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  #5591 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 06:09 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.4 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 12/30/10*

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy View Post
Hey OMJ, is it possible to change what the pull down menu has? For example instead of bluetooth, maybe add the wifi hotspot button instead.
Yes... to some things. It is set by a file called widget.txt in \system\customize

Here is JsChiSurf's (the guy who ported it from CM) thread that explains what and how you can modify the widget.txt ...

[MOD][PORT][4G toggle] Notification Menu Power Control Widgets for Sense - 3.70 OTA - xda-developers
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  #5592 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 06:32 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.4 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 12/30/10*

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
amon RA DID always backup Wimax IF you did the ext backup. The "standard" backup did not. I NEVER backed my Wimax and never had issues.
We didnt lose Wimax simply because it didnt break
Hmm, I only messed with Amon Ra a little but never seen an option in CWM to back up "ext" other than the SD-EXT which I assumed was the partition of the SD when you had apps installed (never needed b/c I never installed any apps on my SD)

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
IF my Wimax got fubared I 'spose having the backup would help but I always assumed (perhaps mistakenly) that I could just reflash the wimax radio to fix it.
I kinda thought the same thing. Let me know of you find out that is not the case. I guess now that both are backing it up I assume they are also rewriting it everytime you do a restore and therefore would be a good idea to have a backup of it now like you said below. I saw something the other day about some ppl freaking out over being able to get their "keys" for 4G which were supposed to be specific to each handset... wonder what this is now too?

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
NOW in the latest version amon allows for selective backup and you can pick and choose what you back up. So now you can just back up your Wimax and tuck it away somewhere for safe keeping
Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
As far as why everyone is going ga-ga over the wimax features, dunno. Maybe it was the fact that the new standard backup included the wimax by default?
sounds like a reasonable assumption to me

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
The advantage to selective backup is you dont HAVE to backup everything each time which makes the files huge and can take awhile to back up and then restore.
Hope that sheds some light.
That sounds pretty cool... guess maybe it's time to give Amon RA another run

Thanks IKS!
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  #5593 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 06:55 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.4 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 12/30/10*

Originally Posted by Vancer View Post
@ OMJ,

Here's what I don't understand... has Amon_Ra always created a Wimax.img? I have of course made MANY backups and flashed a whole bunch using CWM and it never created a Wimax.img until the 2.6.x version. What is it that everybody is freaking out about? If CWM wasn't creating that .img before how did I not lose 4G? Same for Amon_Ra if it wasn't making that .img until the new release... or was it doing it all along? ... Was the Wimax partition simply left alone until the new releases started backing it up? hmmmm???

I need to get to the bottom of this b/c if Amon_Ra was making it all along (with no problems) and CWM was not but is now (but not making a "good" .img for some reason) then maybe it is time for me to switch to Amon_Ra
I think the people freaking out are the ones that have lost 4g & had to exchange w/ sprint to get it back. I believe I read that the new handsets w/ hboot 2.02 and/or 2.10 had slightly different partitions, which was causing the problem. So this whole wimax issue may only affect the new handsets....I dont know the whole story, just bits & pieces.

Originally Posted by Vancer View Post

I kinda thought the same thing. Let me know of you find out that is not the case. I guess now that both are backing it up I assume they are also rewriting it everytime you do a restore and therefore would be a good idea to have a backup of it now like you said below. I saw something the other day about some ppl freaking out over being able to get their "keys" for 4G which were supposed to be specific to each handset... wonder what this is now too?
I think people losing their keys was the main issue....I have backed mine up, and I suggest everyone does the same....

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  #5594 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 07:18 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.4 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 12/30/10*

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy View Post
Hey OMJ, is it possible to change what the pull down menu has? For example instead of bluetooth, maybe add the wifi hotspot button instead.
Originally Posted by Vancer View Post
Yes... to some things. It is set by a file called widget.txt in \system\customize

Here is JsChiSurf's (the guy who ported it from CM) thread that explains what and how you can modify the widget.txt ...

[MOD][PORT][4G toggle] Notification Menu Power Control Widgets for Sense - 3.70 OTA - xda-developers

be warned that supposedly using the 'airplane' switch on that tool might cause problems with your 4g, its somewhere back in this thread where someone gave me that warning, it might have been omj himself, so i dumped it from teh bar but everything else seems to be workign ok including the 4g switch
via propatula vocat
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  #5595 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 07:27 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.4 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 12/30/10*

Originally Posted by av8or View Post
be warned that supposedly using the 'airplane' switch on that tool might cause problems with your 4g, its somewhere back in this thread where someone gave me that warning, it might have been omj himself, so i dumped it from teh bar but everything else seems to be workign ok including the 4g switch
Nope! That wuz me that warned ya LOL ... been using these power control widgets for a while now... but thanks for the heads up though hehe
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  #5596 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 08:08 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.4 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 12/30/10*

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
I think the people freaking out are the ones that have lost 4g & had to exchange w/ sprint to get it back. I believe I read that the new handsets w/ hboot 2.02 and/or 2.10 had slightly different partitions, which was causing the problem. So this whole wimax issue may only affect the new handsets....I dont know the whole story, just bits & pieces.

I think people losing their keys was the main issue....I have backed mine up, and I suggest everyone does the same....

Yeah yeah... that's where I read it! ... Guess I got lucky on this one since I have 0.97 and a 003 handset AND used unrEVOked before I really knew what in the hell I was doing AT ALL in this Android world (still very subjective btw)! LOL

... so these RSA keys differ from the Nand backup of the Wimax or no? This was posted just a couple up from where you said you stickied it

I was viewing the root tutorial over at XDA and came across this:

This will back up your rsa keys and is not required. If you DONT want to do this then you can Proceed to Step 7. Otherwise if your still at the # type the following to back up your keys.

Run this command first

cat /dev/mtd/mtd0 > /sdcard/wimax.img

This saves it in a file that can actually be restored. This next step is another type of backup just for good measure

busybox sed -n '/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/,$p' /dev/mtd/mtd0 > /sdcard/rsa_OEM.key
So looks like you need to run:

cat /dev/mtd/mtd0 > /sdcard/wimax.img

In order to save it in a format that can be restored. I just did this and it worked great. The .img came out to be like 12MB in size.

So then I just ran an Amon Ra Nand including "Wimax" and my wimax.img came out to be exactly 12MB as well (same with CWM btw)... This appears to me that the nand wimax.img is actually the keys in a restorable format but I am just drawing this conclusion from these posts and the fact that my wimax.img is also exactly 12MB

What do you think? Am I on track here?

Edit: Or is this all exactly correct and you are just saying it's a good idea to also make a copy of the "non-flashable" version of the keys just in case it is ever needed and someone figures out a way to make them useful?

Last edited by Vancer; 01-09-2011 at 08:11 PM.
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  #5597 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 08:12 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.4 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 12/30/10*

LOL Vance, we've been doing the same homework tonight
I am on the same page as you...the wimax.img that is saved via recovery contains your keys.
So what I stated earlier was in fact wrong, (felt wrong but I dont post outta my butt if I can help it so I didnt want to speculate) if your keys are lost simply flashing the wimax radio wont fix that.
Been living on the edge all this time, who knew?
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  #5598 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 08:32 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.4 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 12/30/10*

Originally Posted by iknowsquat View Post
LOL Vance, we've been doing the same homework tonight
I am on the same page as you...the wimax.img that is saved via recovery contains your keys.
So what I stated earlier was in fact wrong, (felt wrong but I dont post outta my butt if I can help it so I didnt want to speculate) if your keys are lost simply flashing the wimax radio wont fix that.
Been living on the edge all this time, who knew?
LOL, yup! Just finished creating my rsa_OEM.key right now (even though I haven't read anywhere that anybody knows what the heck to do with them other than have them for "just in case"... in which case hopefully someone would figure out how to make them useful lol) and re-freshed the page to blabb a little more hehe

On another note, since I was too impatient to wait on my learning curve when I made the jump to Android with this phone and just went the "easy" unrEVOked route... I just used ADB shell for my very first time, no more cherry for me! HaHa!

So I guess the "forever" part of that unrEVOked means I can't unroot this thing and then re-root it old school just for fun and learning??
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  #5599 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 08:36 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.4 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 12/30/10*

Originally Posted by Vancer View Post
Nope! That wuz me that warned ya LOL ... been using these power control widgets for a while now... but thanks for the heads up though hehe

ah yeah my bad lol, you, omj, lol both better than me at this stuff, i was finally getting comfortable/used to winmo when i finally switched to the evo last month

i had the new hboot and the old hardware so i couldn't do the 'easy' root, so i'm already semi-familiar with adb since had to use it to root
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  #5600 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 08:44 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.4 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 12/30/10*

Originally Posted by Vancer View Post
LOL, yup! Just finished creating my rsa_OEM.key right now (even though I haven't read anywhere that anybody knows what the heck to do with them other than have them for "just in case"... in which case hopefully someone would figure out how to make them useful lol) and re-freshed the page to blabb a little more hehe

On another note, since I was too impatient to wait on my learning curve when I made the jump to Android with this phone and just went the "easy" unrEVOked route... I just used ADB shell for my very first time, no more cherry for me! HaHa!

So I guess the "forever" part of that unrEVOked means I can't unroot this thing and then re-root it old school just for fun and learning??
Yeah no unrooting for you. Your "S-Off" is permanent. You could in theory flash a stock unrooted ROM but you wouldnt be "unrooting" so there'd be no point from the learning aspect.
I really dont get the latest trend of un-rooting/re-rooting.
I did it (like you said to learn) way back in the beginning but some people seem to think it will "fix" things. With hboots changing and Sprint/HTC throwing up roadblocks to rooting I say it's not worth the risk. (I know those roadblocks will eventually fall but still....)
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