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  #281 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2009, 06:30 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

Originally Posted by GoodGets View Post
No, I haven't added phcanOverbmp.dll to the s2a folder. I didn't know that we were supposed to. Actually I don't know what it is. Time to google I guess.

Ok, so I have to check both "Phone Canvas Reg" and "Phone Canvas (non s2a)"? What's the difference between the 2? I was thinking that Phone Canvas Reg was s2a. Now I feel like that is stupidly wrong.
i believe the phone canvas reg assigns the dialers when you cook more than one in...

phcanOverbmp.dll is the file controls the htc phone canvas skin. you can copy and paste the one from nons2a and it will work fine
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  #282 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2009, 06:55 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

All that I did was add the OEM I posted earlier, selected it, and the built in windows mobile dialer OEM. The phcanoverbmp.dll got deleted as I am using gadgetfreak's wm6.5 taskbar and one is included...

I've converted my mobile shell and Rhodium rom to jd's G53 kitchen and both are working pretty much bug-free if you wanna check them out.
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

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  #283 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2009, 09:50 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

This ROM IS Great and I love the Kitchen. Thanks JD. One question I have though. I know how to add the Sprint TV Tab to the theme, but the preview picture doesn't show up. Is there any explanation for that or a solution to put it back?
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  #284 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2009, 09:51 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

Does anyone know how to make the appointment panel default to Pocket informant. I can get everything else to default to it but the appointment panel..
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  #285 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2009, 10:17 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

Originally Posted by jakdillard View Post
What is "G53.0" ..... it is the answer to all ... it is designed for the SPCS user that has the need for the "stock feel" .... G53.0 is designed to mimic the original stock Sprint ROM with a Windows Mobile 6.5 base to give myself and whoever that wants to use it the idea custom ROM that is functional and complete I have tested all of the included apps to make sure that they are compatible and perform fast and blah blah blah ..... blah .... blah blah blah ... and it also yada yada yada and yada yada ... so when you need to quinch your thirst and that mighty juice just and gettin' it ... take a look at my star and let this be the phantom to silence your psyche ..........................
im new to the pro and in the process of downloading your kitchen now, thanks
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  #286 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2009, 10:54 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

Originally Posted by msl7052 View Post
im new to the pro and in the process of downloading your kitchen now, thanks
welcome to the world of the touch pro. you made a wise choice going with JD's kitchen. his attention to detail and willingness to pass on info makes cooking your own custom rom a joy!!!
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  #287 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 12:04 AM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

Originally Posted by captblaze View Post
i believe the phone canvas reg assigns the dialers when you cook more than one in...

phcanOverbmp.dll is the file controls the htc phone canvas skin. you can copy and paste the one from nons2a and it will work fine
Ok, so you're saying that I should take the phcanoverbmp.dll from the "phone canvas (non s2a)" oem folder and put it in the oem folder of the s2a oem rstoyguy posted a while back?

rstoyguy, care to weigh in on this as well?

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
All that I did was add the OEM I posted earlier, selected it, and the built in windows mobile dialer OEM. The phcanoverbmp.dll got deleted as I am using gadgetfreak's wm6.5 taskbar and one is included
I tried just selecting the winmo dialer and your s2a oem, but after flashing, I just got the winmo dialer with a white background. What happens if I do use the non s2a's phcanoverbmp.dll? Would that cause any problems? I guess I'm asking is phcanoverbmp.dll from that OEM the same as the one that should have been included in your s2a oem?

Also, would this phcanoverbmp.dll affect any taskbars I may include in the future?

(Side note: I tried just installing juggalo's s2a cab over what I had done, the dialer was very slow to come up after pressing the talk key. Also, the back/delete button in the top right did not work at first.)
If someone helps you out in any way, mind hitting the ?

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  #288 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 12:14 AM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

Originally Posted by jakdillard View Post
HTC Scroll is needed for menu enhancement and notification manager
And it's used to scroll around in the HTC Album as well in case anybody else was wondering. found that out the hard way, even if you leave it out and try to install the htc album via cab, you still won't be able to flick through all your pics when viewing them as thumbnails.
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  #289 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 12:22 AM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

Originally Posted by GoodGets View Post
Ok, so you're saying that I should take the phcanoverbmp.dll from the "phone canvas (non s2a)" oem folder and put it in the oem folder of the s2a oem rstoyguy posted a while back?

rstoyguy, care to weigh in on this as well?

I tried just selecting the winmo dialer and your s2a oem, but after flashing, I just got the winmo dialer with a white background. What happens if I do use the non s2a's phcanoverbmp.dll? Would that cause any problems? I guess I'm asking is phcanoverbmp.dll from that OEM the same as the one that should have been included in your s2a oem?

Also, would this phcanoverbmp.dll affect any taskbars I may include in the future?

(Side note: I tried just installing juggalo's s2a cab over what I had done, the dialer was very slow to come up after pressing the talk key. Also, the back/delete button in the top right did not work at first.)
i have installed a few different taskbar tweaks in this kitchen (tsowens and gadget freaks) and didnt have an issue...

i do remember JD mentioning that if you chose both dialers you needed phone reg checked also... my assumption is that assigns which dialer is default. in my case s2a
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  #290 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 12:33 AM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

Originally Posted by captblaze View Post
i have installed a few different taskbar tweaks in this kitchen (tsowens and gadget freaks) and didnt have an issue...

i do remember JD mentioning that if you chose both dialers you needed phone reg checked also... my assumption is that assigns which dialer is default. in my case s2a
Ok, so in sum. I need to select both the winmo dialer and the s2a oem, and also select the phone canavas reg, as well as copy over the phcanOverbmp.dll from the phone canvas non s2a into the s2a oem rstoyguy posted?

Edit: This seems like a lot. What would happen if I just copied over the phcanOverbmp.dll from the non s2a and pasted it into the s2a oem rstoyguy posted and then JUST selected the s2a oem?

Last edited by GoodGets; 05-15-2009 at 12:39 AM.
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