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  #5991 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2009, 02:26 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
Does this rom have the update prl and profile app?
Can't find it in system folder.

Another question.
Has anyone had the inbox load up on every soft reset?
Mine loads and opens on the screen on every soft reset.
Very odd.

Great rom and thanks for all the great info.

Yes this rom does have the Update PRL and Update Profile functions cooked into it. All you have to do is go to Start >> Settings >> Connections and you'll see them there

Roms I've Used:
-Mighty Rom (4 and 5)
-Viva La Revolution

Currently Running:
Energy Rom 'Photon'

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  #5992 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2009, 02:27 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by jdm627 View Post
You can use *228 with all radios if you want.

After installed the RADIO it's necesary cheking in ##33284# and check this points:
RX: Receive
Ec/Io: Signal to Interference Ratio.

Not all the RADIO'S working in the same way for all becuase it's important the location and the palce where you are if have a good signal.
And new RADIO dosen't means quality.
Attached ImagesStock and Verizon 1-03-09.jpg (67.9 KB, 10 views)FieldTrial Stock and Verizon 1-03-09.jpg (81.7 KB, 7 views)FieldTrial HDR Stock and Verizon

And the other good think it's AskWhy recomendationa about Lumos.
Thanks for the reply.

I have a good signal were I live and have been checking the Rx and Ec/Io on different radios to compare strength . Northern California is were I have the problems so I will need to field test different ones.

As far as *228 goes, I can dial it and it tells me its starting the update service, but if its not the stock radio it tells me sorry the service is unavailable.

Does it matter if I do a tower update or not? Will it affect the performance of the radio?

Interestingly, on the stock USCC radio I have to dial ##33284## ( add a second # at the end) to access the signal info. I don't know if that matters or not.

Also I lumos and highly recommend it.

Anyway thanks in advance.
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  #5993 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2009, 02:41 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by swlaraut View Post
Thanks for the reply.

I have a good signal were I live and have been checking the Rx and Ec/Io on different radios to compare strength . Northern California is were I have the problems so I will need to field test different ones.

As far as *228 goes, I can dial it and it tells me its starting the update service, but if its not the stock radio it tells me sorry the service is unavailable.

Does it matter if I do a tower update or not? Will it affect the performance of the radio?

Interestingly, on the stock USCC radio I have to dial ##33284## ( add a second # at the end) to access the signal info. I don't know if that matters or not.

Also I lumos and highly recommend it.

Anyway thanks in advance.
Yes try to check in your place and then check Northern California and you will see and decide wich one it's the best RADIO for your equipment.
Other good point it's to check if you use Internet sharing or WiFI Sharing check if your phone warm up some times it's normal but some RADIO'S warm up it will be lees.

If you change RADIO any problem you will have.
About ##33284# if you ned to add one more for to see the information no problem and some times in diferent ROM'S you will need the password and it is the password 183729

Last edited by jdm627; 08-06-2009 at 02:47 AM.
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  #5994 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2009, 02:46 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by askwhy View Post
Glad you asked, because Lumos is indeed special, and you should definitely give it another try. Run it for at least 48 hours, and make sure you take the calibration wizard seriously (more on that in a minute).

First of all, it's important to put this into the right context -- the backlight is the number one drain on our battery that we have control over. With your backlight set to maximum, the screen looks fantastic, but you can almost hear the slurping sound of your battery being sucked away. Even while charging, if your backlight is set to 100% you will heat up more, and charge more slowly because of the massive additional current drain. If you could operate at 30% or 40% all day long, you could get up to double the battery life -- but running at 30% or 40% all day is unrealistic for most of us. We go outside, and still have to see the screen. Perhaps we run a GPS application in the car that we always want at maximum brightness. Whatever the reason, we usually don't optimize our day-to-day, moment-to-moment backlight usage, and if we could, it would save us a ton of battery power. Lumos does that for you -- the built in backlight management will not.

So, what about that calibration wizard? Well, it basically helps you determine what realistic values (this is important) should be set for the boundaries of your backlight in your personal situation by measuring incoming light in your various personal environments. This allows it to determine a curve that gets applied based on current lighting conditions -- and it works. For example:

I work at my desk in a relatively dark room. After calibration it was determined that I can read my phone clearly in this light at only 30% backlight and this ended up being the minimum set by Lumos. Calibration also had me go stand in the Colorado sun outside my house and determined that I could read the screen ok at 80% even in direct light, so that became the maximum. You could determine this manually, and then set it manually, but the wizard is a very nice tool for helping make sense of what you can actually work with.

Once Lumos is calibrated it starts to work it's magic. At my desk, as calibrated, I can see the backlight set to 30% and the power usage is minimal. Outside in the sun I can see it set to 80% and the power usage, while much greater, is still significantly less than if I had left it at 100. The real neat thing is, I can also find it sometimes at 40%, or 50%, or 60% because it uses the minimum and maximum detected light calibration values to create a curve for applying the backlight settings. This way, I can always see my screen whatever the lighting around me, and I get the benefit of having my backlight turned down as low as I am comfortable with it as much as is possible without my intervention. That saves a lot of power, and takes zero effort. Who wouldn't want that?

The 'smoothness' is mostly a matter of polling and change time, which defaults to 1250/2500ms to save more battery life, but can be set to whatever value you choose for faster/smooth backlight adjustments. In fact, all the settings that are determined by the wizard can also be set manually, and exceptions can be set for programs like Garmin (gps) to make sure they always get maximum brightness.

I really do hope that more people, especially people with battery issues, will more strongly consider the backlight as a primary cause of power drain, and consider trying Lumos along with your other battery tweaks for at least a few days. I think it just might surprise you.

EDIT: Screenshots

Folks! This is no joke. I installed this yesterday and wow, huge improvement of the battery, I mean huge. The drain is very noticeably different...download it now and use it.

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  #5995 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2009, 02:48 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by jdm627 View Post
Yes try to check in your place and then check Northern California and you will see and decide wich one it's the best RADIO for your equipment.
Other good point it's to check if you use Internet sharing or WiFI Sharing check if your phone warm up some times it's normal but some RADIO'S warm up it will be lees.

If you change RADIO any problem you will have.
About ##33284# if you ned to add one more for to see the information no problem and some times in diferent ROM'S you will ned the password and it is the password 183729
Well I just answer my own question. After reading the debate on PRI, I realized I was talking about the same thing (pardon me if this makes me a noob for just getting it). So I went to Start >> Settings >> Connections and updated the PRI and presto, it let me update the roaming service with *228.

This forum is great you get the answers even when you haven't figured out what the question is yet. Thanks
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  #5996 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2009, 02:59 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by jdm627 View Post
Yes try to check in your place and then check Northern California and you will see and decide wich one it's the best RADIO for your equipment.
Other good point it's to check if you use Internet sharing or WiFI Sharing check if your phone warm up some times it's normal but some RADIO'S warm up it will be lees.

If you change RADIO any problem you will have.
About ##33284# if you ned to add one more for to see the information no problem and some times in diferent ROM'S you will need the password and it is the password 183729
Thanks for the info on heating. I was amazed at how warm my pro gets compared to my titan. So not only will I be looking for better reception, I hope i can find one that runs cooler. I can tell you right up front the stock USCC radio runs HOT. Any way I will post which radio works best in the syskiyou mountains of northern California when I am done testing.

Thanks again.
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  #5997 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2009, 03:02 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by swlaraut View Post
Well I just answer my own question. After reading the debate on PRI, I realized I was talking about the same thing (pardon me if this makes me a noob for just getting it). So I went to Start >> Settings >> Connections and updated the PRI and presto, it let me update the roaming service with *228.

This forum is great you get the answers even when you haven't figured out what the question is yet. Thanks
Your talking about the PRL [pee arrrr ell], not the PRI[pee arrr iiiiiiiii]. PRI is something completely different from the PRL.

From what i understand, PRL has to do with tower and roaming locations.

PRI has to do with frequency, channels and routes.
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  #5998 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2009, 03:05 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

I just removed Customization Tools from Remove Programs by accident, [headslap] anyone know what I removed? What was that for?

EDIT:Sorry to be vague (gotta stop modding my phone at 2AM) I dont THINK that was something I installed. Usually the program name is in the list and therefore easier to identify. Any info is appreciated.

Last edited by iknowsquat; 08-06-2009 at 10:44 AM. Reason: More info
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  #5999 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2009, 03:16 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by jdm627 View Post
To update your PRL,
1. Make sure you're connected to the Sprint network and you're not roaming.
2. Dial *2 on your Sprint phone.
3. Ask the Customer Solutions Rep for a "PRL update"

Originally Posted by dman9821 View Post
Yes this rom does have the Update PRL and Update Profile functions cooked into it. All you have to do is go to Start >> Settings >> Connections and you'll see them there
Thanks to both! Couldn't find 'em before the carrier cab install so I thought that was the only way. Must've been looking in the wrong place :/
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  #6000 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2009, 03:23 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by J.eremy View Post
Your talking about the PRL [pee arrrr ell], not the PRI[pee arrr iiiiiiiii]. PRI is something completely different from the PRL.

From what i understand, PRL has to do with tower and roaming locations.

PRI has to do with frequency, channels and routes.
Well I will take your word for it..........but, the fist thing I did was try to update the PRL [pee arrrr ell], all it did was give me an error code and stop. So i tried the one that said "update PRI" [pee arrr iiiiiiiii] and it did, then it reset my unit and after that I could do a *228. So what it did and why is beyond me, but it worked. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy.
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