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  #3011 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2010, 06:41 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by friedmjb View Post
The RAR version worked fine after I installed the Launcher utility.

Also installed the new 3D drivers. Averaging 20 FPS
What were you getting before?
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  #3012 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2010, 08:04 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

since the new build i keep having the phone reboot itself after it has been asleep for a while. it will boot back to windows, not even just reload xdandroid.

any ideas? didn't have any problems prior to the 11/22 kernel / 11/15 update??
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  #3013 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2010, 04:06 AM
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That new 3d driver is a revelation! I want to say I'm seeing at least a 50% increase in performance! Also not having any of the sound issues others reported. I put my stamp of approval.

Performance now feels akin to doubling the current OC speed or something. And Angry Birds works better than ever lol.

Sent from my MSM using Tapatalk
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  #3014 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2010, 09:55 AM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by InvincibleLiving View Post
What were you getting before?
The last time I tested frame rate was about 1 month ago, and I was getting 15-16 FPS. By the way, I was only overclocked to 700. And Angry Birds is still too laggy for me.
  #3015 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2010, 11:27 AM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by InvincibleLiving View Post
That new 3d driver is a revelation! I want to say I'm seeing at least a 50% increase in performance! Also not having any of the sound issues others reported. I put my stamp of approval.

Performance now feels akin to doubling the current OC speed or something. And Angry Birds works better than ever lol.

Sent from my MSM using Tapatalk
How did you get it working? I was trying to follow the comments in the other thread but don't know how to mount the sd card and wasn't clearly following what he was saying. Aany recommendations?
  #3016 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2010, 01:10 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

I installed the november 25th standard version on my TP2 using my usual SD and everything works fine... except I can't make phone calls and connect to my WEP protected network. Now I read that the WEP problem has been reported, but I didn't see a clear solution to it. As for the phone network problem (I can't choose it in the settings), is it related to the Flight mode bug (always on) or is it something I missed??
  #3017 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2010, 01:22 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
How did you get it working? I was trying to follow the comments in the other thread but don't know how to mount the sd card and wasn't clearly following what he was saying. Aany recommendations?
1-edit your froyo.conf. go to bottom page. and add this command
mount --bind /sdcard/libGLES_qcom.so /system/lib/egl/libGLES_qcom.so

2-get the 3d driver see post #1(the first that i post) open the zip file. take the file (libGLES_qcom.so) from the zip file and put it in your ROOT.SD CARD. RUN HARET. good look. thanks
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  #3018 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2010, 01:30 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by Vincent_B View Post
I installed the november 25th standard version on my TP2 using my usual SD and everything works fine... except I can't make phone calls and connect to my WEP protected network. Now I read that the WEP problem has been reported, but I didn't see a clear solution to it. As for the phone network problem (I can't choose it in the settings), is it related to the Flight mode bug (always on) or is it something I missed??
WEP is extremely insecure, you shouldn't use under any circumstances. There isn't any way around it, use WPA/WPA2.

For phone calls... did you check the force_cdma setting in your startup.txt? That's in the FAQ and has been discussed so many times.
  #3019 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2010, 03:26 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by tiad8 View Post
1-edit your froyo.conf. go to bottom page. and add this command
mount --bind /sdcard/libGLES_qcom.so /system/lib/egl/libGLES_qcom.so

2-get the 3d driver see post #1(the first that i post) open the zip file. take the file (libGLES_qcom.so) from the zip file and put it in your ROOT.SD CARD. RUN HARET. good look. thanks
Sorry to sound like such a noob, but how do I get to froyo.conf? I'm running xdandroid also, if that matters.
  #3020 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2010, 04:06 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
Sorry to sound like such a noob, but how do I get to froyo.conf? I'm running xdandroid also, if that matters.

go where you have your build. \SD Card\andboot\conf. in there you will find the froyo.conf
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