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  #10281 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2009, 11:54 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 6th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by erkme73 View Post
@root - I should have known better than to try that widgets thing. Especially after reading ahuskins account of what happened.

Nonetheless, I did. After removing the prg, I had lockups - so I did a hard reset (running 9/5). It wouldn't get past the initial Touch Pro splash screen. Flashed to stock Sprint (shipped), then reflashed the 9/5 image you provided night before last.

After some time getting all my apps installed (still haven't gotten Sushimi configured), I went to bed.

When I got up this morning, phone was running, but everything was gone... Just as though I'd performed a hard reset. I've read a few posts about phones hard restting on their own, but this was a stock image flashed to NRG 9/5 - which was working the day before.

Is there something obvious I'm missing? While having to reinstall because of a random HR is frustrating, the most concerning thing is not know why it happened - or if it can happen again. I was late to work since it had cleared my alarms.
Not sure what happened because I have not removed the app.
I do have 1 question though.
Were you running the widget app when you removed it or did you turn TF3D or standard today theme back on before hand?
If you removed it while using it that may be the issue.
If you removed files that were in use it may still be looking for those files.

A hard reset should have fixed the issue though and that may be another issue all together.

Last edited by rootlinux; 09-11-2009 at 11:56 AM.
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  #10282 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2009, 12:02 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 6th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by Whotahn View Post
NRGZ28 has a post with a cab for the VC. Post #3 brother.

If I helped in anyway please hit the THANKS!
That worked, thanks. I didn't realize that the pictures in post #3 were actually links to cabs (where's the "embarrassed" emoticon when I need it). :">
Edit: Thanks also to the others who also responded.
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  #10283 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2009, 12:15 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 6th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by ahuskins View Post
Facebookers - HAHA - Try fim. It does everything.


Give it a try.
Installed and checking it out.
It looks like just a Facebook chat app.
Fim = Facebook Instant Messenger

It looks pretty good though.

Found the other features now.
Have to hit menu on the bottom right and choose web to get to the non chat options.
Pretty nice bro.

Thanks for the tip.
It does work better and faster than MS's Facebook app.
Imagine that.
So far so good.

Last edited by rootlinux; 09-11-2009 at 12:28 PM.
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  #10284 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2009, 12:40 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 6th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by ahuskins View Post
@erkme - I've only had that happen once, when I didn't flash to stock between custom ROM's. Leave it for now and see if there is any other errant behavior. AND get that Sashimi going!! Good Morning!

Thx... morning didn't get off to a good start, but it's probably self-inflicted.

I put all my apps back on again, and all seemed smooth for about an hour. Then, as I restarted my Flexmail, I got the spinning circle... and it froze. I could still access menus but Flexmail was hosed. So I went for the trusty soft-reset button.

When it woke up from the reset, it said "setting up for first time" - and wanted me to calibrate the screen. It did it's own hard rest.

Now I'm worried that I really butched something up... is it possible that I wrote to the ROM too many times? I'll go back to shipped stock rom again but at this point, I've lost complete confidence in the hardware. I need to be able to rely on this for work.

I've been operating w/the SD card out today, thinking maybe something on there was causing it... I'm really stumped.
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  #10285 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2009, 12:48 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 6th | Manila 2.

This happens occasionally. Did you do the whole flash to stock, hard reset, flash energy, hard reset, soft reset thing?
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  #10286 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2009, 12:53 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 6th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by erkme73 View Post
Thx... morning didn't get off to a good start, but it's probably self-inflicted.

I put all my apps back on again, and all seemed smooth for about an hour. Then, as I restarted my Flexmail, I got the spinning circle... and it froze. I could still access menus but Flexmail was hosed. So I went for the trusty soft-reset button.

When it woke up from the reset, it said "setting up for first time" - and wanted me to calibrate the screen. It did it's own hard rest.

Now I'm worried that I really butched something up... is it possible that I wrote to the ROM too many times? I'll go back to shipped stock rom again but at this point, I've lost complete confidence in the hardware. I need to be able to rely on this for work.

I've been operating w/the SD card out today, thinking maybe something on there was causing it... I'm really stumped.
Yea, I'd try the stock flash again, with the hard resets as was just suggested. If you're really hitting a wall with it, try going to Stock and running Stock for a bit to see if the device locks up...then proceed.

I wouldn't freak yet...just flash Stock, hard reset, flash NRG, and hard reset again.
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  #10287 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2009, 12:57 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 6th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by erkme73 View Post
Thx... morning didn't get off to a good start, but it's probably self-inflicted.

I put all my apps back on again, and all seemed smooth for about an hour. Then, as I restarted my Flexmail, I got the spinning circle... and it froze. I could still access menus but Flexmail was hosed. So I went for the trusty soft-reset button.

When it woke up from the reset, it said "setting up for first time" - and wanted me to calibrate the screen. It did it's own hard rest.

Now I'm worried that I really butched something up... is it possible that I wrote to the ROM too many times? I'll go back to shipped stock rom again but at this point, I've lost complete confidence in the hardware. I need to be able to rely on this for work.

I've been operating w/the SD card out today, thinking maybe something on there was causing it... I'm really stumped.
At some point, someone did some sort of benchtest study to see if they could "Wear out" the processor from reinstalling roms. After around 10,000 ROM Installs the phone was still holding a ROM. So they reported that you should be able to Reinstall ROMS at least 10,000 times without having a problem. While most of us are ROM junkies, I doubt that most are THAT bad.

If you are worried about something being on the SD card that is screwing it up, then try this. Copy everything from the SD Card to your hard drive in a back up folder. Then go to Start/Settings/System/Wipe Device. Chose format, but also make sure to check Format card also. This way, when it does a hard reset, it will also format the SD Card so that there is nothing on it that could cause you to conflict.

Then go ahead, and install the apps from you back up folder one at a time, and soft reset after each install, and see which app is causing you problems. its a bit of a pain, but once you do it, you can get rid of that cab file, instead of not knowing what is causing it.
If you can't figure it out, chances are, you already broke it!
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  #10288 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2009, 01:02 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 6th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by erkme73 View Post
Thx... morning didn't get off to a good start, but it's probably self-inflicted.

I put all my apps back on again, and all seemed smooth for about an hour. Then, as I restarted my Flexmail, I got the spinning circle... and it froze. I could still access menus but Flexmail was hosed. So I went for the trusty soft-reset button.

When it woke up from the reset, it said "setting up for first time" - and wanted me to calibrate the screen. It did it's own hard rest.

Now I'm worried that I really butched something up... is it possible that I wrote to the ROM too many times? I'll go back to shipped stock rom again but at this point, I've lost complete confidence in the hardware. I need to be able to rely on this for work.

I've been operating w/the SD card out today, thinking maybe something on there was causing it... I'm really stumped.
At some point, someone did some sort of benchtest study to see if they could "Wear out" the processor from reinstalling roms. After around 10,000 ROM Installs the phone was still holding a ROM. So they reported that you should be able to Reinstall ROMS at least 10,000 times without having a problem. While most of us are ROM junkies, I doubt that most are THAT bad.

If you are worried about something being on the SD card that is screwing it up, then try this. Copy everything from the SD Card to your hard drive in a back up folder. Then go to Start/Settings/System/Wipe Device. Chose format, but also make sure to check Format card also. This way, when it does a hard reset, it will also format the SD Card so that there is nothing on it that could cause you to conflict.

Then go ahead, and install the apps from you back up folder one at a time, and soft reset after each install, and see which app is causing you problems. its a bit of a pain, but once you do it, you can get rid of that cab file, instead of not knowing what is causing it.
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  #10289 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2009, 01:05 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 6th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by jmy72 View Post
Muwahahahaha!!!!! Our plan is almost complete. Soon all the Touch Pros in the world will be infected with the deadliest cybervirus in the world. The custom_RUU virus. Soon everyone will be forced to throw away their bricked Touch Pros and buy our new Touch Pro II! Conspiracy you say? I say excellent marketing ploy! Why else would we have dumped over a million dollars into HTC stock, and blackberry stock? Because we had the excellent foresight to know the innocent masses would go one way or the other! It is so awesome to be this evil, MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

p.s. just kidding, we invested 2 million!

I really should shut the computer off when we start drinking here!
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  #10290 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2009, 01:15 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 6th | Manila 2.

Originally Posted by J.T. View Post
This happens occasionally. Did you do the whole flash to stock, hard reset, flash energy, hard reset, soft reset thing?
Yup - went to the stock shipped rom from sprint. I let it run through the full customizations, then did a HR. Flashed NRG 9/5, HR, then proceeded with normal app installs... That was all last night. This AM after it did it's own HR, I did a re-flash of the NRG 9/5. It seemed stable for most of the morning, but after installing 5 apps and running it did the HR again on its own.

Originally Posted by ThreeFaces View Post
Yea, I'd try the stock flash again, with the hard resets as was just suggested. If you're really hitting a wall with it, try going to Stock and running Stock for a bit to see if the device locks up...then proceed.

I wouldn't freak yet...just flash Stock, hard reset, flash NRG, and hard reset again.
Flashing to stock Sprint shipped rom now. I'll leave that on until tonight (or sooner if I can't stand to wait).

Originally Posted by jmy72 View Post
So they reported that you should be able to Reinstall ROMS at least 10,000 times without having a problem. While most of us are ROM junkies, I doubt that most are THAT bad.

If you are worried about something being on the SD card that is screwing it up, then try this. Copy everything from the SD Card to your hard drive in a back up folder. Then go to Start/Settings/System/Wipe Device. Chose format, but also make sure to check Format card also. This way, when it does a hard reset, it will also format the SD Card so that there is nothing on it that could cause you to conflict.

Then go ahead, and install the apps from you back up folder one at a time, and soft reset after each install, and see which app is causing you problems. its a bit of a pain, but once you do it, you can get rid of that cab file, instead of not knowing what is causing it.

I will try that too... thanks to all.
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