Originally Posted by jakdillard
What is "G53.0" ..... it is the answer to all ... it is designed for the SPCS user that has the need for the "stock feel" .... G53.0 is designed to mimic the original stock Sprint ROM with a Windows Mobile 6.5 base to give myself and whoever that wants to use it the idea custom ROM that is functional and complete I have tested all of the included apps to make sure that they are compatible and perform fast and blah blah blah ..... blah .... blah blah blah ... and it also yada yada yada and yada yada ... so when you need to quinch your thirst and that mighty juice just and gettin' it ... take a look at my star and let this be the phantom to silence your psyche ..........................
im new to the pro and in the process of downloading your kitchen now, thanks