Originally Posted by havox22
yes u should be able to just go into the kitchen's RUU I always do it,but cant say for sure cuz i havent used that latest kitchen..but it has work on previous kitchens...also u dont have to put it in bootloader the RUU will do it for u as long as ur connected to active sync...putting it in boot loader is only nessercary when u cant connect to active sync & i pretty sure when u have less then 50% battery life
Originally Posted by krohnjw
Yeah that will work fine as long as the image is still there. I've postponed the actual flash after the build many times. No need to move/change folders.
Thank you guys.
Didn't know I didn't have to put it into bootload myself, which is what I've always done in the past. It's also part of the instructions in the how to flash thread. I have noticed the enter bootloader.exe in the RUU though.
Is that what every does? Just active sync's over and run the romupdateutility (without first manually putting it into bootloader)?