It took me a bit to adapt to jd's style and finger everything out.... But Nice kitchen! I would like to give back and offer up an OEM solution for:
CAB: \Windows\
TSK: \WINDOWS\PureBlack2.tsk
The following OEM will set the tsk to PureBlack2.tsk and the color of the new wm6.5 "menu" bar colors (whatever ya call em...)
The only thing you have to do is of course
disable/remove mxipcold_wpc_2.provxml located in "..\OEM\WM 6.5 Themes".
I disabled it for safe keeping by renaming it to m_xipcold_wpc_2.provxml, now I can delete it since I'm done. This will work for any wm6.5 kitchen as long as you find and destroy the above provxml...
Enjoy all!