08-05-2009, 01:30 PM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Aurora' (23016) ** || Built August 1st ||
Originally Posted by jmorton10
I need to make a comment here on the battery life.
First, I LOVE this ROM -it is awesome. One of the very first things I check after flashing ANY ROM is whether or not it will run Need For Speed g-sen because I like playing it occasionally to kill time at work. A lot of custom ROM's will not run NFS & Energy was one that would not run it until just recently.
I have been swapping back & forth between NFSFAN's ROM & SAC Warrior because these two ROM's run that game perfectly right off a flash with no tweaks or work-arounds. Both those ROM's are as fast as any other & the battery life is simply outstanding with either one (WAY WAY WAY better than I could ever get with ANY 6.1 ROM regardless of tweaks)
When I was running any of the older 6.1 ROM's, I basically gave up on ever having any kind of decent batt life. I have four Seidio 1500 batteries, two charging cradles, a car charger etc etc etc etc. I always carried a spare extra fully charged battery in my pocket & needed to swap batteries on a regular basis.
The first 6.5 ROM I ever tried was merdin's 6.5 version 4.5. My battery life went up so much with that ROM I was absolutely shocked (I thought the battery icon was broken at one point), so to everybody saying "6.5 just gets lousy battery life, get used to it" I say that is 100% total BS. The NFSFAN ROM got me outstanding battery life also (it took so long to move off 100%, I didn't believe the icon at one point, but it was correct).
Now, I flash to this ROM & my battery life has gone down the tubes. I immediately noticed the backlight set way brighter than I'm accustomed to after the flash, & lowered it to where I normally run it so that's not the problem.
To the users saying you can't have speed & good battery life together, that is total BS also. I use the hell out of my systems & this ROM is no faster or slower than the previous two ROM's I was running.
I really like this ROM a lot, & would like to get it to run on a par with my previous setups as far as battery life is concerned & I will try any trick that people suggest to increase the batt life but I think I may have run out of ideas at this point (I have done all the things like changing my slot cycle index, changing polling etc etc etc)
I hate to give up on something without trying every solution available, but I have swapped radios/installed Lumos etc etc. What tricks are other people using to make the batt like better with this setup??
we don't care anymore..move on to your roms that work for you, this works for us just fine.....you must not read anything here.....The chef has said that everything is maxed out, brightness..etc....so yes, batter will not be what you want...please move on and quit with the battery crap.....oh and I seriously beg to differ that this is the same speed as other...not even close as I have tried every single one on this site....
