Originally Posted by iknowsquat
amon RA DID always backup Wimax IF you did the ext backup. The "standard" backup did not. I NEVER backed my Wimax and never had issues.
We didnt lose Wimax simply because it didnt break 
Hmm, I only messed with Amon Ra a little but never seen an option in CWM to back up "ext" other than the SD-EXT which I assumed was the partition of the SD when you had apps installed (never needed b/c I never installed any apps on my SD)
Originally Posted by iknowsquat
IF my Wimax got fubared I 'spose having the backup would help but I always assumed (perhaps mistakenly) that I could just reflash the wimax radio to fix it.
I kinda thought the same thing. Let me know of you find out that is not the case. I guess now that both are backing it up I assume they are also rewriting it everytime you do a restore and therefore would be a good idea to have a backup of it now like you said below. I saw something the other day about some ppl freaking out over being able to get their "keys" for 4G which were supposed to be specific to each handset... wonder what this is now too?
Originally Posted by iknowsquat
NOW in the latest version amon allows for selective backup and you can pick and choose what you back up. So now you can just back up your Wimax and tuck it away somewhere for safe keeping 
Originally Posted by iknowsquat
As far as why everyone is going ga-ga over the wimax features, dunno. Maybe it was the fact that the new standard backup included the wimax by default?
sounds like a reasonable assumption to me
Originally Posted by iknowsquat
The advantage to selective backup is you dont HAVE to backup everything each time which makes the files huge and can take awhile to back up and then restore.
Hope that sheds some light.
That sounds pretty cool... guess maybe it's time to give Amon RA another run
Thanks IKS!