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  #211 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 10:52 AM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

Originally Posted by BustedNuts1 View Post
I feel like this is a really dumb question, but I didn't immediately flash after I created my rom, so I closed the ROM update utility pop up. However, I'm now ready to flash. Do I just go G53.0 050509 kitchen> RUU > and run the ROMUpdateUtility.exe? (after I've AS'd my device and put it into bootloader of course)

Edit: can I just run the ROMUpdateUtility.exe from the folder inside the kitchen files?
Yeah that will work fine as long as the image is still there. I've postponed the actual flash after the build many times. No need to move/change folders.
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  #212 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 01:41 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

It took me a bit to adapt to jd's style and finger everything out.... But Nice kitchen! I would like to give back and offer up an OEM solution for:

CAB: \Windows\Pureblack2.cab

TSK: \WINDOWS\PureBlack2.tsk
The following OEM will set the tsk to PureBlack2.tsk and the color of the new wm6.5 "menu" bar colors (whatever ya call em...)

The only thing you have to do is of course disable/remove mxipcold_wpc_2.provxml located in "..\OEM\WM 6.5 Themes".

I disabled it for safe keeping by renaming it to m_xipcold_wpc_2.provxml, now I can delete it since I'm done. This will work for any wm6.5 kitchen as long as you find and destroy the above provxml...

Enjoy all!
Attached Files
File Type: zip OEM_Theme_PureBlack2_wm6.5.zip (930.5 KB, 10 views) Click for barcode!
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

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  #213 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 01:58 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
It took me a bit to adapt to jd's style and finger everything out.... But Nice kitchen! I would like to give back and offer up an OEM solution for:

The following OEM will set the tsk to PureBlack2.tsk and the color of the new wm6.5 "menu" bar colors (whatever ya call em...)

The only thing you have to do is of course disable/remove mxipcold_wpc_2.provxml located in "..\OEM\WM 6.5 Themes".

I disabled it for safe keeping by renaming it to m_xipcold_wpc_2.provxml, now I can delete it since I'm done. This will work for any wm6.5 kitchen as long as you find and destroy the above provxml...

Enjoy all!

Thanks I'm glad you got everything together
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  #214 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 03:05 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

Originally Posted by havox22 View Post
yes u should be able to just go into the kitchen's RUU I always do it,but cant say for sure cuz i havent used that latest kitchen..but it has work on previous kitchens...also u dont have to put it in bootloader the RUU will do it for u as long as ur connected to active sync...putting it in boot loader is only nessercary when u cant connect to active sync & i pretty sure when u have less then 50% battery life
Originally Posted by krohnjw View Post
Yeah that will work fine as long as the image is still there. I've postponed the actual flash after the build many times. No need to move/change folders.
Thank you guys.

Didn't know I didn't have to put it into bootload myself, which is what I've always done in the past. It's also part of the instructions in the how to flash thread. I have noticed the enter bootloader.exe in the RUU though.

Is that what every does? Just active sync's over and run the romupdateutility (without first manually putting it into bootloader)?
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  #215 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 07:48 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen


Have you seen the issue I discussed a few posts back? Any opinions would be genuinely appreciated.
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  #216 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 08:34 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

Originally Posted by Causality View Post
Hey, When I flash this rom (incl. hard and soft resets immediately after) I can never get the start button in the upper left to recognize a press. I've reflashed several times to no avail. Orientation changes nothing and I am unsure which options could be causing this.

I've never been able to get past the start menu failure so I had to go back to G5x2... Any takers?

Thank you in advance for your advice.
Originally Posted by Causality View Post

Have you seen the issue I discussed a few posts back? Any opinions would be genuinely appreciated.
i have made significant changes to oems, added and removed sys files and folders and made changes to .rgu's and provxmls throughout the kitchen with no start menu problems.

have you added any of the custom taskbar icon packages available? i have noticed that some of them (older builds for non wm6.5 roms) disable the start button.

as to why that happens your guess is as good as mine.

as to another cause... sorry i have nothing else to offer
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  #217 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 09:00 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

I thank you for your response. The start button problem is exclusive to the G53.0 rom, I'm not adding a thing. OEM or otherwise.
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  #218 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 09:02 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

I have no start menu issues with this. I've build and flashed around 35 variants today without them. What issues are you having exactly?
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  #219 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 09:28 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

Originally Posted by Causality View Post
I thank you for your response. The start button problem is exclusive to the G53.0 rom, I'm not adding a thing. OEM or otherwise.
What kind of problem are you having, I had no problem with the Start menu.
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  #220 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2009, 10:27 PM
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Re: "JD's Revenge" G53.0 ROM and Easy Ask Kitchen

I found the problem with the custom taskbar. While I don't want everyone's rom looking the same... The problem I was having was with the registry entry:

I could fix it with provxml, but required a reset. On boot it would have the 15 value, and on setup the provxml would change it but it would be too late to effect the taskbar. I tried to add the entry into another RGU but it wouldn't get overwritten...

So here's the location and the fix:
It is located in the OEM "..\OEM\Windows Mobile Dialer" inside the RGU. Change the value inside the RGU to "65".


And enjoy tsowens taskbar OEM, you'll need to manage the duplicates...
Attached Files
File Type: rar OEM_TaskBar_tsowentaskbar6_WM6_5.rar (966.3 KB, 4 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by rstoyguy; 05-10-2009 at 10:33 PM.
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