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  #5861 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 12:14 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by askwhy View Post
You tried...everything?


You are blaming the ROM for battery issues.
You are blaming the ROM for signal issues.
You are blaming the ROM for call quality issues.

You are asking the chef to fix things in the ROM that are not broken.

I think you are setting yourself up for a disappointment here...but maybe I misread something.
This rom pretty much runs near perfect as much as i can tell but ill put my .02 in i guess.

The battery issues, The biggest drain i see is the backlight being 100% bright. But it makes the phone 100% more usable IMO and worth the drain, if you want to save juice just turn the brightness down, NRG has it set to 100% default but is an ez change. You also have to remember that the Touch Pro notoriously has a crappy battery, and nothing is really gonna help that.

The Signal Issues, signal and internet speed are controlled by the RADIO, therefore this rom would have no effect on that.

The call quality issues, I did notice one slight bug with the in call call volume, it seems to be so loud at times that the person can hear themselves echoing back. but if i tap the volume down button it seems to "jump" to the correct volume and even if i turn it back up to full again it doesnt go as loud as it was.

All in all tho the minor glitches compared to the major glitches and lag from the stock rom, it is a breath of fresh air to this phone. But if people are looking for a 100% perfect rom thats not gonna happen ever, even the OEM roms are far worse that the crappiest of aftermarket rom, so yea, you might be setting your standards a little to high
Phone: HTC EVO 3D | Carrier: Sprint | ROM: Stock
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  #5862 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 12:15 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by shred_head View Post
hey guys, i'm having trouble, i have no Call history link on the today screen in tf3d2,

i just shows the clock, and a link for calendar under that,

if i go into "Phone" and click Menu -> Call History, it just brings up a screen that says "My Phone Number" and says my cell number in the center of the screen,

i did reflash, no help, and i did go into advanced config, and made sure the call history is turned on, and nothing, whats going on
You can try clicking on the clock and it'll bring up the World clock but also call history and contacts link.
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  #5863 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 12:20 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by himan View Post
Hey guys.. I have a really bad problem and I'm convinced it's either this rom or win 6.5 in general.

I upgraded from Mighty 6.1 series and used ppimbackup to restore my all my text messages. When I loaded the "all messages" text screen for the first time, the phone had to individually put each text in the screen which took about an hour.

Thinking it was ppimbackup's fault, I reflashed this rom, then synced my empty phone with myphone again. I got the same thing.

After it's done loading all the text messages the first time, every single time I go to the "all messages" screen and press the "X" on the top right, my phone stalls for a good 1-2 minutes. If I press the home button it doesnt, but then the program doesnt show up in my quickmenu.

Also, opening the screen to send a new text or to view a text takes ages.

Does anyone, please, have any experience with this? It's killing me.

I really, REALLY like this rom and I do NOT want to go back to 6.1. Any help would be great
How many text msgs do u have? When u restore your text messages are u doing it while your text are set as "Threaded"? That seems like the problem...
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  #5864 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 12:29 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

I have maybe a few thousand text messages (inbox+outbox+drafts combined). and yeah, I am restoring the text messages while I am in threaded. But would this explain the rest of the problems?
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  #5865 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 12:32 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by jdm627 View Post
In the last four weeks I tried with all the recomendations:, tweeks and fixes about saving Battery, and read from the first page till to the last one but in my experiences our AURORA drop extra battery than another 6.5 ROM'S.
With other ROM'S the signal it's better and the sound conetting call's is very efficient.
I hope our cheff will find the solution about it.
You missed the whole point to what askwhy was saying...move on....

Originally Posted by askwhy View Post
You tried...everything?


You are blaming the ROM for battery issues.
You are blaming the ROM for signal issues.
You are blaming the ROM for call quality issues.

You are asking the chef to fix things in the ROM that are not broken.

I think you are setting yourself up for a disappointment here...but maybe I misread something.
Reade above...lol

Originally Posted by winmonewbie View Post
BRAVO! This belongs on Post #4. Some still wont read it, but still...(excuse the chopping of your quote but I wanted to shorten it for re-post)
I say make everyone push an agree button before downloading, saying I know the battery is not good and I wont blame the chef....do you ever hear someone with a "ferrari" complaining about the 5 miles per gallon it gets...NOPE same deal here folks....

Originally Posted by himan View Post
Hey guys.. I have a really bad problem and I'm convinced it's either this rom or win 6.5 in general.

I upgraded from Mighty 6.1 series and used ppimbackup to restore my all my text messages. When I loaded the "all messages" text screen for the first time, the phone had to individually put each text in the screen which took about an hour.

Thinking it was ppimbackup's fault, I reflashed this rom, then synced my empty phone with myphone again. I got the same thing.

After it's done loading all the text messages the first time, every single time I go to the "all messages" screen and press the "X" on the top right, my phone stalls for a good 1-2 minutes. If I press the home button it doesnt, but then the program doesnt show up in my quickmenu.

Also, opening the screen to send a new text or to view a text takes ages.

Does anyone, please, have any experience with this? It's killing me.

I really, REALLY like this rom and I do NOT want to go back to 6.1. Any help would be great
Dude, you jsut have way too many text messages in the database...clear some out and it will be better.

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  #5866 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 12:35 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

appzattack, are you really sure that this is the problem, i mean really sure, or am i just getting caught in the crossfire you guys are having?

have you actually had this problem from experience or is it a guess
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  #5867 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 12:36 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by himan View Post
I have maybe a few thousand text messages (inbox+outbox+drafts combined). and yeah, I am restoring the text messages while I am in threaded. But would this explain the rest of the problems?

If by "...rest of the problems" you mean all your related SMS issues (which appear to be all forms of lag/hesitation) than yes, having thousands of messages that you are importing could indeed explain all of that. This sort of behavior has also been documented in various places on PPCG by others who have thousands of messages they are importing to their device, even after trying different import methods. Of course the most common suggestion given is to clean all that stuff up. Do you really need it? If you simply can't part with it, you may have to live with various issues relating to the import process, or issues caused by the sheer volume of data as being parsed by different versions of SMS software on different ROMs and so forth.

When you save a large data set and import it to a slightly different environment than the one it came from, expect the unexpected.
ROM Taste Good!
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  #5868 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 12:38 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by himan View Post
I have maybe a few thousand text messages (inbox+outbox+drafts combined). and yeah, I am restoring the text messages while I am in threaded. But would this explain the rest of the problems?
Yes...it would. It takes time for those messages to load up.

And you're suppose to do it while its not Threaded. Then once all the messages are loaded Turn Threading back on and then soft reset. Go into text messages and watch them load. It will take time. You should wait to turn threading on when you're asleep and have your phone attached to the charger.
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  #5869 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 12:44 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by brushrop03 View Post
Yes...it would. It takes time for those messages to load up.

And you're suppose to do it while its not Threaded. Then once all the messages are loaded Turn Threading back on and then soft reset. Go into text messages and watch them load. It will take time. You should wait to turn threading on when you're asleep and have your phone attached to the charger.
Thanks...I didn't know this!

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  #5870 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 12:52 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||

Originally Posted by cmgj View Post
Thanks...I didn't know this!
No problem. Like I said...wait until you're asleep before you start threading them. Usually the Inbox messages load up first, but after that it takes time for your phone to actually thread your sent messages in there. You can usually tell the messages are loading by looking at the bottom of the screen right above the two soft menus where it usually says "1 conversation selected". This will be flashing...meaning its in the process of loading everything up. If the text isn't flashing try exiting out of the text messaging and opening it back up.
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