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  #8911 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 01:27 PM
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Re: [ 9-16 ][ v3 ][ 6.5.1 / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual HTC Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by Trident View Post
And we have a WINNER!
Once I find an OEM for Sashimi, I'll be good.
A few more tweaks and a little testing to see if everything works and I'll post this on in my PowerROM thread.

Peace y'all.
There is no OEM for sashimi AFAIK. Put the three files I've attached into your carrier folder and the following to your config_operator.txt:
Then you just need a /Internal Storage/Sashimi folder with the proper directories (ie /auto/cab, etc.). It will run on 2nd boot.
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  #8912 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 01:29 PM
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Re: [ 9-16 ][ v3 ][ 6.5.1 / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual HTC Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
It's very possible. You just need to change the files that are modified by my panoramic mod. Please try the attached cab. It should get you back to stock gen.y 2.1 manila, except for the clock. If something gets messed up, let me know/post a screenshot and I'll try to include the right manila file.
For future reference would uninstalling this cab restore the panoramic bg if it was originaly cooked into the ROM?
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  #8913 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 01:36 PM
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Re: [ 9-16 ][ v3 ][ 6.5.1 / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual HTC Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by powe6563 View Post
There's a link to the how to for panoramic bg's 1 or 2 pages back. You dont have to build a new rom you can just install different pan bg's via .cab. I think there's a panoramin bg removal cab there too if you want to go back to the old bg4all style.
Thanks, that helped alot
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  #8914 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 01:36 PM
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Re: [ 9-16 ][ v3 ][ 6.5.1 / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual HTC Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by powe6563 View Post
For future reference would uninstalling this cab restore the panoramic bg if it was originaly cooked into the ROM?
It should assuming it uninstalls correctly. If not manually deleting the manila files that get overwritten with total commander would restore the ROM files.
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  #8915 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 01:44 PM
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Re: [ 9-16 ][ v3 ][ 6.5.1 / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual HTC Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by Trident View Post
Thanks. [Thanked]
One quick bit of FYI for everyone: Make sure when creating a ROM that you make ALL of the correct selections for the ROM you are creating. Know which ROM/SYS builds go with which EXT types.
I'm learning the hard way.
I've been hesistant at cooking a rom cause I don't konw this kind of thing. How does one learn another way
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  #8916 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 02:18 PM
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Re: [ 9-16 ][ v3 ][ 6.5.1 / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual HTC Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
There is no OEM for sashimi AFAIK. Put the three files I've attached into your carrier folder and the following to your config_operator.txt:
Then you just need a /Internal Storage/Sashimi folder with the proper directories (ie /auto/cab, etc.). It will run on 2nd boot.
Cool. Thank you again.
I had found the three files and already put them in the carrier folder, but didn't have the other line. Where in the file config_operator.txt should I put it- before or after:
Get rid of
CFG: \Windows\SDAutoRun.txt
if I'm not using UC? [Tried after. That didn't work... I installed Sashimi via cab, then when everything installed, it soft reset, then ran again. Arrrg.]
I've already got all the other Sashimi folders created in internal storage.

Anyone have an idea what might cause the new contacts app to break? It was working on the first ROM I tried, but now when I try to create a new contact from scratch, it's not working. It just cycles back to the empty contacts list when I tap New.
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Last edited by Trident; 09-17-2009 at 02:58 PM.
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  #8917 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 02:52 PM
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Re: [ 9-16 ][ v3 ][ 6.5.1 / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual HTC Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by The00Stranger View Post
I've been hesistant at cooking a rom cause I don't konw this kind of thing. How does one learn another way
Its not that hard but I understand being hesitant to jump into this. Here is a quick guide for ya'll that want some guidance:
  1. first things first, dl the kitchen, extract to your desktop. kitchen folders should look like pic 1.
  2. Select Calkulin's Visual HTC Kitchen.exe. see pic 2, once prompted, select one and hit enter.
  3. once kitchen is open, go to drop down menu on top Device(Diamond). see pic3
  4. Select drop down menu and pick Diamond or Tpro if you have a tpro. see pic 4.
  5. now all of the fields on top with populate. see pic 5.
  6. select EXT of your choice. 6.1 for a 21055 rom, 6.5 for 218xx, 6.5.1 for the latest sys releases 23036 and 234xx. see pic 6.
  7. Pick XIP of your choice, same as before, see pic 7
  8. Pick SYS of your choice, same as before, see pic 8
  9. Now your kitchen is set up and you can start making selections in the kitchen below. I would not alter the first 3 fields (XIP,OEM,SYS) since they are preset.
  10. once you get to Diamond-Device Packages, you can start making selections by selecting things you want in your rom(TRUE), or things you want to remove(False). Double click on selections you want to make.
  11. you need to have some knowledge but many things are already selected for you. it's best in the beginning to keep it unaltered and once you get the hang of it, you will learn what works and doesn't. For example in the keyboard selections, you should only pick one of the primary keyboards (if there is a sip extras oem than you can select it though but not multiple sips) and manilla selections need to be consistent. HD manilla cant be paired up with rhodium panoramic for example. like I said it takes a little time to get up to speed.
  12. hit Create(upper left of kitchen) when you have completed making selections. kitchen will fire up and begin building the rom. at the end it will prompt you to begin flashing. you can do so or cancel out and flash it later. the rom will be housed in the Release Diamond folder in the kitchen folders. see pic 1 again.
**this is really basic overview. There are many other things you can do like add oems to the kitchen but I'm not getting into that right now. Let's walk before we run! Key is to not get overwhelmed and try it out. If you have troubles, people will help. Bootloader is always there to bail you out if you make a mistake. I will attach pics the remaining in the next post. good luck.

Last edited by Riley; 10-11-2009 at 06:34 PM.
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  #8918 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 02:54 PM
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Re: [ 9-16 ][ v3 ][ 6.5.1 / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual HTC Kitchen & ROMs

I will attach pics the remaining in the next post. good luck.
remaining pics. Hope this helps.
Attached Images
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File Type: jpg pick XIP.jpg (133.3 KB, 25 views) Click for barcode!
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Last edited by Riley; 09-18-2009 at 09:52 AM.
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  #8919 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 02:57 PM
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Re: [ 9-16 ][ v3 ][ 6.5.1 / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual HTC Kitchen & ROMs

Originally Posted by Trident View Post
Cool. Thank you again.
I had found the three files and already put them in the carrier folder, but didn't have the other line. Where in the file config_operator.txt should I put it- before or after:
Get rid of
CFG: \Windows\SDAutoRun.txt
if I'm not using UC? [Tried after. That didn't work...]
I've already got all the other Sashimi folders created in internal storage.

Anyone have an idea what might cause the new contacts app to break? It was working on the first ROM I tried, but now when I try to create a new contact from scratch, it's not working. It just cycles back to the empty contacts list when I tap New.
This is what my config_operator.txt looks like:
TSK: \Windows\Flamerise.tsk
CAB: \Windows\Tweaks.cab
CAB: \Windows\OMC 0.9.917.cab
XML: \WINDOWS\Start_Menu.xml
RST: Reset
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  #8920 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 03:02 PM
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Re: [ 9-16 ][ v3 ][ 6.5.1 / 6.5 / 6.1 ] Calkulin's Visual HTC Kitchen & ROMs

Can anyone explain to me how to change the highlight colors like in the bottom taskbar and such from blue? I built a 6.5.1 with the newest sys

Just hit the THANKS for me being........well, me...

Calkulin's Visual WVGA Kitchen v1.6 R3 Mirror
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