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  #5871 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

man, i love ur rom!! its fast, realiable, and tons of good tweaks!! great job! one question though, anyone has a cab or the file that he uses on this rom for volume control? i like that it uses one bar for both, ringer and system, anyone has this file?
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  #5872 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by himan View Post
appzattack, are you really sure that this is the problem, i mean really sure, or am i just getting caught in the crossfire you guys are having?

have you actually had this problem from experience or is it a guess

I have actually had this problem, so have others. And yes if you have thousands than yes that is the prob. Do you really need them all??

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  #5873 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 12:55 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by lalord69 View Post
man, i love ur rom!! its fast, realiable, and tons of good tweaks!! great job! one question though, anyone has a cab or the file that he uses on this rom for volume control? i like that it uses one bar for both, ringer and system, anyone has this file?
it should be in ther rom already

Start > Utilities > Tweaks > HTC Volume Control

*my bad....thought u were looking for it in the phone. lemme check
Mmm...I think this may be it. It was in the threads attachments

Last edited by brushrop03; 08-05-2009 at 12:57 PM.
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  #5874 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 01:03 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

u r d man!!!! thanks

Originally Posted by brushrop03 View Post
it should be in ther rom already

Start > Utilities > Tweaks > HTC Volume Control

*my bad....thought u were looking for it in the phone. lemme check
Mmm...I think this may be it. It was in the threads attachments
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  #5875 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 01:13 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

I need to make a comment here on the battery life.

First, I LOVE this ROM -it is awesome. One of the very first things I check after flashing ANY ROM is whether or not it will run Need For Speed g-sen because I like playing it occasionally to kill time at work. A lot of custom ROM's will not run NFS & Energy was one that would not run it until just recently.

I have been swapping back & forth between NFSFAN's ROM & SAC Warrior because these two ROM's run that game perfectly right off a flash with no tweaks or work-arounds. Both those ROM's are as fast as any other & the battery life is simply outstanding with either one (WAY WAY WAY better than I could ever get with ANY 6.1 ROM regardless of tweaks)

When I was running any of the older 6.1 ROM's, I basically gave up on ever having any kind of decent batt life. I have four Seidio 1500 batteries, two charging cradles, a car charger etc etc etc etc. I always carried a spare extra fully charged battery in my pocket & needed to swap batteries on a regular basis.

The first 6.5 ROM I ever tried was merdin's 6.5 version 4.5. My battery life went up so much with that ROM I was absolutely shocked (I thought the battery icon was broken at one point), so to everybody saying "6.5 just gets lousy battery life, get used to it" I say that is 100% total BS. The NFSFAN ROM got me outstanding battery life also (it took so long to move off 100%, I didn't believe the icon at one point, but it was correct).

Now, I flash to this ROM & my battery life has gone down the tubes. I immediately noticed the backlight set way brighter than I'm accustomed to after the flash, & lowered it to where I normally run it so that's not the problem.

To the users saying you can't have speed & good battery life together, that is total BS also. I use the hell out of my systems & this ROM is no faster or slower than the previous two ROM's I was running.

I really like this ROM a lot, & would like to get it to run on a par with my previous setups as far as battery life is concerned & I will try any trick that people suggest to increase the batt life but I think I may have run out of ideas at this point (I have done all the things like changing my slot cycle index, changing polling etc etc etc)

I hate to give up on something without trying every solution available, but I have swapped radios/installed Lumos etc etc. What tricks are other people using to make the batt like better with this setup??

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  #5876 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 01:21 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
I need to make a comment here on the battery life.

First, I LOVE this ROM -it is awesome. One of the very first things I check after flashing ANY ROM is whether or not it will run Need For Speed g-sen because I like playing it occasionally to kill time at work. A lot of custom ROM's will not run NFS & Energy was one that would not run it until just recently.


To the users saying you can't have speed & good battery life together, that is total BS also. I use the hell out of my systems & this ROM is no faster or slower than the previous two ROM's I was running.

I really like this ROM a lot, & would like to get it to run on a par with my previous setups as far as battery life is concerned & I will try any trick that people suggest to increase the batt life but I think I may have run out of ideas at this point (I have done all the things like changing my slot cycle index, changing polling etc etc etc)

I hate to give up on something without trying every solution available, but I have swapped radios/installed Lumos etc etc. What tricks are other people using to make the batt like better with this setup??

Yes, John, constantly talks about NFS in our PMs about ROMs. I'm sure this is the first thing he loads on every ROM. I don't understand it but to each his own lol

I agree that people saying Speed & Performance can't go hand in hand are wrong. I really don't find this ROM to be any "faster" than other ROMs out there

John, about how much battery do you think you should be getting? I would say give it a day or two. The battery isn't outstanding, but its not horrible either.

*continues playing NFS* I suck so bad lol
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  #5877 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 01:30 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
I need to make a comment here on the battery life.

First, I LOVE this ROM -it is awesome. One of the very first things I check after flashing ANY ROM is whether or not it will run Need For Speed g-sen because I like playing it occasionally to kill time at work. A lot of custom ROM's will not run NFS & Energy was one that would not run it until just recently.

I have been swapping back & forth between NFSFAN's ROM & SAC Warrior because these two ROM's run that game perfectly right off a flash with no tweaks or work-arounds. Both those ROM's are as fast as any other & the battery life is simply outstanding with either one (WAY WAY WAY better than I could ever get with ANY 6.1 ROM regardless of tweaks)

When I was running any of the older 6.1 ROM's, I basically gave up on ever having any kind of decent batt life. I have four Seidio 1500 batteries, two charging cradles, a car charger etc etc etc etc. I always carried a spare extra fully charged battery in my pocket & needed to swap batteries on a regular basis.

The first 6.5 ROM I ever tried was merdin's 6.5 version 4.5. My battery life went up so much with that ROM I was absolutely shocked (I thought the battery icon was broken at one point), so to everybody saying "6.5 just gets lousy battery life, get used to it" I say that is 100% total BS. The NFSFAN ROM got me outstanding battery life also (it took so long to move off 100%, I didn't believe the icon at one point, but it was correct).

Now, I flash to this ROM & my battery life has gone down the tubes. I immediately noticed the backlight set way brighter than I'm accustomed to after the flash, & lowered it to where I normally run it so that's not the problem.

To the users saying you can't have speed & good battery life together, that is total BS also. I use the hell out of my systems & this ROM is no faster or slower than the previous two ROM's I was running.

I really like this ROM a lot, & would like to get it to run on a par with my previous setups as far as battery life is concerned & I will try any trick that people suggest to increase the batt life but I think I may have run out of ideas at this point (I have done all the things like changing my slot cycle index, changing polling etc etc etc)

I hate to give up on something without trying every solution available, but I have swapped radios/installed Lumos etc etc. What tricks are other people using to make the batt like better with this setup??

we don't care anymore..move on to your roms that work for you, this works for us just fine.....you must not read anything here.....The chef has said that everything is maxed out, brightness..etc....so yes, batter will not be what you want...please move on and quit with the battery crap.....oh and I seriously beg to differ that this is the same speed as other...not even close as I have tried every single one on this site....
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  #5878 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 01:32 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

I'm not complaining about this, because to be honest, it doesn't really bother me at all, but I just thought I'd throw it out there since NRGZ28 is constantly improving his roms, maybe this is one of the things he might want to look at, when in your Programs tab and you want to remove a program, the alignment is off when trying to click on the 'X' on the bottom right of the program icon that your trying to delete. It does however align perfectly if your just clicking the icon itself instead of the 'X', so like I said no big deal at all, not sure if its even worth the trouble of fixing. Anyways, LOVE THE ROM NRGZ28 thanks for all the hard work

Roms I've Used:
-Mighty Rom (4 and 5)
-Viva La Revolution

Currently Running:
Energy Rom 'Photon'

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  #5879 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 01:32 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
I need to make a comment here on the battery life.

First, I LOVE this ROM -it is awesome. One of the very first things I check after flashing ANY ROM is whether or not it will run Need For Speed g-sen because I like playing it occasionally to kill time at work. A lot of custom ROM's will not run NFS & Energy was one that would not run it until just recently.

I have been swapping back & forth between NFSFAN's ROM & SAC Warrior because these two ROM's run that game perfectly right off a flash with no tweaks or work-arounds. Both those ROM's are as fast as any other & the battery life is simply outstanding with either one (WAY WAY WAY better than I could ever get with ANY 6.1 ROM regardless of tweaks)

When I was running any of the older 6.1 ROM's, I basically gave up on ever having any kind of decent batt life. I have four Seidio 1500 batteries, two charging cradles, a car charger etc etc etc etc. I always carried a spare extra fully charged battery in my pocket & needed to swap batteries on a regular basis.

The first 6.5 ROM I ever tried was merdin's 6.5 version 4.5. My battery life went up so much with that ROM I was absolutely shocked (I thought the battery icon was broken at one point), so to everybody saying "6.5 just gets lousy battery life, get used to it" I say that is 100% total BS. The NFSFAN ROM got me outstanding battery life also (it took so long to move off 100%, I didn't believe the icon at one point, but it was correct).

Now, I flash to this ROM & my battery life has gone down the tubes. I immediately noticed the backlight set way brighter than I'm accustomed to after the flash, & lowered it to where I normally run it so that's not the problem.

To the users saying you can't have speed & good battery life together, that is total BS also. I use the hell out of my systems & this ROM is no faster or slower than the previous two ROM's I was running.

I really like this ROM a lot, & would like to get it to run on a par with my previous setups as far as battery life is concerned & I will try any trick that people suggest to increase the batt life but I think I may have run out of ideas at this point (I have done all the things like changing my slot cycle index, changing polling etc etc etc)

I hate to give up on something without trying every solution available, but I have swapped radios/installed Lumos etc etc. What tricks are other people using to make the batt like better with this setup??

Also seems to make the phone run hotter, with others I've never seen the phone get so hot it won't charge.
Whatever you do, be the BEST at it!!!
Rolling with
Energy Rom

You'll be back!!!
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  #5880 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 01:33 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by askwhy View Post
Battery this. Battery that. Man, is it getting old!

* Anyone switching from a 6.1 ROM to a 6.5 w/ Rhodium is going to notice a drop in battery life. Welcome to 6.5, get used to it, quit blaming the chefs.

* Anyone who switches from a lightweight stock-like ROM to one loaded with apps and features that run in the background all day long is going to notice a drop in battery life. Welcome to reality, get used to it, quit blaming the chefs.

* Anyone who installs high-performance software like EnergyROM, but fails to implement well known power-saving tweaks is going to notice a drop in battery life. Welcome to free will, get used to it, quit blaming the chefs.

Some chefs will cook their ROM with all the known power-saving tweaks, and some gear for performance instead. A chef could claim to do both, and attempt to do both, but in reality every tweak is a trade-off of some sort -- a little give here, a little take there. That's life. For example, EnergyROM is cooked to operate with the backlight at 100% while on battery. Now, that looks great, but do you have any idea how much *extra* power that sucks? Here, for your perusal, are some 'current' values from tBattery while the phone was idle (unscientific random samples):

Think about that for a minute. At idle with the backlight unchanged after a flash, your current pull is 50-100% more than it would be if you just reduced the backlight somewhat. Do you keep your phone in your pocket? If you do, I bet you have a screen protector like S2U2, or Pocketshield, or are using the built-in WM lockscreen -- well, everytime it 'bumps' something and wakes up in your pocket at 100% backlight, guess what is happening...drain drain drain...

*** Anyone who thinks they have noticed a significant ROM-based difference in battery life between the recent EnergyROM builds is a shining example of how misunderstood is the whole battery life issue. Can you say Placebo effect? A chef could 'say' they cooked in new battery-saving features and a percentage of the community would report back that it's true. NRGZ28 has stated already that there are not any major changes int he recent build variations that should have impacted battery life. So, unless you are convinced that the SYS/XIP updates are causing massive fluctuations in battery performance, you gotta stop suggesting that 'this build' has good battery life and 'that build' has bad battery life -- it just aint like that.

Ok, so you want something more technical than all that...how about this post from ShinySideUpAZ:
Gunna have to quote this on every bloody page till everyone stops with the bloody battery!
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