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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2009, 07:17 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Dude, I have had 3 TP's in 30 days!! First one died after charging it off, turn it on, turn everything off, no running programs, it would go from 100% to 50% in about 30 minutes. I called them while on vacation in Myrtle Beach, where I used to live. They gave me all sorts of excuses, then finally they said take it to the nearest store for replacement, swapped it for a new one. Well on Easter Sunday at church, I took off the clear sticker on the side and behold, a chrome defect, cracked!! After church, when I got home, I emailed Sprint about the issue and they said I would have to file a warranty claim. I had only had the phone for a week!! I told them they will replace it or I will report them to the BBB. The guy complyed and said on Monday take it to the store. I did, not only did they inspect the new phone with me watching, they gave me everything in the box and my other battery!! So now I don't have to cary my charger!
They also gave me 25% off my bill!!
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2009, 08:30 AM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Originally Posted by zepsamsung View Post
Dude, I have had 3 TP's in 30 days!! First one died after charging it off, turn it on, turn everything off, no running programs, it would go from 100% to 50% in about 30 minutes. I called them while on vacation in Myrtle Beach, where I used to live. They gave me all sorts of excuses, then finally they said take it to the nearest store for replacement, swapped it for a new one. Well on Easter Sunday at church, I took off the clear sticker on the side and behold, a chrome defect, cracked!! After church, when I got home, I emailed Sprint about the issue and they said I would have to file a warranty claim. I had only had the phone for a week!! I told them they will replace it or I will report them to the BBB. The guy complyed and said on Monday take it to the store. I did, not only did they inspect the new phone with me watching, they gave me everything in the box and my other battery!! So now I don't have to cary my charger!
They also gave me 25% off my bill!!

dude with a story like that you freaking deserve everything you got in return ...hell i think he should have gave you his pay check as well, that's crazy, so what do you think was up with the first TP you had ? that is a strange one....
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Last edited by chaos2137; 04-16-2009 at 09:49 AM.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2009, 02:28 PM
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Angry Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

every time i call Sprint its a freaking horror story. in fact, its more of a full length movie because whenever i have any sort of problem, it usually takes over an hour to reach any kind of "resolution"

my current issues are Sprint cant locate a replacement phone i sent back so they tacked on $200 to my bill which suspended my service and them not giving me a replacement Touch Pro for my defective ribbon cable because i dont have their bull crap insurance.

the $200 issue has been ongoing for about a week and im STILL waiting for some sort of update from Sprint since everytime i call about it, they tell me a manager is "working on it".

i am close to filing a damn BBB complaint against them for their negligence.

yes, i am irate just thinking of this ordeal
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2009, 02:51 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

I wish people would not use non oem roms and then try to have a phone replaced after they ruin it! True, it is cool and fun to use other roms, but it voids your insurance and warranty. Also drives the ins and warranty cost up for use who do not ruin our own phone. God bless you all
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2009, 02:57 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Maybe if the phones were made better and had more efficient software nobody would need to run a custom rom. Just a thought.

In any event hardware defects are hardware defects regardless of what software you're running. A rom isn't going to make a hard keyboard non-responsive, or crack chrome, or break an LCD.
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2009, 03:07 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Originally Posted by zepsamsung View Post
I wish people would not use non oem roms and then try to have a phone replaced after they ruin it! True, it is cool and fun to use other roms, but it voids your insurance and warranty. Also drives the ins and warranty cost up for use who do not ruin our own phone. God bless you all
would you care to explain how a non oem rom would damage the phone? should i post that the Copper rom hosed my ribbon cable and caused my chrome to flake? lol
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2009, 04:54 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Originally Posted by entwined82 View Post
Maybe if the phones were made better and had more efficient software nobody would need to run a custom rom. Just a thought.

In any event hardware defects are hardware defects regardless of what software you're running. A rom isn't going to make a hard keyboard non-responsive, or crack chrome, or break an LCD.
Thank you for pointing that out, i started the thread with my story out and that is what i kept getting blamed for. yes i flashed my phone but i knew what i was doing, and i am on my third TP, because the keyboard went out on everyone of them, and the last one i didnt even flash just to check out if there was some truth to the statement. Flashing had nothing to do with it, it was just poor assembly , i opened up the TP and found that the cable was in fact almost disconnected. thanks for the input, you have been thanked.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2009, 05:01 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Originally Posted by blazin-asian View Post
every time i call Sprint its a freaking horror story. in fact, its more of a full length movie because whenever i have any sort of problem, it usually takes over an hour to reach any kind of "resolution"

my current issues are Sprint cant locate a replacement phone i sent back so they tacked on $200 to my bill which suspended my service and them not giving me a replacement Touch Pro for my defective ribbon cable because i dont have their bull crap insurance.

the $200 issue has been ongoing for about a week and im STILL waiting for some sort of update from Sprint since everytime i call about it, they tell me a manager is "working on it".

i am close to filing a damn BBB complaint against them for their negligence.

yes, i am irate just thinking of this ordeal

That is exactly why i started the thread because of stories like this, i know everyone does not have a problem with thier customer service guys but a few of us do have those rare moments of WTF!!! look around the thread and see if you can find some useful tips on getting what you want out of the reps.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2009, 06:42 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Call Sprint tech support and ask them how many times a day they here from folks who have used custom roms and messed up there phones!! I f you want, I can give you the number to the Ky call center direct to the manager, Kyle.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2009, 06:53 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

No one is saying that you can't mess up the phone by adding a custom ROM. There is always that risk.

What this thread is more about is the known issue with the ribbon cable connecting the hard keyboard to the phone coming disconnected, the chrome flaking/chipping/cracking on the Sprint TP, LCD cracks, that kind of thing. Those are all HARDWARE issues, and accordingly, cannot be caused by SOFTWARE.

While your point is valid in that software related issues could be caused by custom ROMs, it is inapplicable in that it has little to do with the topic of this thread, which is storied of horrific encounters with customer service.

For my part, I have yet to have to call about my Touch Pro. However, my old phone, the Samsung SCH-i760, gave me all kinds of issues. One of the worst was when it started exhibiting the known deep sleep issue (not waking from sleep mode without a soft reset), and I called in to have it replaced after doing a variety of hard resets, re-flashing with the MR3 update (there were no custom ROMs for the i760), etc, and the CSR told me to take it to a store so they could use their "special diagnostic equipment." No joke. She said that. So I asked her what they would do, and she repeated that statement. So I asked for her supervisor, and she told me there were no supervisors there, and they wouldn't be in until 8 am (it was shortly after 6 am). Now, I work in a call center, and I know better than that, so I asked her "You mean to tell me you have front line agents sitting unsupervised? That there are no Operations Supervisors, Trainers, Callcenter Managers, nothing?" and she said "That's right." Needless to say, I hung up on that piece of work and called back, and they shipped me out a replacement after me being on the phone for about 2 minutes.

The time after that, I got my phone upgraded to the Touch Pro, and that was a hassle...but I'll go into that later.
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