like that too, but they gave me 125 credit towards my account and an early upgrade of 150, but I chose not to upgrade because I shouldnt have to upgrade and pay the difference if my phone is defective and needs to be replaced. They cant tell you that your phone isnt overheating and cutting off. I dont know why they are giving you the run around. They exchanged my phone no problem. I even almost had them about to order me a TP2 but then they had to get an approval and so then that is when they said okay they would credit my account 125 and so on. Im confused as to why they wouldnt replace your phone. Oh well. Off the subject..the blackberry tour is pretty nice. Im thinking about switching for about a week to see if I really like it. The movies on the screen look like blue ray!!! Very nice. Too bad I cant flash a BlackBerry with NRG'z ROM's.
i have insurance. and i got phone the week it came out. i think they tryna bs me because my warranty is about to expire. and its not like i dont spend money with them i always pretty much get hot phone when they come out. ive had mogul, pre, centro, diamond, touch pro now. and the first touch screen phone. (the brick lol)
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  #13177 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2009, 12:08 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 13th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by makram View Post
mms is workin fine but its my sms that keeo bein deleted once a day.. i changed the setting to manually delete but that didnt help..
Ok, the last person to post that issue fixed it with a flash to stock ROM. When basic functionality like SMS isnt working correctly it is very often an indication of a bad flash. I'm not saying it's the only fix but it worked for the last user. You can try flash to stock, hard reset, flash to energy, HR.
This is my 8th or so energy build and I've never had the issue, it's not the ROM.
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  #13178 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2009, 12:10 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 13th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by Jake62 View Post
My post was re: NRGZ28 scrapping the 23071 beta.
sorry i wasnt paying attention.
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  #13179 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2009, 12:15 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 13th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by WmDuchess View Post
i have insurance. and i got phone the week it came out. i think they tryna bs me because my warranty is about to expire. and its not like i dont spend money with them i always pretty much get hot phone when they come out. ive had mogul, pre, centro, diamond, touch pro now. and the first touch screen phone. (the brick lol)
Oh well I dont know what the deal is. Sprint is a good company but I agree that sometimes they do BS you a little. You just need to be firm and hold your ground. They will give in. If all else fails you can always threaten to cancel your service and they practically will give you what ever you want. Trust me they sent me a refurb one time and I raised hell for not getting the accessories and I threatened to cancel my service and I asked to get transferred to the cancel department.....I told them my issues and why I was frustrated with Sprint...they sent me out a Brand New phone.....then get this.....They never sent me a return kit and so I never returned the phone and when they called about it I just told them that it I didnt return it because there wasnt a return kit and the rep says oh ok so just take it to a sprint store and Ill note your account that you already returned it........ I made 340 dollars on EBAY for selling a it. I just put my refurb in the new box and Sold it....That was about 3 months ago. Never heard about it again. I plan to do the same with these phones I have now. Oh I love Sprint and their negligence.
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  #13180 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2009, 12:19 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23016) ** | Built Oct 13th | Manila 2.

Anyone know where the 23071 build is uploaded at? cant find it ?
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