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  #311 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 02:44 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

I had just been to a sprint store ealier this week and they didn't have any moguls but said I could either go to another store or wait for them to order mogul. I went to the other store and they replaced the mogul but yesterday I noticed that the wifi wasn't working so I gave up going to the Sprint stores and just called Sprint customer support and after being on the line for 30 minutes I got the touch pro. At first the guy said that they would have to replace the phone with the same model (I hadn't asked for anything) but towards the end of the call he noticed that it was sending me a touch pro, much to my satisfaction.
So don't go to a sprint store or they might try to order you a mogul, just call and have it shipped to you.
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  #312 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 03:41 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

Today I recieved my replacement phone from Asurion, and to my amazement I opened the box and behold, a refurbed Mogul. Yeah, imagine my surpize as well. I wouldnt really care except for the fact that I bought a case for the TP on ebay, since thats what I was told I was getting. So I called Asurion to find out what happened, and they basically told me too bad. But they're supervisor was more understanding. So, fingers crossed, I should be getting the TP on Friday. So now I'm gonna use their mogul and learn how to flash.
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  #313 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 03:49 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

Originally Posted by jcvu View Post
Question for before who returning the old phone, do you need to include all the accessories that came with it, including the battery?

I remembered it said something like returning just the phone with no battery when placing the replacement form on the web, but i am not so sure.

Thank you
all that they are looking to get back is the phone not the battery or the back housing.

i run a service center here in NC and whenever someone gives us a phone with the battery or back housing we end up keeping it to give to other customers who need it.

and no keep all of your accessories that you have with the mogul.
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  #314 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 03:51 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

well gentleman and ladies these are my last days chilling in the mogul forum as I have a new TOUCH PRO in the mail hahahaha bye bye low ram need to close applications freezing and mandatory 3 daily soft resets needless to say im anxious
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  #315 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 03:52 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

Originally Posted by hansdg1 View Post
I had just been to a sprint store ealier this week and they didn't have any moguls but said I could either go to another store or wait for them to order mogul. I went to the other store and they replaced the mogul but yesterday I noticed that the wifi wasn't working so I gave up going to the Sprint stores and just called Sprint customer support and after being on the line for 30 minutes I got the touch pro. At first the guy said that they would have to replace the phone with the same model (I hadn't asked for anything) but towards the end of the call he noticed that it was sending me a touch pro, much to my satisfaction.
So don't go to a sprint store or they might try to order you a mogul, just call and have it shipped to you.
this may be because you went to a sprint corporate store. if you were to go to a sprint indirect dealer they would order a phone for you.
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  #316 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 03:53 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

Originally Posted by soinkster View Post
well gentleman and ladies these are my last days chilling in the mogul forum as I have a new TOUCH PRO in the mail hahahaha bye bye low ram need to close applications freezing and mandatory 3 daily soft resets needless to say im anxious
rock on man ill b joining you there as well. im glad i could help yall...
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  #317 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 04:23 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

Ok, I wanted to chime in on this. I have been following this thread since it was first posted. My 6800 had all kinds of problems but I lived with it until it got to the point of being stupid. I had in the last 4 months been in contact with Sprint no less that 15 times all due to problems with my phone. Problems where the norm it seems lock ups, keyboard problems, large white spots on screen, and bad usb port. I have TEP but sprint was reluctent to do anything as far as upgrade which I understand. Its not meant to be a free upgrade service.

So I figured if I would wait long anough that the 6800 would be EOL'ed and go through asurion. Well, I didnt even have to do that. So I followed the links and placed my order on friday and recieved my Touch Pro on monday. Thanks orionsbuckle

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  #318 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 06:13 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

Alright guys

here is my situation

my 2 years is up feb 1st; When i started with sprint I had a Treo 700wx.. which I did not buy insurance on.

in September 2008 a friend sold me his Htc mogul + extended battery for only $25 (he got the phone for from work, and then they switch phone companies; his father owned the company and let him keep his mogul)

it did not come with the original battery, just the extended one, and the larger backplate.

so heres my problem, when I did the ESN swap back in sept. they did not offer me to buy insurance for the phone, I didnt even know I could get insurance for my mogul.

The phone is perfectly fine, however I almost dropped it a few times, and would like insurance for it (even with out trying for the TP; however that would be nice)

I called sprint the first time, an indian lady said she couldn't add insurance because its been past 30 days since activating it. however she said I could swap back to my old Treo, and then swap back and reactivate my mogul, and she could sell it to me then.

i was concerned the insurance would be a waste, so i asked her to transfer me to the insurance company to ask them if they would accept a phone with an extended battery.

he said yes, but that I couldn't get insurance being that it's been months since I activated it.

but said I could have bought insurance for used mogul when back in sept I activated it on my account. (so i waited too long)

(wasn't getting anywhere)

so I called sprint back, this time a lady from the states, and seemed to be in a pissy mood.

She said I couldnt buy insurance for a used phone what so ever, even when i activated it

I told her that a sprint employee, and a man from the insurance company both told me I could buy insurance for the used mogul at the time (+30 days) of activating it.

she said they must be new, or crazy.

I then asked her if I bought insurance for my treo back in 2007, would it transfer over to the mogul when i activated that, and she said yes.

she said I could buy a new phone, buy insurance for that, and then swap back to the mogul and it would have insurance.

(basically trying to get a sale)

So now I am very confused, is there any way I could get insurance on this mogul, and then what? do I have to wait 30 days before making a claim, and then could I receive a TP

need some help, thank you
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  #319 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 06:24 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

Jus to confirm got my touch pro yesterday ordered it monday!!! funny thing was they left the box on my door step behind two shovels...some pretty smart delivery guys!!
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  #320 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 06:33 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

So a white spot on the screen would likely qualify this is the second time I have had issues with a Mogul they replaced my last one with a refurb and I am having USB issues with it again and a white spot on the screen
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