Originally Posted by erkme73
@root - I should have known better than to try that widgets thing. Especially after reading ahuskins account of what happened.
Nonetheless, I did. After removing the prg, I had lockups - so I did a hard reset (running 9/5). It wouldn't get past the initial Touch Pro splash screen. Flashed to stock Sprint (shipped), then reflashed the 9/5 image you provided night before last.
After some time getting all my apps installed (still haven't gotten Sushimi configured), I went to bed.
When I got up this morning, phone was running, but everything was gone... Just as though I'd performed a hard reset. I've read a few posts about phones hard restting on their own, but this was a stock image flashed to NRG 9/5 - which was working the day before.
Is there something obvious I'm missing? While having to reinstall because of a random HR is frustrating, the most concerning thing is not know why it happened - or if it can happen again. I was late to work since it had cleared my alarms. 
Not sure what happened because I have not removed the app.
I do have 1 question though.
Were you running the widget app when you removed it or did you turn TF3D or standard today theme back on before hand?
If you removed it while using it that may be the issue.
If you removed files that were in use it may still be looking for those files.
A hard reset should have fixed the issue though and that may be another issue all together.